"Blue and gold pt.1"

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(Betty is a regular sophomore student,and Jughead is the bad boy of the school)

**Betty's P.O.V**
⚠️A little Smutty⚠️

Another morning,a regular morning in which I did my make up and did my daily ponytail.But it wasn't such a regular morning after all.For some reason I woke up HORNY.Today was such a Hot day i decided to go with a regular grey shirt and a short pink pastel skirt."Fuck Wheatherbee",I said once i looked at my outfit.I then saw some short grey Boots which I obviously wore. I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs to have breakfast.While I was having breakfast my mother didn't say a word about my outfit which I was surprised since she will always lecture me of what I wore.

When I arrived at school I felt so wet so I went straight to the bathroom and took of my panties and threw them in the trash.When I came out of the bathroom I felt even more horny watching all the hot football players,which I was never attracted to.But then I saw him.Jughead Jones, gosh I wanted him but he had a girlfriend.

Veronica Lodge,one of the most popular and hottest girls in school.She was a cheerleader and of course she had to have a hot boyfriend.I bit my lower lip as I saw him make out with Veronica.I quickly looked away and headed to chemistry.

In about 45 minutes of the class I heard the door shut open and there he was."Late again Mr.Jones.That's detention",The teacher said to him as he handed him a pink paper.He gave the teacher a smirk."Take a seat Mr.Jones",the teacher said as he quickly looked at me and went up to me.

(Btw,this is a table for 2 people)

He sat next to me and gave me a naughty looking smirk which made me bite my lip."Someone Horny",he whispered to my ear."N-no w-why would you think that?"I said nervously."1.,you have your legs crossed 2.,I noticed you this morning and 3.,you bit your lip",he whispered once more."Oh Fuck off",I said as I continued to do my work."You know I could help with that",he said placing his hand on my thigh.I whimpered as he sent shivers down my spine.

"Told ya",he said as he smirked as the bell for the next period hitted."I've got next period free,Meet me at the blue and gold",I whispered to his ear as he licked his lower lip and said"Deal".

Sorry is so short I wanted to do a 2 part Story also Sorry I haven't updated,I had a lot of family at my new home and I couldn't write shit cuz they don't know about me writing in Wattpad.Anyway my birthday is July 30!I'm turning 14!

Sorry for errors!And I've got so many Views Like holy shitsu!


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