"Blue and gold pt.2"

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**Betty's P.O.V**
All I could think off was next period.I was so nervous.Mostly of the fact that I was going to have sex with the bad boy of the school.Gosh he was about to cheat on his girlfriend with who?, me.

The bell rang and everyone left the classroom.For a second I felt goosebumps all over my body.I picked up my stuff and headed to the blue and gold.
As I entered the room I saw him sitting in one of the chairs reading an article.

"I never thought Betty Cooper had a talent for journalism",he said as he putted away the article."There's a lot of things you don't know about me Jones",I said as I made my way to him.The closer I got the more nervous I was.

We were know standing face to face.I gave me a dirty look and looked at me from top to bottom."Gosh your hot",he said as he quickly kissed me.I obviously kissed him back.Every kiss was more and more intense.I quickly straddled him a threw his crown beanie on to the table.

"W-wait wait wait",I said breaking the kiss."What princess?",he said as I looked at me confused."This wrong, you have a girlfriend",i said."But why does it feel so right?",he asked as I couldn't answer.We stoped and looked at eachother in such a different way. I've never seen anyone look at me the way he did."You drive me crazy Cooper",he said as we both continued to look at eachother.

"Fuck Veronica",I said as we both continued to kiss eachother roughly.He began to kiss my neck leaving love bites all over.I moaned softly on his ear as I made fits on his black ravenous hair.We then continued to kiss as I felt his growing boner going all the way to my pussy."Ahh jug",I silently moaned as we kissed."No panties baby girl?",he said as I smirked and got up."What know princess?",he said as I went down to his pants.

I took undid his pants and pulled them along with his boxers down."Not even 5 minutes and already hard?",I said as I gave him a dirty look."You know it princess",he said as he smirked.I grabbed his 8 inch rock hard dick and started to lick from the very bottom to the tip."Ooh Fuck",he moaned of pleasure as he rested his head back.

I began to lick and suck the tip as I knew it drove him mad.Every time I went further and further which made him even more crazier.As I bobbed my head sucking I could tell he was ready to cum."G-god Betty I'm c-close",he grunted as he holded my head.

I went all the way down and sucked all of those 8 inches High and dry."Ahhh",he hissed as he had just came in my mouth.I swallowed every drop of cum in my mouth.

Since he was still hard,I then came right back up and straddled him once more."Come here baby girl"he said as he grabbed my waist and entered me."Ahh", I moaned as I kissed him.

When he was all the way in I began to ride him."Gosh J-jughead",I said in between moans as I rode him."Keep it down baby girl",he said as I bit my lower lip.All the sudden I felt a sudden hottnes covering all of my body."J-juggie I'm s-so close",I silently moaned as I made fits in his hair.

"Let it all out baby girl",he whispered in my ear".All I wanted to do was scream his name but I couldn't,I was in school.I grabbed his beanie and wrapped in my mouth.I closed my eyes of pleasure and continued to moan on the beanie.

"Ahh Juggiee",I muffled to the beanie."Let it all out baby girl",he said as I took his beanie off my mouth and quickly kissed  him."Ohh",I moaned in between kisses as I same all over his dick.
Know we were both out of breath still kissing.We both looked at eachother and giggled.

He pulled his pant's up hissing and grabbed his beanie and went straight to me.My thighs we shaking so bad I could barely walk."Sore, Cooper?",he said as he giggled."Sensitive, Jones?",I said with a dirty looking smirk." Touche",he said as I giggled.

"I never thought you were that good Betts",he said as i grabbed my backpack."There's a lot you don't know Juggie",I said as I looked at him playfully.

"Juggie,I like it",he said as for the first time I saw him smile in a cute and not dirty way."What about Veronica?",I asked as i sat on the desk."I'll deal with her later",he said as he crossed his arms."Alright", I said as I got up and went to the door.

"Hey Betts",he asked as I was about to open the door."Tomorrow at my house after school?",he asked as I looked at him and smirked."Homework?",I asked."You know it baby girl",he said as he winked at me."Bye Homework",I said as i left the blue and gold.


Well I hope you guys like it!..Thank you everyone who has been showing Support to my shirt book.

I love each and every message.

Leave a request for other chapters, I'll try my best.

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