39 - pool talks

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song for chapter:
before you go - lewis capaldi
| was there something I could have said to make your heart beat better |
(highly recommend + put on repeat)

(go back and read jaylees birthday party chapter to be caught back up to present day)

ethans pov
1 month, 15 days after jaylees birthday party.

raven walked up the steps, getting out of the pool and dried herself off with a towel. "i'm going to make some piña colada's, do y'all want one?" she questioned froy and I.

froy turned his head to look at her, thought about it for a minute, then shook his head. "nah, I'm good. no thanks." he told her, then turned back in my direction.

"no thanks." I spoke, agreeing with froy.

not saying anything else, raven grabbed her phone and walked inside, shutting the glass door behind her.

swimming in silence with nothing but music playing for a few minutes, froy and I both had our arms hanging onto some floaty noodles to keep us above the water.

"osmans mom's wedding should be fun." he randomly spoke up, shifting his eyes to look at me.

"did you just say a seven hour wedding was going to be fun?" I questioned him, raising my eyebrow high as a small laugh escaped my mouth.

"I know it's long, but it's a free time to have booze and some good ass cake." he explained, letting out a laugh.

"I'm happy for his mom finally cleaning herself up and getting remarried, but something tells me he isn't too happy about it." I admit, chewing on the inside of my lip.

"he's trying to be at least. it's hard seeing someone you grew up with marry a man who isn't your dad." froy explained while playing with one of the noodles.

"he's always had that attachment to his dad. I don't know why — his dads a prick. he was horrible to his mom." I explained with my eyebrows narrowed.

"it's a tough situation." froy agreed, shrugging his shoulders.

"yeah I just feel bad for the kid." I admit, swishing the pool water around in circles lightly with my hands.

there was a long pause between us as we both began to think about different things. then, out of no where, he questioned me.

"how've you been doing?" he questioned in a stern serious tone, turning his attention on to me.

it's been a month and a half now since jaylees birthday party when I completely lost my sanity. I beat my own brother up for gods sake. I ruined her birthday party because I was being selfish.

I exhaled a deep breath while looking into the water. "I think for the first time in a while my head is actually clear." I told him, looking back up to him.

shocked, he raised his eyebrows. "that's good to hear."

"It's not a secret that I haven't been mentally stable in a long time and it was toxic for the people I care about to be around me. but, I've been thinking a lot the past month. about everything." I admit in a serious tone of voice.

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