3 - invitation from froy

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song for chapter:
waiting too long - hippie sabotage
| I just need to find my home |
(highly recommend + put on repeat)

jaylee's pov
friday 3:50pm

my body felt hot from the sun beating directly onto my skin. osman was in the chair next to me, both of his hands behind his head as he closed his eyes. light music played next to me, relaxing me.

it's been a few days since I saw my old friends at the festival. don't get me wrong, i've been thinking about them. but I can't think about them without my mind immediately switching to ethan.

seeing him in person uncaged all of the emotions i've been keeping inside for far too long.

the worst part was the pain. not mine, but his.

the pain in his eyes. his voice. everything was just filled with pain. that's the image that's been playing in my head on repeat. and it's been making me uneasy ever since.

I haven't been able to focus on things without my mind traveling back to him.

my phone vibrated underneath the towel I was laying on, causing my eyes to open and immediately be blinded by the sunlight.

my eyes squinted to prevent the light from getting into them. I slightly leaned upwards as I grabbed my phone from under the towel.

on my lock screen was a text from froy.

hey jaylee

a small smile grew across my lips from the fact that he actually took the time to text me. honestly, I wasn't going to be surprised if they ended up not even bothering to text me or osman.


some frat house is throwing
a party tonight! i know you
live like 10 minutes from
campus but you and osman
should come! we can all catch up.

instantly a warmth started to flood through my veins, happy that there's even the slightest chance that I would get to be close with them again.

but the thing holding me back is that it would never be the same.

I want to catch up, but I
don't know about that

"who are you texting?" osman questioned, causing me to look over at him. his hand was on his forehead to cover the sun from hitting his eyes, a smile spread across his lips.

I looked back down to my phone, "froy invited us to a frat party on campus." I told him with a laugh mixed into my voice, then handed my phone out towards him so that he could read it.

"oh shit." he mumbled as he leaned towards the phone so it would be easier for him to read.

I laughed a bit as I pulled my phone back, looking at the screen. "I know. I don't know if it's a good idea to catch up with them at a party where everyone's drunk, you know?"

"what? no." osmans voice sounded stern, causing me to look at him. both of his eyebrows were furrowed at me as he sat up to lean back onto his elbows. "it's a frat party, we have to go. we haven't even been to one yet."

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