8 - car sex and cops

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song for chapter:
cherry hill (split) - russ
| you know what i'd do for you |
(highly recommend + put on repeat)


5 months after moving in together
san diego, california.
monday, 10:20pm
jaylee's pov

the alcohol was squeezing my brain, causing my vision to be hazy and me to feel as if I were slightly spinning.

I was sitting in the passenger seat of the car—ethan's car. my dress was short, coming up my legs even higher due to me sitting down.

ethan dragged me to a party just off campus for a prissy rich girl named devin lynn. I wasn't up for it, but he said that he wasn't going to go if I didn't come with him.

he knows her from one of his classes on campus and they became friends because they're the only two freshman in that class. she invited him to her open house birthday party and told him to bring whoever he wanted.

we made a deal with each other. if I go with him to this party, then I get to get plastered and have him be my designated driver. I also might have added another condition. sex. but that's a win-win situation. he just won't get to be drunk.

so now here we are. on the way home from the party. he's my designated driver, and this alcohol is heightening my sexual desires to say the least.

my elbow rested on the side of the car window; my eyes looking straight ahead. I bit lightly down onto my acrylic nails as a small smirk was smoothly painted across my mouth knowing that we would be back home soon.

I slightly turned my head, looking over to ethan in the driver seat. his wrist sat loosely on top of the steering wheel as he lightly hummed to the music playing in the car.

noticing that my eyes were on him, he turned his head a bit, quickly glancing at me before looking back to the road ahead of him.

his eyebrows narrowed as a smirk formed over his lips. "what?" he questioned me on why I was grinning at him.

staying quiet, my eyes stared at him, scanning over every feature on him. his lightly messy hair, plump lips, half unbuttoned long sleeve collar neck. I bit onto my bottom lip, still grinning to myself. he's so hot.

my fingers grabbed onto the end of my tight short dress, causing ethan to look down at my legs. slowly, I began to slid the dress up my thigh, just enough to where I knew exactly what I was doing.

looking up to my eyes and taking his eyes off the road for a couple of seconds, he slowly looked me fully up and down with only his eyes. "stop." he spoke in a stern voice, having almost an immediate mood change as he looked back to the road.

"stop what?" I questioned him with an alluring tone, now letting my fingers gently play with the thin strap on one of my shoulders—sliding it off of my shoulder.

he looked over to me, frustration flooding his facial expressions. his sharp jaw clenched tightly as his eyebrows stayed narrowed at me. "I'm serious, jaylee." he exhaled a large breath through his nose, then looked back to the road; not trying to get distracted. "stop."

I giggled silently under my breath to myself from knowing that it was working. he was getting sexually frustrated and he can't do anything about it.

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