Dinner party...ugh

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The next day, Lydia decided to tell Delia of what happened last night. I warned her that she would just brush us aside. Unfortunately, Lydia wanted to rile her up. I did too, but I could think of better ways to do so. I sat next to Lydia across the kitchen counter from Delia as she chopped onions. Lydia held up the picture she developed from when she took the picture of the Maitlands last night. You can hear the disbelief in her voice. Honestly, I mean geez woman. Tell me how you really feel.

"Ghosts. You're telling me that we have ghosts in this house. Those pictures are of ghosts. Ghosts. " I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. You heard her. Do we need to get you a hearing aid?" I sniped at her.

"Aria." She glared at me as I did it back. She brought her attention back to Lydia. 

"Lydia, I am throwing a dinner party for seven people."

"Do they get a free sick bag after tasting your crap food?" I asked. 

"Aria!" I rolled my eyes.

"My agent, Bernard, is bringing a woman who writes for "Art in America". In fact, no one dining here has not been on Vanity Fair. Except you two."

"Tell me when I should start caring."

"Aria!" She slammed her hands on the counter. Lydia shook her head.

"Told them that you were too mean to be scared."

"Not to mention too ugly and moronic." I added. 

"Don't you dare talk about me to others!  Especially you Aria!" I scoff at her.

"Being embarrassed by the few people who will even step foot in this part of Connecticut scares me! So let's just play family tonight hm?" 

"How about the silent game instead where you can shut the thing you call a mouth? I don't think it's nice to lower the IQ of the people you are so desperate to please."

"ARIA!" Delia screams. Lydia nudged me, trying to calm me down. 

"That's my name."

"Listen, young lady. I will not put up with your antics at the dinner party tonight."I raised my eyebrow. "Now I want you to pretend to be a loving daughter or I will confiscate your instruments for a month." I couldn't stop myself. I just hate this woman. 

"I am one. Just not to a selfish crone."

"ARIAAA!" Even as her voice grew in volume, I kept my calm.

"Mom would never act like this to Dad or Lydia. Trying to be impressive to people who will not care about as much as I don't. Not to mention just brushing us aside as if we were nuisances." I nodded to Lydia. "Just because your parents probably did the same to you, doesn't mean you get to with us." I can see her face turn bright red in anger and small shaking. "I will act like the precious loving daughter. For Dad." I stood from my seat and leaned in to her. "Not to someone who puts in her own desires and interests above her family." I moved backwards away from her as I put my hands into the pockets of my black overall shorts and headed to my room. Lydia looked at me in shock. She knew what I truly think of Delia, but has never seen me ridicule and snap at Delia like that.


I made it to my room and locked the door from the inside. I went out the window and went on the roof. No one, not even Lydia, knew I could get on the roof this way. I come up when I want to vent and calm down.  I breathed the fresh air and enjoyed the view. 

I never wanted Delia in the family. However, Dad needed someone to help take care of me and Lydia. It was hard on Dad when Mom was gone. A father taking care of two girls. He needed someone with him. Someone to make him happy. I accepted it, but I was never happy with the choice. She always puts her needs above her own. I tried. I actually did, but no matter what... Delia was honestly dislikable. Her and her group of friends. Even Otho, who was somewhat intelligent, was a conniving bastard.  

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