4 - atlantic records

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song for chapter:
it's feeling good - gold brother
| I want you by my side along the way |
(highly recommend + put on repeat)


3 months after moving in together
san diego, california.
thursday, 12:50pm
jaylee's pov

my hands peeled open the paper seal to one of the many envelopes that were spread out across the island counter.

osman and grayson both sat on bar stools as they were hunched over, eating cereal out of a bowl and scrolling through their phones.

my eyes read over the papers that were inside the envelope, seeing that it was just another unimportant piece of paper. I set it aside, then grabbed onto the next envelope.

osman put his spoon into the bowl as he chewed on the fruit loops in his mouth. he put his phone down as if he were about to say something, but needed to swallow first.

not moving my head, only my eyes shifted upwards to look at him. a small grin crossed my lips knowing that whatever he was about to say was most likely going to be funny due to the expression on his face.

he swallowed the food in his mouth, then looked over his shoulder to grayson. "where the hell did froy go last night?" he asked in a confused tone, one of his eyebrows perking upwards.

"i'm pretty sure he went over to that one girls dorm that he met at the football game." grayson spoke while his mouth was still full, then after he swallowed, he spoke again. "I think her name was zara."

a light smile crossed my lips as I thought about the dark haired girl with the clean complexion. she seemed a little bit edgy, quiet even, but she was sweet. froy kept talking about asking her out, but he never did. I guess at some point he saw her again and gained the courage to actually ask her out.

I looked back down to the envelopes that were spread out across the counter, grabbing onto  another one to open.

"he slept there?" osmans eyebrows narrowed, almost like he were a little bit shocked about what grayson had told him.

a small laugh escaped graysons mouth as he looked back down to his cereal, dipping his spoon into the milk as he nodded his head.

"it's about time froy started putting himself out there." I teased, setting aside another unimportant envelope.

both grayson and osman looked up due to me joining into the conversation, now having their attention on me. they both chuckled at my comment, showing that they agreed.

"seriously, when was the last time froy went out with someone?" grayson grinned as if he were mocking froy, his eyebrows narrowed.

osman looked over to grayson before taking another bite of his cereal. "it's been at least three months." he said, and by the voice he used he was clearly making fun of froy.

I laughed quietly to myself, looking back down to the next envelope in my hand as they continued to talk about froy.

the smile across my lips almost immediately fell from my face as I read over the black fine print written across the top left corner of the envelope.

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