40 - boats and hoes

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song for chapter:
paradise - coldplay
| I dream of paradise |
(highly recommend + put on repeat)

jaylee's pov
saturday, 11:20am.

going out on a boat today is well needed by all of us. ethan offered to rent one of the boats at the marina for the day today and he invited all of us to come out on the water.

I haven't seen ethan, grayson or froy since my birthday party. it's a break we all needed from each other to recollect ourselves and figure out where our priorities lay.

raven and I have gone out for coffee and workout classes a few times, but that's really it.

I really don't know what today's going to hold whether it's awkward or not, but I know that all of us are close enough to where there most likely won't be hard tension. or so i'm hoping.

after osman parked the car, we both grabbed our backpacks from the backseats and hopped out of the car.

swinging my backpack over my shoulders, I looked up after hearing a few other car doors shut across the parking lot.

ethan, grayson, raven, and froy all got out of the car and began to grab their things they needed for the boat.

they all began to walk towards the marina, except for ethan still zipping his backpack and putting it over his shoulder.

"yo, wait up." osman called out, jogging over to catch up with the rest of the group.

osmans voice caused ethan to quickly shoot his head up in our direction. his eyes shifted from osman, then to me.

there was a short pause as we looked at each other. taking in the sight of one another due to the fact that we haven't hung out in nearly two months.

the corners of his mouth curved upwards as he looked at me, causing mine to do the same.

as I approached him — he was about to greet me, but before he could say anything, my arms wrapped around his shoulders and hugged him tightly.

not expecting it, he stumbled backwards a little bit. he was quick to hug me back, holding tightly onto my waist.

I could feel him exhale a deep breath of relief as he buried his face into my neck — he needed this.

I closed my eyes, wanting to only take in the feeling of him holding me. I needed this.


soaking wet, froy pulled himself up from the water and got onto the boat. "be ready, he doesn't take it easy on you." he warned me, panting from being out of breath.

I widened my eyes and turned around to osman who was driving the boat. "you better not kill me on that tube." I told him, nervous that I would hurt if I got thrown off.

osman shrugged his shoulders as a wide smirk covered his face. "no promises."

froy took off his life jacket and handed it to ethan to wear. then, morgan got out of the water the same way froy did — completely out of breath.

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