44 - the story of my life

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ethan's pov

and now we all are here,

sitting in a living room,

seven people squished together on a five seat couch,

but none of us would have it any other way.

our bond with each other is something I wouldn't exchange for anything.

there's that saying of being to hell and back but we have seriously been to hell and back.

grayson and raven are currently living in an town home just down the road. it fits their personalities perfectly. it's only about a five minute drive.

froy is living in an apartment near the local park which is an easy walk.

and osman, he's living in the house across the street from jaylee and myself.

I couldn't find myself to let him move into a house any further than that.

he even got himself a new puppy. his name is breck. os brings him over all the time because somehow, the dogs more attached to jaylee than his own owner.

finally after five years of being a group, things are finally at peace.

sure, there are going to be problems that will come up, but nothing that isn't workable. we will work everything out. no matter what type of obstacles we have to face.

when I lost my mom, I couldn't find myself to enjoy everything. I couldn't be happy, no matter how hard I tried. it was like this permanent darkness was hovering over me and took control of my life.

I had osman, froy and of course grayson. but, nothing was the same. their company wasn't helping me cope with my emotions.

there was a point in time that I thought I was sociopathic. I couldn't feel anything, mentally, emotionally or physically. it was like pain was a joke.

osman was the only person in my life who was actually there for me all the time. obviously grayson was, but he had froy and a few other friends to worry about too.

osman put all of his time into me being by my side no matter who I hurt, what words came out of my mouth, and what mistakes I made.

he didn't leave me.

there is one specific night in my life that finally brought me back to the ground and realize I could feel emotions again. It has left a permanent mark on me to this day, and I wont ever forget it.

and it was with him.

osman brought me back to reality after being so far gone.

that is something I will always keep between him and I, just like I promised.

but I freaked out. I saw light, I saw answers, I saw a way out of the darkness and it scared me so I shut everything out again.

I was a sick, conceited, coldhearted asshole to osman after that.

but then I met raven.

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