"Blue and gold pt.3"

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**Jugheads P.O.V**

Betty and i have been secretly sneaking out lately if you know what i mean😏.God just thinking about her gets me hard.She and i are basically friends with benefits ever since the thing that happend at the blue and gold a couple of months ago.

Lately i have been feeling some weird ass shit.Now i see her and its like my day just got better and only by seeing her and now i have come to a conclusion that i have feelings for Betty Cooper.I never thought someone could love and i still don't and i might be the schools bad boy but I still have feelings even though some will not belive it.

But with Betty,God i could stare at those beautiful greenish eyes and that beautiful luxurious hair.That smile that makes me want to kiss her and make her happy.I only care about her and only her.All i wish in life is to give the best out of the best,afterall she deserves everything.But how could a girl like her love a guy like me?

That is a question I often ask myself and all i can think off is:Do she see me that way?

Anyways,Betty and i decided to meet today since my dad isn't going in town for a couple of days.Im thinking to maybe confess on how i feel about her.But what if she says no?And what will she think of me?

God I have never been so nervous in my entire life.I don't know what to do.But I have to tell even though she will probably reject me but I have to try.


Hey Betts still on for tonight?

Im extra horny tonight 🤤🍆


Fast forward that nights:

Betty could be here in no time,god I was so nervous.I kept cursing and cursing.Me being nervous made me even more horny that I was."Fuck It",i said as I grabbed hand lotion pulled my pants down and started jerking off.

I imagined Bettys breast and pussy.I imagined her sweet fluids running through her pussy."Ahh"i softly moaned as i heard someone entering."Already starting with me Jones?",someone said as I turned around and saw Betty.

"Betty!",I said as I quickly tried to hide my huge boner."A few more seconds and I would have bet you got bigger Jones.But now i will never know",Betty said as she stipped down her clothes revealing a red lace lingerie."Wanna bet Cooper?",I said as I went closer to her.

"Wanna play Jones?",Betty said as she gave me a smirk."Let's play Cooper",i said teasingly as I picked her up and pinned her to the wall.We roughly kissed as I pinned her on the wall.

"You are so full of shit Jones",She said as I kissed her neck."Tell me about it Betts",I breathed into her neck as she moaned.

"Have you been good baby girl?",I asked her."I don't know Jug",she said in between moans."You don't call me Jug or Jones you call me Daddy or Sir or you will get a punishment "i said as we both stoped kissing."What if i don't want to call you that",Betty said as she gave me a smirk."You will get a punishment ",i said."Okay Juggie",she said as i gave her a look."Daddy",she corrected herself as we both continued to kiss.

I took her to my Bedroom and layed her on my bed."Wait here baby girl",i said as Betty streched on the bed.I went to my dads room and picked one of my dads cuffs.I went back to my room to see Betty undressed opening her legs wide for me.

I stood there admiring her pussy with my mouth opened."I need you Daddy",Betty whined as she bit her lip.I climed on top of her and i stood there facing her beauty."Turn around",i ordered her as she did it."Give me your hands",I ordered once more as she once again agreed.

**Third person p.o.v**

Jughead cuffed Bettys hands and spreaded ordered once more."Spread you're legs for daddy",he said."Yes sir",Betty said as she did what she was told."Too wet for me?",Jughead softly moaned as she bit her lip.

Jughead smahed his erect dick on her and said:"Do not make a single sound princess or Daddy will punish you"."What if I can't?",Betty whined as Jughead said:"I'll stop.Now do your want me to stop baby girl?",Jughead asked her I a seductive deep voice.

"No daddy",Betty gentle said as Jughead started thrusting into her.Betty bit her lip trying not make a sound but it was to good.He was to good.She tried moaned under her breath but instead a not so laud moan came out of her mouth.Jughead stoped and pulled out of her and said:"What did I told you Baby girl?"."Im sorry daddy you are just too good",Betty whined as she tried to look back at him.

"I will give you one more chance baby girl.Only one more",Jughead said in his seductive deep voice.Betty nodded despite the only thing she wanted to was moan his name out loud.

Jughead picked up the pace and continued to thrust into her."Fuck Baby you are so good",He moaned as Betty bitted her lower lip.All the sudden he uncuffed Betty and turned her around facing her."Now princess.You can moan",Jughead said as he continued.Betty smashed her lips onto Jughead and moaned his name.

"Ahh-Jug",she moaned as Jughead went faster and faster."Fuck Juggie.Faster",she tried to moan as there lips were still locked."Who makes you feel this way?",he asked as every time he went faster her moans became more and more intense."Not d-daddy or sir.You JUG!All I want is to m-moan your name",Betty said as she looked at me with green soulfull eyes.

Jughead instantly slowed down and In that moment  he knew what was right.She was the reason he lived for.In that same moment he wanted to be everything for her.Her friend,her brother,her best friend,the father of her children,her husband.In that moment he knew that all he wanted in life is to make her happy.In that moment he knew that she was his purpose.

Jughead inmidietly picked up the pace."Fuck Juggie im about to cum",Betty moaned and breathed rapidly as Jughead groaned:"M-me too"

They both came together.Betty instantly locked lips with him once more and said with a smile in between their lips"You definitely got bigger".He smiled as they both layed down.With Betty on his chest he started getting nervous once more."Well that was good",Betty said as she turned to Jughead"

"Yes it was",Jughead said nervously as Betty looked at him weirdly."Are you okay?",Betty said as she sat down."Umm W-well i",Jughead stuttered as Betty raised an eye brow.Jughead continued to stutter when all the sudden Betty putted her hand on his thigh and said"Hey look at me...its okay".

Jughead took a deep breath and said."I love you Betty Cooper".Betty just stood there and said:"What?",Betty said in shock."I know you don't have to like me back but we can still be friend with benefits or friends or i do-"Jughead started speaking fast as Betty shushed him and kissed him."I love you too Jughead Jones",Betty said after they separated from their kiss.

Jughead smiled and Betty went on top of and just started the whole damm thing again.


Im back Bitchess!!This took a lot of time working on But y'all got what you wanted.One of my most requested story.I love you all!!

And there is more to come.

Sorry for errors.

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