33 - paparazzi

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song for chapter:
hard 2 face reality - justin bieber
| sometimes it's hard to face reality |
(highly recommend + put on repeat)

ethan's pov
thursday, 3:15pm.

I ran one of my hands through my hair while pushing open the glass door with the side of my arm so I wouldn't get sweat on it. I could feel the pressure in my face from how hard I just went during my boxing session.

when jaylee and I broke up over a year ago, I started to box everyday. it's been my way of keeping my head straight and focusing. it helped get my anger out, but it also helped my emotions come out so I wouldn't hide them and pretend like they weren't there.

when jaylee and osman both came back into our lives a couple months ago, I stopped doing these sessions. that's exactly why things ended up how they did a week ago.

I feel refreshed today. especially after that session. my head feels more clear than it has in weeks. and it made me realize how badly I need to get my head out of my ass.

I unscrewed the cap of my water bottle, taking a drink as I walked to where my car was parked. lifting my arm, I wiped the sweat that was dripping down my forehead.

"hey, ethan. can I stop you for a second?" a masculine voice caught my attention, causing my head to turn in the direction of where it came from.

it was a middle aged guy, tall, dark hair with a hat and he was holding up a camera that was aimed at me.

stopping myself from walking in the direction of my car, I turned to face him while standing in my place. "what's up, man." I greeted him nicely, putting my hands onto my hips.

"i'm sure you've heard all the words being said about you and jaylee, right?" he questioned me an obvious question, but I knew he just wanted answers from me to entertain viewers and fans.

I exhaled a deep breath while looking away from him, "yeah." I admit, not knowing exactly what else to say.

"I hate to do this to you, but have to ask to end rumors... are you and jaylee are dating?" he asked, looking into his camera to make sure that it was focused on me.

automatically, I let out an awkward laugh as I rubbed some of the sweat off of my face while looking down. "nah. we aren't." I admit, feeling my heart start to pick up pace from being out on the spot.

not even giving me time to recover from the question, he asked another one. "were you at the masquerade ball with her?" he questioned.

"yeah. we all went together." I explained to him, trying to make the conversation slowly fade away from the topic of jaylee and I. "me, osman, froy and everyone." I told him as my voice got quieter the more I talked.

"so you and jaylee talked and stuff? was it more in a romantic way or friendship type of way?" he questioned me. it was obvious he was meant for this job because of how quick he comes up with questions.

I laughed again, but more from annoyance rather than awkwardness. "we're friends, dude. nothing more." I told him in a stern tone, hoping he'd get the hint to stop asking about her.

the guys eyebrows narrowed as he looked up to me, still filming. "if you guys are friends, then what was her post about on instagram? didn't she say you guys weren't communicating?" he asked in detail, catching me a bit off guard.

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