"I love you"

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**Betty P.O.V**

Jughead and I have been solving Jason Blossoms case for months know.We are together but know ever since Jughead told me he was going to get transferred to Southside High I've felt sad.

I have to go to Riverdale's 75th anniversary so I can give my speech.And trust me I'm not happy about that.All I want is for my life to be normal.Have a normal family,a normal town and be happy with Jughead.

But my life isn't a fairy tale.Riverdale isn't the  town everyone thinks it is.

As my speech started I was looking at everyone looking for Jughead.A few seconds he popped out.All I could do was smile.I finished my speech went straight to him and just gave him a hug.Gosh I wish we could always be like this.

"You did amazing Betts",Jughead said as I just looked at him and gave a long passionate kiss."Let's go to my trailer",he said.I just nooded

When we arrived at his trailer he opened the door and all I could see was clean."Wow",I said a had a look around."I cleaned it up,after Sheriff Keller thrashed it.Just incase my dad...",Jughead said as he took his coat off."Until he gets out I'm not giving up on him Jug",I said as I turned to him as he took his Beanie off.

"I know, that's it's why I love you Betty",Jughead said as I just stood in shock and turned around."I love you,Betty Cooper",Jughead said as I smiled and went to him."Jughead Jones,I love you",I said as I looked at his lips.

After that the only thing I could see was Lust and Love on his deep Ocean Eyes.I smiled as I kissed and he kissed back.After a few kisses he picks me up and I giggled.

The next thing I knew Jughead smashed me into the kitchen counter as we kissed.God I loved this dominant side of him.We never stoped kissing for a second."Jug",I moaned.He took off my shirt as I took his off.
He then began to kiss me on the neck.

"Fuck",I moaned constantly.As he was about to unclip my bra we hear a knocking on the door."It's that you're Mom?"Jughead asked as we both looked to the door."Who else would it be?",I said annoyed as I got off the kitchen counter.

**Jugheads P.O.V**

As i unlocked the door I saw some serpent's out on my steps.I looked at the confused as their dog barked at me."Relax Hot Dog.He's Family",a Serpent said as I still looked confused.

They told other stuff but I didn't really payed much attention.They offered me a jacket and Some serpent said:"If you want it it's yours".I then took the jacket gave them a look.I smirked and putted on the Jacket.God I felt powerful."Juggy?",I heard Betty say as I saw her on the door with her pink shirt and white panties.

When the Serpent's left I went back inside and looked at Betty."Are you a Serpent know?",She asked crossing her arms sad."No Betts.And I don't want to be a Serpent",I said as I sat down on the couch."Jug I saw how how you smiled when you putted that jacket on", Betty said as she sat down next to me."But Betts-",I said as I was cutted off.

"And you couldn't fake that happiness Jug.That Jacket fitted you like a glove",Betty said.I gave her a worried look and said"I know Betts".

This is my point of view of  1.13,A really short part.Sorry!

Love u guys.

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