"I like you"

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It was just a regular day at the Blue and Gold.Betty my childhood crush asked me to work with her in the blue and gold a couple of weeks ago.


"The Blue and Gold isn't dead Juggie...Is just dormid", Betty said as she wiped away some dust from the computer."But waking up... you're writing a novel about Jason Blossoms Murder", Betty said as said "I am...Riverdale's very own In Cold Blood",I said."Which started out as a series of articles...I'm hoping you come right for the  Blue and Gold",Betty said as she touched the computer."But I don't think the school news paper is the right fit for my voice",I said and somehow Betty convinced me to join.


I was thinking of telling her about my crush on her but I didn't know how.As I was writing I started thinking on how should I confess to her about my crush on her.As I got up Betty entered the office and said "Oh Hi, Juggie".I immediately smiled."Hey Betts",I said."I didn't know you were here", Betty said as she dropped a box."Um yeah I was writing our next article",I said as I putted my hands on my waist."That's awesome Jug", Betty said as she putted a smile on her face.God I loved that smile and those beautiful green eyes.

"Hey Jug I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house since my parents aren't going to be there for a couple of days.We can work on the article", Betty said as she wiped her hands."Umm Yeah what time should I be there?",I asked nervously."Around 5", Betty said as she got closer to me."Then I'll be there",I said.For a moment we both locked eyes.As we were about to kiss the bell for the next period hitted and Betty said"W-well I should get going"."Yeah me too I have Algebra",I said nervously."Bye Jug", Betty said as we both left.

As she left I said to myself well since we are going to be alone in her house I can tell her how I feel.

[ 5:15 pm]

As I arrived to the Cooper's household I started to shake.I don't know why I was shacking I've never been so nervous in my entire life .As I knocked the door I heard Betty saying "Coming!".When she opens the door I see her in a nice grey shirt with her cheer pants on,her hair was down and she looked amazing."Hi Juggie,Come in",Betty said as I entered the Cooper's house."Wow Betts your house is really nice",I said .And I tend to say compliments randomly when I am nervous."Thank you Juggie.Well then let's get started",Betty said as we both sat down In her couch.

[6:15 pm]

"Well Jug we have just finished another of our amazing articles",Betty said as she smiled."Yeah we did Betts",I said as I picked everything up and organized it."Hey Betts can I tell you something?"I said as I got so fucking nervous."Yeah Jug",Betty said as she looked straight into my eyes."Umm I-i like y-you",I said while I stuttered.


When he said those three words I instantly smiled and grabbed his face and said "I like you too Juggie".He instantly smiled and I just kissed him.What was supposed to be a kiss turned out to be a a lot of kisses.I went on top of him and just started grinning on him.

"Fuck J-jug",I moaned as he left some hickeys in my neck."Betts", Jughead grunted.As I felt a bulge under my vagina I immediately looked down and it was his erected dick."Fuck Jug that's huge", i said giggling.Jughead smirk and just continued kissing me."J-jug I want you",I said in between moans."Are you sure Betts?",Jughead asked me breaking the kiss."Yes Jug.I want all of you tonight",I said as he continued to kiss me.

He then picked me up and got up and went upstairs while not breaking the kiss."Lead the way baby girl",Jughead said."2 t-to the rights at the end of the hall I said in between moans.As we arrive to my bed room he throws me gently to the bed and closes my curtains.As he turns some lights on he comes back to me and continues to kiss me.I start to take his jacket and shirt off.He then takes his beanie off and throws it to the bedroom floor.As he takes my shirt off and unclips my bra my boobs fall out and he just stares at then"Fuck Betts couldn't you get any hotter",Jughead said as he started to leave some hickeys.As the rest of our clothes are off he is still leaving hickeys on my breasts."J-juggie",I moan as he comes back up and continues to kiss me.

He then begins to enter me and I begin to shake."I got you baby girl",Jughead said as I rested my head on his shoulder."F-fuck J-jug",I moan in pain."If you want too we can stop",Jughead said."Just continue",I said breathless.He nodded and begins to thrust into me.

I've never felt such pleasure in my whole entire life."G-god Betts",Jughead moans as I kiss him.He begins to thrust harder which made me a moaning mess."Uh JUG",I screamed of pleasure."Fuck Betts y-you are so tight",Jughead grunted."JUG!",I screamed as I came all around his cock."Ahh",I moaned as Jughead thrust's became slower.He thens picks the pace up and kisses me."Betty I'm c-close",Jughead moaned as I said "L-let it all out I'm on t-the p-pill",I said as i moaned.

He then came Around my vagina walls and it just felt like a relief to cum.He pulled out.Cleaned the blood out of his dick and just layed next to me."God Jug your good",I said out of breath.He then come to me and kisses me."First time?",he asked."Yeah Juggie.And what about you?",I asked."Yes",Jughead said as I smiled and went up to his chest."Why are you on the pill Betts?",Jughead asked as I responded"My mom told me I had to take some because she doesn't want grandchildren until I'm 30",I said as Jughead smiled.


I hope you like this part.I'm going to post once or twice a week Beacuse I've got school and I have to move.
And if I have errors it is thanks to my keyboard

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