Bughead x Jancy

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A/n basically if you have watched Stranger things and know the ship Jancy(Jonathan and Nancy) you will know what I am writing abt but anyway this is based on an episode of season 2,enjoy!

**Betty's P.O.V**

Jughead and I were trying to solve the case of Jason Blossom and boy it was complicated.Jughead and I had a free period that day and decided to spend it on the blue and gold putting up the clues on our murder board.Me and Jug decided to go and stay Kevin's house to do some "project" but that was just the cover. Kevin's Dad was going to be out of town and it was the perfect time so that we could investigate.

**Around 5:30**
"Mom I am off to Kev's for the night",I said as I grabbed my backpack full of clothes."Is Jughead going to be there?",she asked as she raised and eyebrow.I bit my lower lip of anger and turned around to face her."Yes,Mom",I said and sarcastically smiled."I don't want you near that Jones boy",she said as digged my nails into my hand."Mom for once in your life can I go to my friends house without you judging them!",I screamed as I closed the door.
As I got in my car I took a deep breath and I started to think."Is Jughead Bad news?What if I like Jughead",I said I'm my mind while I started the car and left to go to Kevin's house.

**Jugheads POV**
"Hey Dad umm I am going to Archie's house to do a project",I said as I grabbed my bag and left to the door."You ain't fooling me boy",he said as he stopped me at the hall."W-what do you mean dad?",I  stuttered."Your going to Bettys house",he smirked as I felt a huge relief."Umm dad,Betty and I are just friends",I said as I clarified him."Jughead boy,whatever you do tonight use protection",He said as I quickly looked at my watch and said:"Woah,look at the time!Bye dad!".I said as I ran out of that awkward conversation.

"Should I make a move on Betty?I do like her ever since preschool",I though as I started my motorcycle."And should I buy condoms?,NO!NO and NO!",I said as I quickly mentally slapped myself."Jughead she just broke up with Archie,let her be!",I said as I left Sunnyside Trailer park

**Betty's P.O.V**
Both Jughead and I arrived at the same time and all I could do was think about was wether I liked him or not but what if he doesn't like me or what if he does.All of those thoughts kept me worrying.

"Hey Jug",I awkwardly said as I grabbed my bags from the trunk."Hey betts, let me help you with those",he said as he grabbed some of my bags."thanks",I said him as he and I headed on to the door.Both he and I reached for the doorbell and rang it together by accident."Sorry",he said as he apologized."Its alright",I said as I giggled out of nervousness.

An awkward silent filled the air as we both looked opposites ways.But right before saying anything Kevin interrupted us by opening the door and said:"Great,you guys are here!Now please be careful with my Dads study and files".

**Hours passed**

"We've searched everything and there is absolutely NOTHING about Jason Blossom's case that we can use",I said as I untied my ponytail and letted my hair fall out."Don't worry Betts I'm sure there is something,we just gotta keep looking",Jughead said as he comforted me by putting his hand around my shoulder.

**3rd person P.O.V**

Kevin noticed and decided to do something horribly savage."Hey Betty,Jug.Come here sit let's talk a little",Kevin said as Betty and Jughead exchanged weird looks.

They sat and Kevin began questioning them."Um Betty since when do you like Jughead.And Jughead since when do you like Betty?",Kevin asked them as them as both said:"Pff","What","No way.Both Jughead and Betty awkwardly denied."C'mon you guys.I know you like each other",Kevin said as he giggled."Kevin.Jughead and I are just friends",Betty clarified as Jughead agreed."Betty I know you and Jug you don't have to deny it I can see it",Kevin said as they both looked away from each other ."Jughead.You see Betty and you just want to make her happy in every way and you know what I mean in EVERY way",Kevin said as he winked at Jughead."And Betty",Kevin said as Betty bit her lip in anger."You look at jug and you just simply want too-",Kevin said as Betty interrupted him.

"You know what?I am tired,I am going to sleep so where exactly am going to sleep Kev?",Betty said as she standed up."Uh yeah Kev I'm gonna head out too so where is my bed?",Jughead said as he standed up.Kevin laughed and said"But I thought you guys were gonna share the same bed"."Umm No,No".Both Jughead and Betty quickly denied."Well Betty there is an extra room by the study",Kevin said as she quickly went to her room to get out of that awkward conversation."And Jughead there is a pullout sofa at the study so you can sleep there",Kevin said as he pointed the direction."Uh thanks Kev",Jughead said as he left."Oh they know I am right",Kevin said to himself as he standed up and left.

*Both are in different rooms and in Pj's*
"Oh Betty you like Jughead so much you want to kiss him so bad",Betty angrily said as she imitated Kevin."Yeah right,like he knows what I like",she continued to argue as she got into bed.

"Oh Jughead you want to give Betty absolutely everything.Well he's not wrong but No!",Jughead argued as he accommodated himself in bed."God Kevin I hate You!".

"You know what I am gonna head out and tell Kevin what he deserves!",Betty said as she standed up in her pijamas to go to Kevin's room.

"I'm hungry.Maybe Kevin's has some snacks",Jughead said to himself as he standed up to go to the kitchen.

**Both got out of the room at the same time**

"Uh.Hi jug",Betty said as Jughead said "Uh hey Betts".As their was an awkward silent Betty said,"Um just to clarify we don't have feelings for each other right?"."Yeah we don't,we are just friends",Jughead said as he quickly crossed his arms."Yeah, just friends",Betty said as their was another awkward silent."Well I'm gonna go now",Jughead said as he quickly got into his room."Uh yeah good night",Betty said as she also left.

"Just friends,great move Jughead",He said as he turned off the light.

"Just friends Betty.You guys are just friends",Betty said as she tried to go to sleep.

Not even a minute passed by and she couldn't stop thinking about him."You know what.I can't take it anymore",Betty said as she ran up to the door to go to Jugheads room.As she opened the door she found him right there at front of her door and he kissed her.

At first Betty pulled back but then she got into it.She pulled Jughead into her room while kissing and you guys know what happened next.

It feels so good to be back!Btw this took so long!Hope you guys like this.Ilygsm,stay safe and comment what did you think or ask questions.💘✨🌷

Sorry for bad writing.

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