2 - popcorn movie dates

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song for chapter:
motion - khalid
| i'm in love, with the moment |
(highly recommend + put on repeat)


1 month after moving in together
san diego, california.
thursday, 6:20pm.
jaylee's pov

ethans hand lightly moved up and down my arm, letting his finger tips trace along my skin, causing goosebumps to erupt across my body.

the living room was dark. all of the lights were out as the tv was paused at the beginning of the movie; waiting to start. everyone in the room was quiet, scrolling through their phones as we waited for osman.

one off graysons legs was spread across one of the couches, his other leg touching the floor as his neck was leaned up against the back of the couch.

froy was sitting on a bean bag on the floor with his back pushed up against the couch that grayson was sitting on.

ella was comfortably slouched back into another one of the bean bags. her arms were raised, hovering her phone over her face.

ethan and I were sitting on the other couch. my legs were laid out across it as my back was propped up on the arm of the couch. ethans body fully laid out, tangling his legs with mine as his head rested on my stomach.

one of my hands smoothly ran through his soft, yet fluffy hair as he continued to rub my other arm with his fingers.

a smile had made its way onto my face, not showing my teeth. I watched his eyes focus on my arm as he ran his fingers across my skin so delicately. he's so precious.

the sound of a phone turning off, and a large exhale caused me to break from my thoughts. "osman, hurry up with the fucking popcorn." grayson yelled loudly as he looked towards the kitchen, not moving from his position. "we're waiting on you."

a small smile crossed my lips as I turned my head in the direction of the kitchen to see osmans reaction, knowing it was coming.

osman peaked his head out of the door frame, having both of his eyebrows raised high. "i'll take my time considering all of you made me make five separate bowls by myself."

graysons eyebrows narrowed as he looked at osman. "i'd be doing it way faster than you." he spoke in a laughing tone, instigating him.

"for real, we've been waiting on you for ten minutes." froy put down his phone as he let out a couple of laughs, joining into the conversation.

osmans eyes squinted at them in an annoyed manner before disappearing back into the kitchen to continue making the rest of the popcorn.

ethan turned on his side a bit, his head looking up to the ceiling. "hey osman, do mind making me one too?" he shouted, sarcasm laced in his voice as a devious smile crossed his lips. silence grew throughout the room as we waited to hear his response.

"fuck off." osmans voice was faded from being inside the kitchen, but you could tell that he was yelling.

his response caused all of us to let out loud laughs, knowing that we were just messing around with him.

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