"The Stripper"

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(In this story Jughead not  Serpent king and he does not have siblings.But he does know Toni,Fang's and Sweet Pea.Betty is a stripper so yeah... Enjoy!)

**Jugheads P.O.V**

"Hey Jug guess what?",Archie asked me as I laid down in his bed playing with his guitar."What Andrew's?",I responded as Archie came to me very excited."I got you a birthday present", Archie said."And?",I said as I was not looking forward to do anything on my birthday.

"We are going to a strippers bar!", Archie said with a big smile on his face."That's great Archie but you have a girlfriend and I'm pretty sure that Veronica will kill you If you sleept with someone else",I quickly said."Jug We are not going to touch them,Just enjoy the view",Archie said as he gave me a really dirty smile.

"God your so stupid",I said as I got up."So are we going?", Archie quickly asked exited."Fine!",I said as Archie laughed.

[ In the car]

"And were exactly are we going?",I asked."To the White Wyrm", Archie said."My father's bar?!.Wow Arch!",I said sarcastically angry."Relax Jughead.You're dad is in the Northside spending the night with your mom at Le boine Nuit doing some Serpent busines", Archie said as I looked at him confused.

"How do you know that?",I quickly asked him."Because he told me to hand you some money", Archie said as I still had a confused look."And for what?",I asked him once more."Apparently for someone who works at the bar,maybe a bartender,I don't know",Archie said as he handed me the money.

[At the bar]

As we both entered everyone keept staring at us."Oh and Archie please don't pee your pants while you are here",I said jockingly as I gave him a smirk."Fuck you",Archie said as he laughed.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you here, Jones",a voice said as I knew ive heard before."Well if it isn't Sweet Pea",I said as I quickly greeted him."Thought you've forgotten about us", Toni said as she quickly popped out of nowhere."Toni Topaz.Long time no see",I said."Good to see you Jug",Toni said as she smiled.

"And what are you here for?", Sweet pea asked."You see that Dangus over there",I said as I pointed to Archie."Archie Andrew's.Never seen him in this part of town", Sweet Pea said."Since it's my birthday he decided to bring me here to see some strippers",I said sarcastically.

"Then you've come to the right place",Sweet pea said."And expecially the new Blondie",Toni quickly said as I looked at her and asked"Blondie?"."She's a Northsider but she's got moves Jug",Sweet pea said."We will see about that",I said as I licked my lower lip as I smiled.

"Well then there she is",Toni said as she pointed to the stage.When I turned around all I saw was this gorgeous blonde girl in a black lingerie with heels dancing all over that pole."Like what you see Jones?",Sweet pea asked as he laughed."Shut up",I said.

"Tell that to you're boner",Toni said as she as Sweet Pea laughed as I looked down at my bulge."Fuck"I said trying to hide it.I tried to ignore it.As I looked up to the stage I saw her.She was the most beautiful girl I ever saw in my whole life.

As I looked at her as I zooned out,she looked at me with her Beautiful eyes.As we both made eye contact she smiled in a playful yet naughty way.

When she finished I quickly looked away and made myself go to Archie."Hey Archie I'm feeling kinda bad, im gonna head home",I said as I patted him on the back."But we just got here",Archie said as I stopped him and said:"You can stay if you want to but I'm going to my trailer".
"Alright I'll go",Archie said disappointed.

[At trailer]

As I entered my trailer I threw my beanie on the couch and I headed to my room.I quickly changed to some pijama pant's And a S T-Shirt of Mine.
I threw my self to my bed so I can try to sleep.

As I was trying to sleep I couldn't stop thinking about her. And as I imagined her dancing on that pole spinning and turning around I got a boner.
"Well there's only one way to get rid of that",I said as I looked down.

And as you guessed I started jerking off.As I jerked off I imagined her once more on that pole."Fuck",I groaned as u became closer and closer."Ahhhh",I hissed as I was about to cum."Oh-GOD",I moaned as I just came all over my pants.

"Shit",I said out of breath.As I stood up to clean myself.As I grabbed some paper towels and cleaned my pants I heard a knock on the door.

**Betty's P.O.V**

I went to the Sunnyside trailer park to get the money Fp owned me for the night."And this must be his trailer",I said as went there.All the sudden I here moans and grunt's."Well someone is having fun",I said as I went to knock on the door.

As I knocked I tried to see to the window to see if I could spot someone.Since I didn't see someone I decided to leave.As I made my way out of the trailer I hear someone opening the door.

"Hey it's Betty Fp.I just need to pickup the money",I said as I headed myself once more to the door."It's not Fp it's Jughead",This Young handsome man said.

"Sorry I think I have the wrong trailer",I said nervously."Actually you have the right one so please come on in"He said as entered his trailer."Well then sorry for interrupting what you were doing or who were you doing",I said."What are you talking about?",He asked me slightly confused." I heard you",I said as he went completely red.

"Hey.I know you",I said as I licked my lip."And I  know you too",he said back as I approached to him."You are the guy from the bar",I said."And you the stripper from the bar",he said we both were know face to face.

"I could recognize those blue ocean eyes anywhere",I said as I gave him a smile.He just stared at me in so many ways.

"Uhh h-heres you're money",he said nervously as he handed me my money."Thank y-you",I said as I was expecting more.

"I should be heading home",I said as I chuckled."Y-yeah",he said as he excorted me out if the trailer.
As I was walking out of the trailer I hear footsteps and I turn back to see him running towards me.

"H-hey have you ever heard of P-pop's Choclit Shoppe?",he asked me out of breath."Yeah",I responded."I was wondering if you aren't busy.Would you like to meet me there tomorrow?",he asked me as I approached to him."Sure.Tommorow at?",I said and asked with a big smile on my face."6:00?",he said."Well the it's a Date",I said as both of us smiled at each other.


Sorry for taking so long,I have been so busy and I still am.Im sorry for certain errors.My keyboard thinks she's a dictionary or something.Anyway thank you all for the support you have given me in the story.I love you all!❤️

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