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Ten's eyes slowly opened.

It was the next morning, and him and Taeyong had fallen asleep on the hood of Ten's mom's car after they had small conversations last night.

Ten found himself lying beside Taeyong, although his leg and arm was draped over the older's body.

Despite being on the metal hood of a car, even on a blanket, Ten was comfy. Comfy enough.

He liked to sleep with Taeyong.

Ten slid his phone out of his back pocket and he checked the time. It was noon, they'd officially skipped half of a day of school.

Usually, the Thai boy would be freaking out about his grades right now. But at the moment, he didn't want to be anywhere else than with Taeyong . . . on a car . . . on a mountain.

"Taeyong?" Ten whispered, gently shaking the older's shoulder.

Taeyong didn't move. Ten shook him again, and this time the red haired boy moved. He began to slowly wake up, and Ten propped himself up on one shoulder.

When Taeyong awoke, he rubbed his eyes and looked at Ten, then around, as if he wasn't sure where they were.

"Are you awake?" Ten asked.

"As if it isn't obvious" Taeyong muttered an answer. Ten frowned. "Stop being mean."

Taeyong couldn't help but smile; he found the younger cute. "I'm not mean"

"Pft," Ten rolled his eyes "Right." He sat up, stretching and looking out at the city and the ocean. The sun was shining down, causing the water to glisten.

Then the boy felt two strong arms wrap around his waist and pull him back down, until he was laying.

Ten couldn't help but slightly laugh. "We should gooo"

"Why?" Taeyong questioned, his arms were locked around Ten's small waist tightly, not planning on letting go anytime soon.

"My parents are probably thinking I stole their car and ran away."

"Actually, they're probably thinking you stole their car and drove away." Taeyong stated.

"You're so annoying," Ten rolled his eyes and slid out of the older's arms, off the car and he stood.

"Ten." Taeyong said.

"Hm?" Ten raised one eyebrow, waiting.

Taeyong stared at Ten for a second. He didn't need to speak, not to say what he was trying to say.

He didn't want to go anywhere.

Ten hesitated. "But, my parents..."

"Raised you. I can have you for a day." Taeyong said.

Ten liked the thought of being Taeyong's. He couldn't believe he got to this point.

If it was only a few weeks ago, he'd want to punch the older in the face for saying that.

But no, instead, he caved in and got back on the car with the boy.

The two stayed there for hours.

They even fell back asleep for another hour, and talked more.

Eventually, the sun started to set. They were both ready to go home.

"Hey Ten?" Taeyong asked as he drove down the mountain side.


"...what are we?" Taeyong tapped his finger against the steering wheel, "I mean, was that a date? Last night?"

The Boy in The Mask (Taeten)Where stories live. Discover now