Bughead Baby pt.2

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**Jugheads P.O.V**

Betty's contractions were getting closer and closer.Betty looked and felt horrible.Around 12 hours have passed and she was around 6 centemiters dialeted."Jug",Betty groaned in pain."Tell me babe",I said as I got closer and closer to her.

"I need an epidural.I feel like I'm about to die",Betty said as she holded my hand."Okay Betts,I'll be right back",I said as I went to the nurse."Excuse me,My wife is asking for an epidural because of her contractions",I said to the nurse."Alright,let me get the doctor and well prepare the needle",the nurse said."Thank you",I said as I left.

"Hey Betts",I said as I sat down next to her."What Jug?",Betty groaned."They are going to give you an epidural",I said."Thank God!",Betty said as she groaned in pain.The doctor came in prepared Betty for the injection."Now you have to sit completely still,try not to move",The doctor said as Betty grabbed my hand.

"It's okay Betts, everything is going to be fine",I assured Betty."I know Jug",Betty said as she gave me a weak smile."This will hurt okay?",the doctor Said as he was about to inject the injection."Okay",Betty said as she took a deep breath.

"And...done",the doctor said as Betty exhaled."The epidural will start working around 30 minutes",The doctor said as Betty nodded.

Around an hour has passed and Betty is wide awake."Juggie",Betty said."Tell me Betts",I said as I went up to her."I'm hungry",Betty whimpered."I know Betts but the least you can eat now is ice",I said as Betty responded:"Then get me ice,I need to eat something".

I went to the nurses so they can get me Ice.When they finally brought the ice in a huge cup and a spoon,I entered the room and started feeding Betty some ice.

When Betty was done she whimpered once more and said"Now I really need a Pop's Burger".I chuckled at her exprexion and said,"Me too Betts,Now try to sleep,
you'll be needing some energy".Betty nodded as I went up to her and gave her a kiss.

Around 5 hours have passed and Betty was 10 centemiters dialeted.We were just transferred to the delivery room."Okay Betty,you can start pushing",The doctor said as I holded one of her legs as a nurse holded the other one.

**Betty's P.O.V**

I already started pushing."Okay big push,, Alright!",The doctor said as I pushed.I stoped the doctor paused me for a moment but then we continued to push.As I pushed I hear the doctor scream:"The umbilical cord is around her neck!".For a moment everything went slo motion. I quickly look at Jughead who was holding one of my leg.

"Betty push as hard as you can okay!PUSH!",the doctor screamed."You can do this C'mon push Babe",Jughead said.I inmidetly push as hard as I can and for 3 seconds I felt like I could overcome anything.

As I closed my eyes as I kept pushing I hear a baby crying.I open my eyes and see her.I glance over Jughead who was crying."There you go! You're alright",the nurse said to the baby as she handed her to me.Jughead inmidetly went to me crying of joy."Betts-",Jughead said as he cried.The little baby girl whimpered as she was laying in my chest.

"Hi my princess",I said I cried.Jughead kissed me on the forehead and said."You did it Betts"."No.We did it",I said as Jughead kissed me.

"What are we going to name her?",Jughead asked."How about Juliet?",I said as I smiled."Why that?",Jughead said with a smile."Because of the first time you kissed me.You called me Juliet",I said as Jughead gave me a soft smile.

"Juliet Rose Jones",I said as she smiled.


Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't update quick.I just moved so that's why.I love it here.Im sorry for certain errors.

Thank you for your support!


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