Hickey investigation(Requested)

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**Jugheads P.O.V**

Betty and I have been sneaking around all summer long.I have a girlfriend,Toni.She went on this trip all around the United States.And I'm glad she did.You see I don't really like Toni anymore.Know i see her  like a friend.Now your probably wondering why am I with her.I used to like her but ever since she became a Vixen she's been kinda of a bitch.She used to care about me and know she only cares about her and cheerleading.

Anyways Betty Cooper,Gosh I could talk about her all day.Betty is Sweet, kind, generous and she always thinks about others.You could say she's perfect but she isn't.She has a dark side like me.And she and I get eachother pretty well.And no she is not perfect and that's why I like her.She loves writing and she knows about me wanting to be an author

She's a regular girl while I'm on the football team.You are probably wondering why am I a football player when I want to be an author.It is all thanks to my alcoholic dad.Yep the typical broken football player.

Today we start sophomore year in high school and I'm not thrilled to see Toni.As entered the school hallway all the girl's started greeting me.I hated that.The only thing I wanted to do was to be with Betty.

As I continued to walk i saw her.In a light pink shirt with some jeans and her iconic ponytail.I wanted to kiss her so badly but I couldn't do that.Not know at least.I grabbed my phone and started texting her.


Me: Meet me at the Janitor's closet in 5.

                                Betts😍:Make it 2

I quickly grabbed all of my stuff putted it on my locker and I left to the Janitor's closet.We still had plenty of time for school to start so we were gonna be busy for a while.

**Betty's P.O.V**

After my section with Jughead gave him a kiss and I left first.As I was heading to the bathroom I messaged Jughead.


Juggie❤️🍔: That was fun😉.

                                                     Me:I know 😏

Juggie❤️🍔:I'm planning on talking to Toni today.
          Me: Perfect,see you at chemistry 😘


As I made it to the bathroom I saw my self in the mirror and I saw a Hickey."Fuck",I said.I went quickly to my locker to see if I had Concealer and I was so glad I decided to bring it today.I applied it where the Hickey was and I tried to putted on some fixing powder.All the sudden Kevin comes.

"How is my girl today?",he asked very cheery as always."Uh h-hi Kev",I said nervously."Are you alright Betty?",he asked as the bell for first period rang."Sorry Kev I gotta go",I chuckled as I ran to class.

**Third person P.O.V**

As Betty went to her first period Veronica caught her on her way."Hi B", Veronica said as she looked kinda confused."H-hi V"Betty said as she tried to act as normal as possible."What is wrong with your neck?", Veronica asked as she tried to touch her neck."Umm nothing gotta go byeee!",Betty said as she entered her classroom."That's weird Veronica asked as she went to Chemistry.

Kevin also had Chemistry at first period.Kevin saw Veronica and invited her to sit next to him."Hi Veronica", Kevin said as Veronica sat down."Hi Kev guess what?", Veronica said as she putted her bag down."Betty had Concealer on her neck", Veronica said exited."And so?", Kevin asked confused."Kev.When a girl has extra Concealer on her neck means one thing.Hickey", Veronica said as she smirked."OH MY GOD"Kevin said as she smiles.

"Wait Betty doesn't have a boyfriend", Kevin said."That's what you and I are going to investigate today Kev", Veronica said as she gave Kev a little grin."I'm so in', Kevin said as he smiled.

After school Veronica and Kevin saw Betty heading walking to the back of Pop's."Pop's?Who is she going to meet at the back of Pop's?", Kevin whispered as he and Veronica were hiding at the back of a dumpster at Pop's."I don't know Kev", Veronica whispered back at Kev.

All the sudden they see Jughead Jones grab Betty by the waist and kiss her."OMG", Veronica and Kevin said with their mouths opened."JUGHEAD JONES", they both said as they stood in shock at the back of the dumpster.

"It was from Jughead Jones", Kevin said exited."Yeah but isn't he with Toni?", Veronica said as they both looked at them making out."OMG he's cheating on Toni with Betty", Kevin said with his mouth opened.They both looked back at them to see them still making out.

"We have to tell Betty", Veronica said as Kevin nodded.They both stood up and we running to them.

"WAIT!", Veronica screamed as Betty and Jughead jumped off their make out section.Veronica and Kevin grabbed Betty by the hand and pulled Betty a side."What is is going on here?",Betty asked confused as Jughead stood there."Betty he is cheating on Toni with you",Kevin said as Jughead looked confused.

"What?!",Jughead and Betty said."We know he is the one that gave you a Hickey"Veronica said as she crossed her arms."Wait-",Betty said as she was cut off."I know it's confusing but he is nothing but a player",Kevin said as Jughead quickly responded.

"I am no cheater", Jughead said as i pulled off."Betty and I were together over the summer and yes I did cheat on Toni with her but she knows about that",Jughead quickly explained."WHAT?!", Both Veronica and Kevin said."At first it was just a summer fling but then we fell in love", Betty said as she went next to Jughead."And Toni and I are not together anymore",Jughead said as Veronica and Kevin started to understand."And yes that Hickey was thanks to him",Betty said as Kevin looked at Veronica."At least we were right about one thing", Veronica said as we they all laughed.


Guy's I was hacked and I was so lucky to get my ACC back.I managed to report the both of ACC on Instagram and now both are taken down.

Anyways sorry for errors my phone is a little slow today and my keyboard is horrible.


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