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(Lances POV)

I walked into the kitchen to get some food for Keith and myself. Pidge and hunk jumped out from behind the counter causing me to jump to the stars. "WHE-How!?!?" They questioned while I got up from the floor. "Guys calm down" I said crossing my arms. "How did you know Keith was an Omega before us?!" Pidge practically screamed in my face.
"Can you not yell in my face please?" I said calmly "and because I was making fun of Keith and he collapsed in front of me, I helped him to his room, and he took out a bottle of suppressants... Me being a good Alpha took them from him" I said answering the earlier question. "Lance!! He would of been way better off if you just let him take his suppressants!!" Pidge yelled. "No they are not good for your health and I don't think he would've been happy being si-" "OUR ENTIRE TEAM ARE ALPHAS AND BETAS!!!.... expect Keith the only Omega in the group. That sound pretty dangerous." Pidge interrupted me. "Yeah your right that is bad but, you are only supposed to take suppressants an hour before your heat starts his was already there. So he would've gotten sick" I said grabbing a bag of chips.
"I will just tell him to keep the door locked until the end of the week" I said walking out to Keith's room.
I walked in the room and Keith looked up at me. "You should probably keep your door locked.... So nobody tries to attack you" I said watch a chuckle and set the chips down quickly leaving.

~~~~~ ONE WEEK LATER~~~~~~~~

(Keith's POV)

I walked out of my room my heat lasted for longer than usual. It used to only be three to four days but it was eight. Maybe because I hadn't been off my suppressants for almost a year.
I decided to go train since I had to stay in my room for a week not aloud to see anyone other than Shiro. I sighed when I made it to the door and heard clangs inside. "I wonder who is training today... probably Shiro" I mumbled to myself and opened the door to see Lance.
'Thats a surprise' I thought to myself. I walked more inside and he noticed me. "End training sequence!!.. hey man" He yelled. "Hey...." I said slightly waving. "If you want I can help you... one!-because your stance is all wrong and two- because I need my suppressants back" I said and he sighed. "Fine! I will give them back but only use them at the proper times not right at the start of your heats" he said and I nodded.
I walked up and pulled out my bayard it changed into a sword. "Start training sequence!!" I yelled and turned to lance "just watch and learn" I said before turning to the Altean robot.

(Lances POV)

"Just watch and learn" Keith said to me before turning to his opponent. I sighed and watched from the side. One thing I did noticed was that Keith would never let them in too close, and that's one mistake I made... a lot and had many bruises to show for it.
Another thing is Keith would get in close attack and switch back to defensive. "Hmmm... so using an offensive-defensive attack style is the most effective. Cause if you go too must defense you don't get anywhere, and too much offense leaves to open to attacks." I said more to myself while watching. "Yeah that's Why I do my way of fighting" Keith said right next to me. I jumped not even noticing he was done. "Oh I didn't see you there!" I said to Keith.
"Probably because he was staring at your bu-" Pidge said but i slapped a hand over her mouth before she could finish. "Eww!!! Did you just lick me?!" I yelled removing my hand and rubbing it on pudges shoulder. "Yes and anyways Allura wants everyone in the bridge we are going to see the blade of Marmora a today and they want everyone there to know the plan.
"Okay" I said turning back to Keith as Pidge was leaving. "I will give them back later" I said turning and leaving Keith huffed and started walking after me.
When we got there everyone was waiting. "So we are meeting them right now?" I asked and Shiro nodded. "And I needed everyone here because I need to take someone with me." Shiro said looking over at Keith. "Well obviously it's going to be me I'm super chi-" "Keith your coming with me" shiro said "Wait what?!" I yelled "Yes the red lion is the only one who can handle the heat of the suns." Shiro stayed and I looked out the window where he was gesturing.
The was two black holes and a sun and right in the middle there was a tiny speck which was the base. "But Lance If you want to come along we will take you" Shiro said probably knowing I have gotten just a littl- who am I kidding a lot over protective of Keith. Keith just sighed "then let's go" he said turning and leaving "OH they said come unarmed so no knives Keith!" Shiro yelled Keith gave a thumbs up before walking towards reds hangar.
We set off towards the base. "So we are getting more allies at this base" I said more asking than saying though. "Yes" Shiro said looking out the eyes of the red lion. "Guys something is wrong" Keith said suddenly grabbing the attention of both Alphas. "What is it?" Shiro asked.

(Keith's POV)

"I don't know red won't tell me" I said to both people with me. Suddenly the controls were moving on their own. "What are you doing Keith?!" I heard Lance yell but I was more focused on getting red back under control. 'Stop fighting me...' I heard red say in my mind but it was more of a demand, and instead of her usual calming voice it was old and cranky. 'Where are you taking us?!' I yelled back in my head still trying to gain control. I was using all of my strength to do this when red yelled a last warning. 'Fine then since you have such opposition to my ideas' I heard red say in my mind very loud as a shock came through the lion.
I felt like I was being fried alive as I fell limp unable to move. I heard people yelling but only somethings could be made out over the ringing in my hears. My eyes started to close against my will as much as I tried to fight it nothing happened. 'Maybe next time you won't oppose me when I tell you I know what I'm doing' that sickening voice said in my head and I felt another shock.

1157 words
Wow I wrote both chapters 3 & 4 right now because I was in the moment also sorry for the cliff hanger.

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