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(Keith's POV)

I ran in with the others and saw Shiro on top of Lance pinning him to the ground and Shocking him. I ran over and tried to peel Shiro off on lance, but he didn't budge. I noticed the small pen like item stuck into Lances next.

I tried to throw Shiro's hand off, he just flipped a switch and the electricity from the pen grew even stronger. "Stop!!" I yelled and everyone else started to tear Shiro off of Lance. When they did I jumped to Lance and pulled the thing out of his neck.
He had already passed out at the large shock. I checked for a pulse and was thankful he has one. I lifted him up by the back and into a one armed hug.
Allura put a hand on my shoulder reassuringly "don't worry... he just needs some rest" she said softly even thought I could tell she was panicked.

I sat there lance unconscious in my arms as hunk and Allura dragged Shiro out of the room. Pidge helped me carry lance to his room. "Thank you Pidge" I said and she patted my back and responded "no problem have fun... Snuggling with your boyfriend" the way she said it was a teased manner. And I blushed a deep red and playfully punched her.

When she left the I sat down next to lance and lifted the blanket climbing next to him. I put my head into the crook of his neck and breathed in his calming scent.
I soon let sleep take over me snuggled close to my unconscious mate.

The next morning I woke up to Lance shooting up and shaking. He noticed me still clinging onto him, and wrapped his arms tightly around me. He laid back down me in his arms "what happened yesterday?" I asked him and he tended.
"Well... A-after you left to find Allura. Shiro jumped onto me and held me down and pressed some taser thing into my neck... I heard the door open then it all went black" he said in a quite voice that cracked every once in a while.
"Wait!! Where's Shiro!!" Lance yelled suddenly in fear. It scared me at the sudden outburst and apparently lance noticed that and held me tighter pressing my face into his neck.
"He is down in the cells I think" I said muffled by his neck but I felt him relax.
He laid back down and moved me more onto his chest. I relaxed in his arms. I slowly fell back asleep in his arms.

(Lances POV)

After a good 15 minutes I looked down and noticed Keith had fallen asleep again I smiled and laid my head back down. I heard the door open I looked up and saw pidge.
"What's up" I said to Pidge quietly as she walked in and over to the bed side. In a quiet voice she responds "I just came to check on you guys and tell you that breakfast is ready" "oh ok.. wait tell me what is wrong with Shiro" I stated and she nodded. "The Galra did something to his mind... he is gonna be alright" Pidge said reassuringly before adding. "But come down and get something to eat... bring Aurora down to he hasn't eaten since yesterday at lunch." Pidge said before leaving.
I looked at the sleeping Keith and decided to wake him up. I shake him lightly and he starts to stir. "What?" He asked "breakfast" I said and smiled and he groaned and laid on the bed as I got up.
"You know Pidge called you Aurora" I chuckled and he sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Little gremlin calling me sleeping beauty" he grumbled getting up and I put my jacket on him. "You know for getting tased yesterday I feel great" I said helping him put his good arm through my jacket sleeve. When we got his arm in the sleeve I ruffled his hair, and put an arm around his shoulders careful of his injured arm.
I had a bad feeling in my gut but I pushed it aside and kept my guard up. We started our walk to the dining.

When we made it to the room there was silence from inside. Standing outside I noticed the feeling from before was back and stronger. The silence wasn't comfortable either it was an uncomfortable silence.

Keith went to open the door and I pushed him behind me. My second gender instincts were creeping up. What I mean by that is that my thoughts were two things one-protect your Omega, And two-find our what's wrong.
I knew Keith could handle himself, but my instincts were telling me something is about to happen. And I shouldn't let him go in first.

Keith moved around my arm to go in again, but this time I grabbed his wrist looked him right in the eyes.
The look I gave screamed "open that door and I will kill you" He got the message and walked back behind me.
"So what do you think is in there that is so bad that you won't let me g-"
Keith said but I cut him of my slapping my hand over his mouth when I heard a growl from in the room.
I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to a wall nearby quietly as possible. The door opened and out walked Shiro he clearly noticed we were there as he attacked us. Swinging his blade which had blood on it.
He swung at us I tripped Keith and ducked. Shiro's blade was stuck in the wall I took the opportunity and pinned Shiro to the ground. He fought obviously, but I was on such a rush of adrenaline that Shiro went down.
I knew things couldn't go this well for long when I felt something stab into my leg I looked down before a shock went through me.
"Lance!" I heard Keith yell as my limbs went numb.


1007 words sorry for this sounding rushed I'm just happy at that first part.

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