Critter Sitters

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Aria smiled. She was happy of how her life came to be within the year. The Maitlands had passed on. Despite them being ghosts and not having any children, they told them that Lydia and Aria were the closest things to daughters. It was hard when they left, but they did have someone to cheer them up. She went downstairs to see her dad reading the newspaper. He had been more calm since they first came to their house. He had listened more to Aria and Lydia more and slowed himself down. 

"Hi Dad."

"Hey Princess. How's your music going?" 

"Good. Lydia back yet?" Aria asked as she grabbed an apple to make herself a fruit bowl.

"Almost, honey." He smiled and ruffled his daughter's hair.

"Daaaad..." She whined playfully and giggled.

"I know sweetie. Anyway, keep up the work honey." She nodded as her dad left the kitchen. As soon as he left, the family pet ,Percy, came in. He was a beautiful black cat with yellow eyes. 

"Hey Percy." Aria finished her fruit bowl and washed her hands before petting Percy. He purred and rubbed himself against her leg.

"Lydia will come home soon to give you more scritches. Just hang on." She went back towards the attic, but paused as soon as she passed Lydia's room. Their mother was changing out Lydia's curtains. 

"Mother, what are you doing?" Delia and Aria had gotten along better, but still was pretty tense. Aria had recently started calling her mother as just her name. Her Mom may have passed on, but Delia did deserve to being called mother since the.... Well, if you watched the movie ya know. Aria saw that Delia was trying to change herself to be more family oriented to the point Aria shudders at the normal nice things she wanted Lydia and her to do and have.

"Oh! Aria! I'm just sprucing up your sister's room. Always dark and gloomy." Aria raised an eyebrow. Lydia is not going to like it. "Maybe I should do your room too. Since you like purple, maybe I can put up some lavender toned curtains instead of those black ones with the purple details on it."

"No thank you mother. Please don't. I'm just going upstairs to play some more music."

"Oh Yeees! Throw yourself in your art! Good luck, Aria!" Aria shook her head and went upstairs. She plopped down on her plush arm chair and looked over the rose on the windowsill. It was still the same as ever since she got it. Aria began to hum the banana picking song as her husband began to accompany her. She smiled as he just appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey babes."

"Hey gruesome." He smiled at her pet name. Beetlejuice was now able to get from the Netherworld to the living without the summoning of his name. Well, except Aria. Since he did torment the living and managed to get married to a breather, who willingly said I do, they only gave him the privilege of him coming through without the use of his name. ONLY IF he was to see Aria. Lydia and anyone else would have to use his name. Since then, he had tamed a bit. However, when they were alone, he was still crude and disgusting as before.

"So babes, anything new?" He asked floating above his wife.

"Kinda. Got a couple of ideas in mind, but not really sticking."

"Yeah like your spitwads. You always let out really good ones." He grinned as he let one hit the wall where a target stood above the trash can. He may like the ones that stick, but likes the ones that slide down too. Normally, girls would have just screamed and whined in disgust, but Aria was different. She laughed and smiled. As long as it was within a foot of the trash can, she had no problem with it. 

"So, what cha got so far babes?" 

All the credit go to the creator. I do not own it. Stop at 1:53

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