Chapter one

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(Keith's POV)

   I was running through the halls of the castle of lions. "Hey Mullet!!" I heard an all too familiar voice. My fair was already red and I was starting to sweat "Y-yes??" I chocked our with a cracked voice. "Wel- wait did you just stutter!!?!" He screeched while laughing.

   I felt my legs starting to give out from underneath me. "I-I gotta go!!" I chocked out again starting to hobble away. "you good man you look a little sick?" Lance teased in his swee-cocky voice. "Y-Yeah perfectly fin-" I chocked out before my legs gave out on me.

   "Are you actually sick?!" Lance yelled running up to me. I pushed him away and tried to stand up but quickly stopped cause of how dizzy I got. "Keith I'm trying to help you" lance said as he went behind me and wrapped his arms around my torso before pulling me up. "L-Let me go!" I yelled hoping Shiro would hear me. Nothing.... "dude I'm just trying to help out" lance huffed over my shoulder.

  My already red face got an even deeper shade of red. "C'mon" lance said moving one of my arms over his shoulders and staring to walk towards the infirmary. "Lance stop!" I yelled in his ear " OW!! What!!" He yelled back I shook slightly at his raise in voice. I covered my face with one hand "please just take me to my room I will tell you what's up after I take my pills" I said in a low whisper.

  Lance seemed shocked by my reaction that he complied "yeah okay, but you better tell me" he yelled in my ear again. I shook again this time he noticed it must have flicked a switch in his small head "Are you an Ome-" Lance was quickly cut off by my hand slapping over his mouth.

  "Just drag me to my room and I will tell you and answer your question" I said calming before getting pulled forward.

   When we got into my room I dragged myself to where my pills are Lance already had his answer when he saw my pill bottle. "Those aren't safe... you shouldn't use them" he said in a commanding voice taking them out of my grasp. "Lance give me them" I said wanting my suppressants back. "No" lance said in a way telling me if I took them he would kill me.

   "Fine then go get Shiro" I said rubbing both sides of my forehead. "Why is he your mate or someth-" "NOOO!! He's my brother!" I yelled cutting lance off reviving a scary look in return. "Ugh!... fine I will go get him just... here!" He said with a huff before picking me up bridal style setting me on my bed. "Seeing as you have to drag yourself to places I already took you to a spot" lance said before walking out.

   I huffed and threw myself onto the bed and began to feel even more hot as my heat crept up my body. My vision started to blur when I heard the door open. I stayed still when I heard my brother. "Well I will tell everyone he's sick and do not to tell anyone about this alright" I heard shiro say before sleep took over me.

554 words hoped you liked it

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