A wedding!

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I backed away from the table and nodded. He poofed away with a purple rose in his place. I picked it up and the table began to shake. I stood close to the couch and watch as the table rattled and parted. The crackling got everyone in the dining room's attention. Beetlejuice began to rise out of the crack...looking like a carnival ride.  I laughed at the little scary monster plushes around his head. They were kinda cute. Maybe I can have one. There was one that looked like a black and white toad. WAIT NOT THE TIME!!...it's really cute. Anyways, his arms were curled up. Even when they were curled, you can obviously tell that they were longer than usual. Like beyond longer than usual. He had a goofy smile on his face. Something tells me he was really happy and excited about this.

"Attention K-Mart shoppers!"

Everyone stormed out the dining room and Lydia stayed close to Dad and Delia at the entry way.

"Ooh. I'm back. I feel real good about myself. Ya know what I mean? So... without further delay..." The mini merry go round on Beetlejuice's head begins to spin and play carnival music. Beetlejuice changed his voice to a typical carnie announcer voice. "Welcome to Winter River! Museum of Natural Greed! Monument to the bored business man." I looked to see that Dad's boss and his wife were excited and happy they got to see ghosts, especially one with Beetlejuice's....spontaneity. Next thing I know, I hear,

"Test your strength!"

Beetlejuice tossed his arms and let them loose. There was something inflating at the end of the sleeves. Oh... a meter just popped up behind the couple and with the "Test your strength" part... Do it Beetlejuice. His hands inflated to giant mallets and hit the floor. Despite being launched to freaking outer space, they laughed as they were sent away. Good riddance to bad rubbish. I smirked a bit, knowing they are never coming back...hopefully.

"Thank you! Thank you! Whew!" Beetlejuice climbed down from the table back to normal. He tossed something to me. It was the little toad plush I wanted. I smiled and poked it. It made a weird distorted croak and I giggled.  He took a bow and loosened his tie a bit.  "That is why I won't do two shows a night anymore babes.I won't. I won't do them." He began to smoke a cigarette and exhaled. "So... what do we got tonight kids?!" He smiled in a derranged way as he looked to where everyone was at, except Otho. He was planning on running. "Well, uh, we got the Maitlands." They were still above the dining table. "I,uh, think that they, uh, had enough exercise for tonight." He let them fall down onto the table. They laid still. Delia, Dad, and Lydia stood still looking at each other as they clung onto each other. 

"Got a banana peel?" I asked. Beetlejuice looked to me and saw a certain figure waddling away quietly.

"Nope. Even better." He came up behind Otho, hugging him from behind like a koala. "Not so fast, round boy. We're going to have some laughs." Then, he kissed him on the cheek loudly and laughed at Otho's obviously uncomfortable face. I giggled a bit too. Lydia looked to me. I stopped giggling and cleared my throat. Dad and Delia looked like they were going to get me over with them, but stopped as Beetlejuice came back. They smiled, but Delia looked over at Otho. He was still going to run. 

"Otho!" Beetlejuice looked back and had a spotlight on him. Otho stopped in his tracks. Beetlejuice shot him with his finger and all of Otho's clothes came off. He was now wearing a white suit with black shirt and a very gaudy patterned tie. Otho looked down and screamed as he ran out the door. I chuckled seeing him run for the hills.

"Aria!" I looked to Dad and Delia, looking worried and nervous, motioning me to go with them and Lydia. I rushed over to them and hugged them both. Delia looked over to me and asked if I was alright. I nodded silently. This was the first she had shown concern for me. She hugged me again and Dad's arms wrapped around all three of us.

"Mom, Dad." Meet the parents apparently. Beetlejuice came in to join the hug. Lydia looked to me with eyes that were asking me, "What did you do?" I smiled sadly at her. "I just want you two to know, the same goes for you too toots," He peered over to Lydia. " you're welcome in our house. Anytime you wanna come over." Dad smiled in confusion and nodded. "IN the meantime, dowry's on me, Dad." He gave them a couple of snakes, causing Delia to scream, Dad shut his eyes, and Lydia to turn away. I hug Lydia.

"I did this to help them. Don't be afraid." I let her go and she was still confused on what I did.

"Well, the Maitlands are taken care of." Beetlejuice said as he combed his hair, which did nothing to tame the bushel of hair. "Everything seems pretty much back to normal. His suit turned to a maroon red gaudy tuxedo. It kinda looked like a prom suit. "Shall we?" I look down to see I was in a wedding dress. It was a red color. It was poofy red gown with a matching red veil. I was pulled to Beetlejuice as he smiled down at me. I gave him a small reluctant smile. I wasn't looking forward to it, but I do what I have to to protect my family. 

"Called the caterer, got a great band," He listed off, "we're gonna need witnesses." He nodded to Dad and Delia. "Would you?" You can hear creaking from the background. Delia's statues came to life and tied down everyone, except the Maitlands who were on the table. Suddenly, the fireplace converted into a doorway where an E.T looking man in a priest outfit came out of. Beetlejuice and I walked to where the man was at and stopped. "Come on. Let's get on with the ceremony." Beetlejuice snorted. 

"Do you, Beetle," The priest was cut off.

"Oh ah ah ah ah!" Beetlejuice wagged his finger." Nobody say the B-word."

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Beetlejuice actually walked aways bit away to mutter to himself.  

"Oof, well I don't know. It's a big decision. I always said if I was ever going to do it, I would do it once." He came back. "Sure. Go ahead."

"Do you, Aria, take thi-?" The poor man was cut off by Lydia. 

"No she doesn't Beetl-" She had her mouth covered by the statues.

"Now, now Toots, your sister agreed to. Not you." Lydia glared at Beetlejuice. He's right I did.

"I do." Everyone looked to me. Even him. I think he expected more of a fight. "I could do worse. Just get this done with." Lydia cried as she thought I have given up.

"Then by the authority vested in me, do you have the ring?" The priest asked.

"Oh the ring!" Beetlejuice began to look through his pockets, pulling out snakes and rats. However, Mrs. Maitland and Mr. Maitland kept trying to send him back. I shook my head, knowing it won't work. 

"Got it!" Beetlejuice pulled out a ring.... still on a finger. I scrunched my nose. "I'm telling you honey, she meant nothing to me." 

"I can see that since all that's left is a finger." I raised an eyebrow. He began to laugh.

"Oooh babes. You are a such a hoot." I blush a little at his laugh, but tried to keep it under control. He put the ring on my finger after cleaning it up a bit. 

"I, now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." He cheered a bit as he leaned down to kiss me. It... wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It just tasted like cigarettes. Though, there is something else there. I kissed him back and he was definitely surprised I kissed back with as much for as he put into his. We broke apart and Barbra suddenly popped through the ceiling... with a snake worm thingy? She jumped off as the snake thingy ate Beetlejuice. With him gone, everything was reversed. My parents and Lydia were released, Adam and Barbra was back to normal after Beetlejuice poofing them away, but I was still in a wedding dress. I threw the bouquet down the hole he disappeared with the snake thing. I kept the one rose and the plush frog though. Dad and....mother, kept their distance and smiled awkwardly at the Maitlands. They smiled back as shyly. I went back to Lydia and hugged her.

"What were you thinking? Marrying that bozo?" 

"He could be worse. He made me laugh." I smiled at her. "Tasted like cigarettes." She shook her head and laughed at me. "I'm glad you're ok." 

"Me too, Ari." 

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