21 - shopping for the ball

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song for chapter:
1950 - king princess
| I will keep on waiting for your love |
(highly recommend + put on repeat)

jaylee's pov
thursday, 12:30pm

ignore spelling errors, I will fix them later!

I quickly moved the hangers along the racks due to me not having the patience of shopping for a ball dress when the ball is only days away.

I could have ordered a dress weeks ago if osman would have told me about it sooner. but, I can't even blame him because we both procrastinate way too much.

"you know," raven began talking, causing me to look up at her handing across from me in a different aisle. "I was surprised with how you handled the fame last night." she told me, keeping her eyes on the dresses as she went through them.

I shrugged my shoulders, looking back down to the rack of dresses in front of me. I honestly don't like talking about the 'fame'. sure, it's great, but I don't like to consider myself famous.

"you're confident with going out in public and not caring what people will be taking pictures of what you're doing and stuff." she went on, using a tone of voice that sounded truly impressed.

"it's not like i'm some big celebrity. I'm still me." I popped out my bottom lip as I shrugged my shoulders again. "if people notice me and want to document what I do in my free time, that's their problem." I told her my honest opinion, starting to walk slowly down the aisle.

her eyes finally shifted up to look at me. "so, you aren't worried about any speculation that people saw you and ethan together again?" she questioned as one of her eyebrows raised while the corner of her mouth pulled upwards, smirking.

"not really. I'm not going to speak on it publicly. especially right now considering I don't even know what we are." my eyes widened as I exhaled a deep breath of air, feeling myself stress just from thinking about it.

"I can tell he's happy," her tone was light, causing me to look up to her. she had stopped what she was doing and her eyes were gazing at me with a soft smile on her lips. "because of you."

when she spoke, her words sunk into my skin and hit my heart. I could feel my whole body warm up. an automatic smile crossed my lips as my cheeks flustered.

not saying anything, I looked down, continuing to go through the dresses.

I could feel her eyes still on me and I noticed her smile grow from my reaction out of the corner of my eye.

she tried to hide it though as she nonchalantly copied me and continued to go through the racks. "the difference in his attitude from before versus after he started hanging out with you again is so noticeable." she explained to me.

the stupid smile on my face grew even wider. I was blushing harder than I have in a long time. I stayed silent though, not saying anything in return to what she was telling me.

it's not that I didn't have anything to say, I just don't want to overly excite myself and end up getting disappointed.

completely changing the subject, I exhaled a large breath as I looked upwards at her. "I think we have a problem." I admit to her, crossing my arms over each other.

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