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Taeyong's hands were placed on Ten's neck as they kissed; their lips fit perfectly together.

Ten brought his hands up, to Taeyong's arms lightly as they kissed. And when they pulled away, Taeyong finally said, "You're beautiful."

This honestly took Ten by surprise. Taeyong wasn't the type to say stuff like that.

He really was changing.

Ten's face flushed red as he cleared his throat and looked away. "Um . . . So," he quickly turned and picked up the stack of movies. "Which one do you wanna watch?"

Taeyong smiled at Ten's cuteness, then looked at the movies. "I don't care."

Ten rolled his eyes, "Well pick one."

Taeyong sighed and took the stack, he eventually decided on Train to Busan (A/N: a few of you will get that if you've read my other book ;)

"Okay." Ten put the movie in, and then the doorbell rang.

"Is that the food?" Taeyong asked. "I forgot to bring money."

"Real charming, Taeyong. Make me pay for the food you ordered." Ten said and grabbed some money outta his wallet.

Taeyong laughed and took the money "I'll get it."

Ten laughed a little as Taeyong went downstairs. Ten turned on the TV and rearranged the blankets and pillows on his bed so it'd be comfier. He grabbed the remote, Taeyong running through his mind.

He really was falling for him. And hard.

A minute later, Taeyong reappeared, a bag of takeout in his hand. "I'm starving." He said while taking the food out, handing Ten a pair of chopsticks.

Ten thanked the older, then sat on the bed. "Have you ever seen this movie?"

"Yeah that's why I picked it." Taeyong snorted, amused as he sat beside Ten, putting their food on a bed.

Ten rolled his eyes. "You could've wanted to watch a movie you haven't seen."

"I don't roll that way."

Ten laughed, making fun of Taeyong in his mind. "Okay then" he started the movie.

The boys ate until they were full, both of them mostly silent as they watched the movie.

Taeyong, being the one who'd seen it multiple times, was getting bored. He glanced at Ten, a slight smile creeping up on his face when he saw the younger so into the movie, even biting his nails out of nervousness.

Taeyong yawned and stretched, slowly sliding his arm over, and it found it's way around Ten's shoulder.

Ten snapped out of the movie and raised an eyebrow, glancing at Taeyong. "Really?" He gave him a pathetic look and laughed, eyes returning to the movie. "You can save that for the movies, slick."

Taeyong glared at Ten, annoyed. "Bitch." He said but the younger ignored him, back into the movie.

Taeyong just kept his arm around Ten anyways, ever so slowly pulling the smaller more against him, into his chest.

Ten didn't mind it, he was focused, and honestly, Taeyong was comfy.

Taeyong smiled a little, happy Ten was giving in. He got too bored of the movie, and so his eyes stayed on Ten.

He was much more entertaining to watch.


The credits rolled up on the screen, and Ten lifted his hands and wiped away his tears.

The Boy in The Mask (Taeten)Where stories live. Discover now