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My phone is about to die so this will be a small chapter of hunk and Pidge.
(Hunks POV)

I turned around and grabbed ingredients. I got a pot out from a cabinet cooking was so much easier now that I could read Altean. "So how long do you think it will take before we have to tie Keith down?" Pidge jokes while playing with a spoon.
"A week at most!" I laughed as I said it while mixing the soup. Pidge just smiled and looked back at her spoon.
"I think Lance likes him" pidge says and I was so caught off guard I almost dropped the soup. "Why?" I asked pidge and she responds "because he is always worried about him and he practically got down on his knees and begged Shiro to let him stay with Keith earlier we all saw it" "I guess that is true" hunk said continuing to stir his soup adding some spices. He was making Taco soup because one-it's good and two-he thought Keith and Lance would like it.

(Lances POV)

When I got back to the infirmary. I saw Keith was staring at the door. "Wow waiting for me to come back?" I asked and Keith turned his head super fast yelping. I ran up "you are a handful... you know that right?" I said and Keith looked at me.
"Look I know this isn't the best time, but I can't hide this from you anymore" I said and Keith looked at me weird "what?" He asked. "I like you and wanted to asked if you wanted to be my boyfriend!" I yelled and a bunch oh thoughts of rejection filled my head.
I looked up and Keith was blushing  "I-I... I Like you too!!" Keith yelled turning away again. "So are we boyfriends now?" I asked unsure Keith nodded him head.
"Okay" I said a smile filling my face from ear to ear.

(Shiro's POV)

"Soo you guys are boyfriends?" I said and they both looked at me keith to fast though. I sighed and walked over to the lovebirds. Lance was making sure Keith was okay "when I said you were a hand full I meant it!" Lance yelled and soon I was next to them. I ruffled Keith's hair witch make it stand up. Lance started to laugh at Keith and he blushed. "Shiro" Keith whined cause he wasn't able to smooth down his hair due to his broken elbows. I chuckled "well I'm surprised Keith hasn't fallen asleep yet" "I slept all day you think I'm gonna go back to sleep?!" Keith asked surprised. "Ohh right" I said and turned to lance "well you should go get some rest you haven't slept all day and now that Keith is injured if something happens we need everyone ready" I said and lance nodded. "I will but I got to go get his food that hunk is cooking" he replied and I said goodnight and left the two.

(Keith's POV)

Lance went to go get some food for us. I was left alone in here once again 'keith' I heard the voice again "leave me alone!" I yelled but it was more like I was just talking. 'Why? This is how I'm finding you I'm not going to leave you alone until I find you!' The voice said that voice scared him to his core. Almost like when lance said something in a dominant voice.
"Just leave me ALONE!!" I actually yelled and guess I grabbed some attention cause someone burst through the door. That person was Allura "Keith?!?" She yelled running towards me. "Are you alright?!" She said looking me over. "Hagar was talking through my head" I said through a sob. Allura put a hand on my forehead I heard the door open before I drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

(Lances POV)

"Allura! What are you doing?!" I yelled  running over and setting the food down. "He said Hagar is talking through his head. And I knocked him out so he wouldn't have to worry" Allura responded before pressing a hand on his forehead
"He is right she is talking to him" Allura said removing he hand. "So what do we do" I said while staring at my boyfriends sleeping face.
"She said she is tracking us through his eyes so I believe knocking him is a solution for now" Allura said "but we will find something more permanent" she said patting my shoulder and walked out.
Keith's eyebrows kept meeting each other in the middle. "It's ok buddy, I'm not gonna let her hurt you" I said grabbing his hand and massaging his knuckles. He put an incredible grip on my hand and his face softened.
"Well I guess getting food was a waste... until you wake up thats is" I said sighing and sitting down in the chair still holding Keith's hand.
"Wonder what's going on in your head" I said looking up at his face.

(Keith's POV)

Hagar was just talking to me now. I was still on after last time but other than that we were just sitting there. She said earlier that if she moved it would deplete her magic enough where she would leave. With that I started to try to make her move.
After one last attempt at scaring her which didn't work. She raised a hand and I couldn't move my upper body. I then was held upside down in front of  her face.
"Well now that you can't try to make me move anymore... let's get serious" she said in her sickening voice.
"What is there that I don't know?" I asked actually curious as what her answer would be.
"Well first off I can affect you in the real world now not in the mind scape" she said and showed me that she was controlling my hand. "Why should that mat-" I was interrupted by my body being in pain.
I looked back to Hagar her hand was smoking I knew what just happened.
'OWWW!!' Is what I would've said, but when I went to annoy her nothing came out.
"Well have fun not talking... or moving" Hagar said and he dropped still unable to move his arms, but this time he could move the rest of himself. The floor brought bad memories from the last time he laid on it. "Well see you soon Keith" Hagar said before disappearing.
Leaving me by myself unable to talk or move my arms which the numb feeling quickly moved to my legs.
Pain suddenly suddenly shot through me. 'My medication is wearing off' I  thought in fear.
I could suddenly feel my broken ribs and elbows along with my other injuries. And I can't do anything about it this time.

1135 words

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