"Fight+Heart Eye's=Sex"

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**Jugheads P.O.V**

We have just finished a Serpent meeting we were all ready to head to our home's.Betty didn't knew I was there Serpent king.I wanted to tell her but I couldn't.

If Penny Peabody found out about her knowing about me being the Serpent King,she would use her against me.I wanted to protect her.Penny wanted a fight,just Beacuse I kicked her out of the Serpent's.

All I wanted to do was protect Betty.Betty has done so much for me and my family.She believes in me like no one does and I can't risk losing that.
After getting on my bike, heading to the trailer park I arrived.

I get off my motorcycle and secure it.I walk to the trailer to see Betty sitting on the couch with her arms crossed.

"Hey Betts,How did you get in here and where's Dad?",I quickly asked as I putted my beanie to the coffee table."Don't you remember?Fp is on a business trip with the rest of the Serpent's and I have my ways", Betty said as she looked at me angrily.

"Betts are you alright?",I quickly asked her as I grabbed her hand."Don't Betts me Jug.Why didn't you tell me",Betty said as she pushed back."Tell you what Betty?",I said."About you being Serpent King!", Betty screamed as her eyes went watery.

For a split I felt completely numb.My fear of Betty finding out came true."Who told you?",I quickly asked worried."Toni Topaz,she asked me if I was going to be the next serpent queen.And when I asked her why she told me you were the Serpent king",Betty said as all I could see in her eyes was anger and betrayal.

"Betts I was planning to tell you but right know-",I said as I was cut off by her saying:"What Jug?!You wanted to protect me like last time?"."Jessus Betts yes!!",I screamed with frustration."Of what Jug?",Betty screamed with her eyes full of tears.

"I can't tell you Betts",I said."Oh...you don't trust me",Betty's said as she quickly looked away."Betty you are the only thing keeping me sane,but for some fucking reason all I do for you is I bring you more trouble",I said angrily.

"Then maybe we shouldn't be together!",Betty screamed."Fine by me!',I said as I looked at her deeply."Fine!",Betty screamed.She grabbed her stuff and went to the door.She then took a step back and at the looked at me with her eyes full of tears but For a sane moment our eyes locked.The look we both gave eachothere was a look of list and want.

"I can't leave Jug",Betty said as she dropped her stuff."Why Betts?",I asked as I got closer to her."Because I love you to much for me to leave you",Betty said as she ran to me a kissed me.

I obviously kiss her back but this time it was different.I pick her up and I smash her to kitchen counter.We began to undress each other but not for a single moment we stoped kissing.As we were done undressing I began to kiss her on the neck.Leaving 1 or 3 hickeys.

**Betty's P.O.V**

"Mmm",i softly moaned into Jugheads ear.As he made his way down he kissed me all the way to my legs.When he was all the way down he then came back up but stopped as I opened my legs.He then looked at me with a naughty smirk and started kissing and licking my Vagina.

"Oh G-god",I moaned out of breath as he licked me dry."Like that Baby girl",Jughead said as he came back up to kiss me.As we both kissed fighting for dominants with our tounges I made fits on his black ravenous hair.

"Bed?",Jughead asked me as we never stoped kissing."Mmj",I agreed as he picked me off the counter and took me to Fp's room.

As we were on the hallway I could feel hard erect dick rubbing itself on my ass."Somebody's exited",I said as giggled without breaking the kiss."And the night is only beginning",Jughead said as I could feel a growing smirk on his face.

When we made it to Fp's room he gently throwed me to the bed as I giggled.He then came up to me and kissed me.I was  nothing but a  moaning mess."Condom?",Jughead asked me as he kissed me."Pill",I responded."More fun to me",Jughead said as he stoped the kiss.

He then rubbed his member on my vagina making myself bite my lip.He then entered me as I moaned.At first he was being slow but then he picked up the pace."Faster Jug",I demanded as I moaned."R u sure?",Jughead asked.I nodded as he went way much faster.

"Ahh Fuck",I moaned as Jughead kept thrusting on me."God Betts",Jughead grunted as we were both close.As I felt hottness all over my body I knew I was about to cum."Juggie I'm about to-",I tried to say as my orgasm was getting closer and closer.

"Betts!",Jughead moaned as i went up to him and kissed him."Juggie im- Ahhh!",I hissed as I have just hitted my climax.Jughead pulled out and I grabbed his member and started sucking it."Gosh Betty!",Jughead hissed as he was about to cum.I sucked him even harder and I took all of his 8 inch dick on my mouth.

"FUCK BETTS AHH",Jughead grunted as he had came in my mouth.I swallowed all of his hot cum.He then kissed me and layed down next to me."I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me being Serpent king",Jughead said as he cuddled with me."You were just trying to protect me and I love you for that.",I said as I looked at him and smiled."What will I do without you Cooper?",Jughead said as he smiled."You'd be dead Jones",I said as I giggled."I love you Betts",Jughead said.

"And I love you 3000",I said as we both locked lips into a passionate kiss.


Guy's I decided to post this since I was 2 week's without posting.Thank you all for the positive comment's and the like's.

I love you guys.(Sorry for errors)


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