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(Lances POV)

We all sat on the couch waiting to decide on wether to go ask lotor questions or not. I had keith laying his head on my shoulder and my arm around his waist.
"I say we should... I mean we could learn plans and defeat the galra" hunk said and most nodded. "But he is aggressive especially towards Alphas which is most of us" shiro stayed and everyone once again nodded except Keith.
"I could go down and ask questions" Keith said and immediately was returned with a "No!" From everyone. "Keith the last time you saw lotor you said he told you weird stuff and I watched him being flirty with you" Shiro said and Keith shrank into me.
Eventually we all decided to go down together and me and Keith to stay at the back.
I had no problem with that. Shiro said lotor was being flirty with Keith my boyfriend. I had an arm around Keith's waist holding him up as we walked. We got in there and lotor looked in our direction.
"We need to ask you some questions" Allura said as Keith and I made our way to the front of the group. Keith started to back up and I remembered we where supposed to stay in the back. Keith sat down when we got there.
There was a loud crash and Keith and I ran to the front again. We saw lotor holding onto Shiro through the bars Keith ran up and started to pull Lotor off Shiro.
Instead lotor grabbed Keith to and slammed him into Shiro. Shiro got out of lotors grip and Keith walked up to Shiro "you Okay?" "Yeah". At the interaction lotor growled and grabbed Keith's shoulder and slammed him onto the bars.
Keith of course started to fight out of lotors grip. I ran over and started to peel him off Keith. Lotor slammed Keith into the bars again. I managed to pull lotor off of Keith.
Keith fell slightly and I caught him. I pulled him away from the group and checked for injuries.
"Why did we even let you come down here? With all the bad lick you have been having" I stated angrily and Keith chuckled.
We sat there for a while me sitting on the floor Keith laying on my chest with his legs over mine. I had a tight grip on Keith.
When we left I started to drag Keith to my room. When we got in I closed the door and turned to keith.
"Are you Okay if I mark you?" I asked and Keith gave a puzzled look before nodding.
"Okay" I said walking over the Keith and put my face in the crook of his neck. I started to bite and suck on a piece of skin. Keith let whimpers out and I nearly stopped.
When I finished we sat down on my bed and Keith pushed me down and laid on my stomach. He let more whimpers out probably cause his neck hurt. I pet his head until I noticed he fell asleep. 'Oh no I can't leave now I'm gonna wake him up' I thought remembering I had to help Pidge with something important.
I slightly moved to see if he would wake up. He didn't but I knew he would be sad if i left. He just got marked he would probably get a little needy and more lonely when I left for the next two weeks. I sighed and heard a knock at the door. I shuffled out of the bed and Keith and opened it. Pidge stood there "Sorry Pidge I did a thing with Keith and he will be mad if I leave" I stated and she glanced at him and saw the mark.
"Ohhhh~ finally got the big boy pants to do it Lance McClain!" I closed the door and walked back over the Keith to see he was awake.
Before I even got in bed again keith already latched onto me. I laid down and moved him on top of me again.
He nuzzled his face in my neck and went back to sleep.
I thought this was adorable and pulled a blanket over us I fell asleep not too long after.
When I woke up I noticed Keith had rolled himself into a blanket burrito and was still sleeping. I sighed and got up I wrote a note saying I was getting some food and left it next to keith who had snuggled tightly into my blankets.
I chuckled and left the room. On my walk to the kitchen things were quite.... too quite. I wasn't too worried the others were probably asleep. And if it was lotor who could go after Keith I didn't have to worry I marked Keith after all.
When I got to the kitchen I noticed something on the floor. I walked over and saw hunk. "Hunk!" I yelled and tried to shake him awake.
I heard a clang behind me I turned around and saw Shiro except he looked different.
"Shiro?" I said more of a question "hello lance" his voice sounded harsh and he ran up to me and started to attack. I was barely able to dodge him I ran out into the halls. He got me from behind and asked me something I didn't understand "Shiro what's wrong?!" I yelled my question. Shiro laughed and was about to attack me until "STOP!!" Rang through the hall and I saw Keith running up "What are you doing?!" He yelled and Shiro went to attack. Keith barely dodged but got hit hard in the back of the head and crumbled to the floor.
Shiro laughed and started to walk away.
Keith was in front of me letting out sharp whimpers I pulled him into my chest. "I have to go after him you Okay staying here?" I asked and he nodded and I let go. Part of me felt guilt at the sad face Keith gave, but i had to help Shiro before he did something he would regret.


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