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(Lances POV)

I ran down the halls after Shiro. I was confused as to why he would betray us like this. I knew one thing though he was headed towards lotors containment cell. I ran inside I startled lotor a bit by bursting through the doors.
Shiro was nowhere to be seen. I noticed something behind me but before I could turn around. Something hit me hard on the neck and I toppled over and started the fight to stay conscious. I noticed it was Shiro who had hit me he clearly noticed I was awake. I know this because he kicked me in the stomach and lifted me up before slamming me on the floor again.
My ears were ringing after hitting my head that hard on the floor. Shiro turned his attention away from me and towards the door.

(Keith's POV)

I went into the containment area and say lance being slammed into the floor by Shiro. I stood there and my Marmora blade transformed. Shiro noticed me and I ran at him.
Shiro went to punch me I ducked and he kneed me in the stomach shot me up a covered my face cause I knew he would slam me to the floor.
I got up after being hit to the floor only to be kicked to the side. I dropped my blade and Shiro noticed this cause he grabbed it and ran at me. I had to ducked his hand and my blade now.
He kicked me to the wall and threw the blade it went right next to my neck. One wrong move and Shiro would've killed me. I gathered my breath and grabbed it out of the wall and charged.
He jumped over me and I whipped around to be kicked in the face. I not do gracefully fell to the floor and got up before he could attack me again.
"Keith stop fighting i can end this pain" shiro said and it chilled me to the core "no! Shiro you need help!" I yelled at that he got angry and came at me again. I did the same but he grabbed my arm and threw me to the floor and stepped on my back. Holding me arm behind me I couldn't move.
Even breathing hurt at this point. "S-shiro stop please" I said my voice a little over a whisper.
Just when I thought he loosened his grip on my arm. He pulled it even tighter I let out a whimper. I felt like my arm was gonna break.
It did Shiro broke my good arm. I tried to kick him off. He grabbed me by the hair and slammed me back down. He did this over and over again. Then he turned back to lance I noticed he was wide awake with wide eyes filled with anger and horror.
He started to do the same to lance. I shut my eyes right and hoped this was all a nightmare.
After Shiro was done with lance he walked over to lotors cell and opened it. He knocked lotor out and threw him over his shoulder and started to walk out.
I was crawling over to lance, and Shiro once again kicked me away. I refused to let sleep take me but acted like I did. It must have worked because Shiro seemed satisfied and left walking out the door.
I got up on my knees and hand and crawled over the lance I fell onto his back and he was breathing. "Thank god" I said my voice even quieter than before.
I realized how injured he was through he probably had a concussion and a few broken ribs. "I'm not gonna fall asleep... you could die if I do so I will not to keep you alive" I said moving my broken arm onto the floor.
I wondered when others would get here. Just as I thought that the door opened and I swung around. I saw the team running in and noticed lotor gone and us very bruised and beaten. 
Hunk ran over to us "what happened?!" He asked in a raised voice. I mustered the loudest voice I could get and it was still like I was whispering. "S-shiro attacked us... I fought b—ack and he got both of us" my voice was cracking but that was probably because of how he stepped on my chest.
Hunk helped me up and then grabbed lance and we walked to the infirmary. My legs gave out on me along the way, but I was thankful Allura caught me before I hit the ground.
I basically dragged myself wait- Allura dragged me to the infirmary.
Both lance and I were put into a Healing pod. I Knew well that the Healing pod wouldn't heal me fully, But it would help me with the uhh ALMOST DYING. 'Why does this keep happening??' I thought to myself sitting in the darkness of my head.
I laid onto the "floor" of the dark abyss. I winced a bit and sat up lifting up my Shirt I noticed a huge bruise on my back.
"Huh guess I'm still healing from red" I thought aloud as I put my Shirt back down.

(Allura's POV)

"Okay so once they get out we need to tell them our plan to get Shiro back" I stated and everyone nodded. It had been at least two hours since they were put in.
We had come up with a plan to rescue Shiro. The unmistakable sound of a pod opening met my ears. I turned and noticed it was Keith's and he had fallen on top on Pidge. He quickly got up and winced.
"Oh right you don't heal fully anymore in the Pods" I remembered and went to grab a sling and bandages for his arm.
After a fight of treating Keith's arm and Pidge holding him back. We finally got it into the sling and sighed. "Yeah it's bound to hurt Shiro did quite a number on it" I stated jokingly, but was met with a room of sad looks.
1021 words
Sorry I haven't been posting for a while hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to post more often.

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