Chapter 2

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(Lances POV)

After Shiro left me at keith's door I opened it and threw my jacket over keith. Omegas like alphas scents right???? I thought as I left his room closing it behind me. I see hunk and pidge right in front of me and jump "what where you doing in there? Shiro said to leave him alone until he gets better" pidge remarked then noticing my jacket was gone. "ohhhhhhh were you actually being a gentlemen to him?!" she screamed "No he... coughed on it... and I went to goooo.. Wash it!!" I struggled to put together as they gave me looks that they knew I was lying.

They walked away clearly not believing the lie but thankfully not pressing any further. I decided to go to my room to wait out the rest of the day. I would do what I usually do... fight with keith, but now that I know he is an Omega I have so many different questions and cant help but feel guilty. Alphas are supposed to be there to protect omegas and yet he fought with one and made them feel unsafe. That's probably why he was taking suppressants I thought sadly as I got up and started heading to the training room. Might as well train so I can make up for it in the future.

"Start training level 5!" I said loudly when I went into the room and grabbed a sword. A robot materialized into the center of the room and ran towards me. It swung its sword and I ducked and swung back making a clang as its sword hit mine back.

(Keith Pov)

I woke up covered in sweat and a familiar jacket. I groaned as I sat up barely able to move my arms without slipping. I didn't feel as hot I guess my suppressants from earlier that morning were still in affect, but not all the way. I heard loud clangs of metal down the hall Someone is training I thought as I swung my legs over the bed to get up. As if on que a loud voice rung through the castle of lions "paladins we are under attack get to your lions!" Allura yelled into the speakers.

I pushed off my bed with shaky legs and started to walk to red. When I got to her hanger and got inside. You don't think I am letting you leave this hangar in this state red stated in my thoughts. "Red I don't have time for this they need Voltron right now... They need us" I said wanting to leave the castle to help fight. Fine... but only this once red said in my head "thank you" I said grabbing the controls. We shot out of the castle hangar and into the open battle field.

"Keith what are you doing!?" I heard Shiro yell into my communication system "I'm here so we can form Voltron!" I shot back getting a bit upset by how overprotective everyone is acting. "Ok well lets do this team!" Shiro yelled into the communication systems of everyone. A sea of okays came back to answer Shiro. We started to form Voltron and I felt light headed, but pushed through I wasn't about to let a heat make me useless.

We got back to the castle. When I stood up I was so light headed I collapsed. I don't know how long I laid in red, but I suddenly I felt somebody grab my shoulders and flip me so I was facing them. It was lance he looked me right in the eyes and stated in such a firm voice that it shook me to my core. "Don't you ever do something like that EVER again" all I could do was nod I was shocked that lance cared that much.

He picked me up from under my back and legs and stood up from his sitting position. My already red face turned even darker when he picked me up and started to walk out. We ran into Shiro on the way out he was probably mad at me to, but I didn't care I was to lightheaded to care. Shiro must have seen that because he must have told lance to take me to my room. The reason I think that is because right after Shiro said something Lance was off.

I snuggled into lances warm body he must have blushed because is face got really red. My vision started to blur but I wasn't tired I just could only see blurs of colors. And suddenly I was put down on my bed or I think its my bed. Before lance could leave though I grabbed his wrist. "what?" lance said sweetly sounding nothing like before.

I tugged on his arm and he sighed. "Is every Omega this needy" he said sitting down next to me on the bed. I moved my head into his lap and wrapped my arms around his torso. He sighed and I heard the door open and a snicker. "So he's caught you" I heard Shiro say laughing "yeah" lance said with a laugh. I felt Shiro sit down on the bed "I can't believe red let him leave the castle" Shiro said with a sigh. "Keith" he continued "IF you keep doing this people are bound to find out your an Omega so be more careful."

(lances POV)

Keith nodded his head in my lap and I pet his hair. It was surprisingly soft so I continued until I heard him purr. Both Shiro and I paused at that noise "don't stop" keith mumbled into my legs. "O-okay" I said and continued to pet is hair. "Keith just please be carefu-" "Shiro just tell them! I don't care!" keith snapped shooting up and starring at Shiro. Shiro starred dumbfounded and I pulled Keith's head back into my lap and holding him there.

"I will be back" Shiro said walking out of the room leaving me and Keith. Keith's hold on me tightened and he moved more into my lap his chest was now covering my legs. I laid back onto the bed so Keith could lay down better. "WHAT?!?!?!" I heard from down the hall and I felt Keith shake while on top of me. I snaked my arm around him and he put his face into my scent glands. "You really are needy" I said in a chuckle "Shut... Up" Keith said snuggling deeper into my neck. I flipped us over and Keith fell onto the bed. Keith whined and I stood up as he tried to grab me.

"I'm going to get food" I said and Keith stopped he just turned away. "What are you just trying to guilt trip me or something? cause its not working" I said putting my jacket that was on the floor on Keith's floor over him once again. He curled up into a ball, And I walked out to go get food.


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