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(Keith's POV)

I have gotten to a point where I can walk now. Although I'm not aloud to train it's nice to be able to go where I want now.
Now that I can walk I don't have to sit on that hospital bed anymore. "So what you wanna do?" Lance asked as we sat on his bed. "I don't know I usually train all day but with my elbows still broken.... I can't" I said my arms laying across my stomach in heavy bandages. I could bend them but they were still healing and sometimes my arms got stuck in a position... if I left them for too long.
"Right training!" Lance yelled getting up.
"Wow okay guess I could watch that or... I could go strengthen my bond with red" I said and lance stopped me. "I thought shiro told you not to go to the hangar while you were recovering" "well I could take you with me.. to 'make sure I'm not going in my lion and doing crazy stuff when they don't know if Hagar is still in the lion'" I said mocking my brothers voice.
"Ha ha very funny but shiro told me not to let you go into the hangar until they find out what's wrong with red" lance said and I groaned "gosh if all omegas aren't this moody I got myself a rotten egg" lance said and with that I got up and walked out.
"Keith?! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings it was a joke!" I heard lance yell, but I was already around the corner. I bumped into someone and fell backwards. Luckily I caught myself and saw hunk in front of me.
"Oh hey" I said before starting to walk around him. He grabbed my shoulder reassuringly "shiro needs you seems important" he said sounding worried.
"Okay" I said looking him in the eyes with a confused look.
"Just hurry he needed you and it sounded urgent" hunk said before a nodded and ran out the room.
When I got to the bridge I saw Shiro and Ulaz from the blade of Marmora.
"Keith you made it" Shiro said and I walked up to the two.
"What's up?" I said and shiro pressed something on the star map. "We plan to go there during an attack, but voltron needs to be there to distract while we are inside" Ulaz said "and we can't do that because I can't even go near the hangar" I said and upas looked at me.
"Why not?" He asked "because last time He was in red she almost killed him" Shiro said "no that was Hagar not red!" I said frustrated. "Can we do the mission with only the lions?" Shiro asked paying no attention to my outburst. "I guess it will have to" Ulaz sighed.
"When are we starting?" Shiro asked "right now" Ulaz responded right then and there.
Allura wormholes then to a base, but isn't right in view. "Okay everyone go ahead and go!" She yelled and everyone but keith went to their lions.
Once everyone left things were quite. That was until Coran noticed an intruder on the ship.
"I will go check it out" I said wanting to get back in the action. "Ok, but be careful" Allura said and I ran out as soon as I was around the corner I was slammed into the wall.
"Where's everyone else?" The masked man asked me. He was taller than me so I was being held off the floor. Instead of answering him I kicked him in the stomach. He dropped me and I punched him, but he ducked and kicked me in the stomach. I fell over from the kick wheezing from the wind being knocked out of me.
He held his sword up to my face "so.... red paladin or should I say Keith?" He says and I was shocked. I went to knock the sword out of his hand and he kicked my hand down and stepped on it.
"You going to answer?" The person said "like I would tell you where my team is!" I yelled try to free my hand from under his foot.
"Oh really then I will just ask someone else" the masked man said before slamming the knife down. I moved to the side and barely missed my head.
I kicked him off me and stood up ready to fight. I don't have my sword so I am not sure I can win this, and I still have broken elbows.
The intruder threw punches before trying to cut me with his sword. He swung his sword where my neck was and I was forced to duck. He kicked his leg under mine at that exactly time. I obviously fell to the floor prompting him to grab me by neck and shove me against the wall.
I started clawing at the hand to get it off me. He slammed the knife into the wall next to my head missing by a few  millimeters. "Answer the question Keith!" He yelled.
"Never!" I yelled but it sounded chocked. He tightened his grip when he heard my reaction. "Tell me!" He screamed and I felt myself starting to lose consciousness from the air loss.
I tried to kick him off but it was weak. He cackled and threw me on the ground. My vision started to double, but my lungs were happy to get some air.
I got up into a fighting stance, but already had gotten punched. 'I'm not gonna win this' I thought but got an idea. I got up and ran in a direction and hoped he followed me, he did.
I ran to where the air lock was he followed me in front of it. I pushed him to the door- more like I ran out of the way when he came at me and he threw his knife at me. My shirt was caught by the knife holding me on the wall I punched the air lock open.

1008 words

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