"Bughead Baby pt.1"

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**Jugheads P.O.V**
Betty and I have been married for 3 years know.Both Betty and I were 25.She was know expecting our little princess and I couldn't be happier about it.Betty was about 39 weeks, she had Braxton Hicks contractions every know and then.
"God Juggie I feel bad", Betty groaned as she sat on the bed."I know Betts,and I wish I could help you",I said as I sat down with her."Yeah but-Oh!",Betty said as she got a contraction."Hey Betts it's okay, breathe",I said as Betty holded my hand and inhaled and exhaled.
"Fuck",Betty said in pain."Breathe baby",I said as I tugged Betty's hair behind her ear.After the whole contraction thing was gone Betty got up and went to the Baby's nursery.
As I went to the baby's nursery I saw her standing on the door frame thinking."What are you thinking about Betts?",I said as I went behind her."I've got this feeling Jug",Betty said as she played with her necklace.
"Is it a good one or a bad one?",I asked her."I feel like she's coming today or tomorrow",Betty said as she turned to me standing face to face."Well then want to start packing her bag and yours?",I asked her."Yes Jug",Betty said as she putted her hand on my cheek and kissed me softly.
Betty and I went to get a suitcase so we can start putting some of her and Betty's clothes.Betty went to get some of her and the baby's clothes so we can sit on the couch and decide."What do you think about this outfit?",Betty said as she showed me a little pink onesie that said "Daddy's Little Girl".
"That one is perfect",I said as I gave her a smile."We can put her this little bandana also",Betty said exited as she showed me a pink bandana with a huge flower."That little bandana,it looks like it a Big bandana",I said jockingly.
"But she'll look cute",Betty said as she putted her outfit on the little suitcase.
After we finished packing all of our clothes I helped Betty get off the couch."Come on Betts",I grunted as I lifted her up."God I can't wait to have her out of me"Betty groaned as she left to our Bedroom.
"Let's get some rest Betty Cooper",I said as we both cuddle in our Bed."These are our Last's day's as a family of 2",Betty said as she looked at me."I know Betts and I can't wait to have her in our arms",I said as I smiled.Betty then smiled back and kissed me."Good Night Juggie",she said."Night Betts",I said as I gave a kiss on the forehead and went to sleep.
[2:26 am]
"Jug, Juggie!",I heard Betty say."What Betts"I groaned as I woke up."My water just broke",Betty said as I bolted out of the bed."You're water broke?!",I said as I went to her."All of the bed  is wet and im having really strong contractions",Betty said as I holded her hand."Were are having the baby",I said exited."Let's just get to the hospital Jug.Im not feeling well",Betty said as she got up."Okay let's go",I said.
[At the Hospital]
As Betty and I left the house in pajamas with a bunch of blankets and the suitcase we went straight to the emergency room.
Betty got to the checkup area and putted her gown.The doctors checked her and said she was 2 centemiters dialeted.Betty looked in pain.She made a quick and easy messy bun and tried to get some rest."Juggie I fell horrible",Betty said as she holded my hand."I know babe",I said as I rubbed her back.
"I don't know how the hell did my mom do this",Betty said."Me neither babe",I said."I fell like I am about to throw up", Betty said as she covered her mouth."Let me get you something",I said as I anxiously grabbed a bowl so she can throw up.
I luckily got the bowl on time because she then started puking her guts out.I rubbed her back while she did her thing and just help her thru the whole way.


I am Back and Better!!!☺️.I am so motivated and so happy.I decided to make this a 2 part story.
Thank you guys for voting on my stories.

I love you guys so much!❤️

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