part 1

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The raizada mansion is in everyone was busy in their respective work..servants were doing their job..there was a pin drop silence in the whole mansion..ratna and devyani singh raizada were busy in worshipping god..and arvind had already left for his office..ratna and arvind have been married for 30 years..they are still in love with each other..arvind is soft and kind hearted man and ratna she is too good..she is loving caring and helping plus understanding. They have two kids..anjali and arnav..arnav is elder than anjali..he is the most complex person..he is quiet..and composed businessman. His first and last love is only his business..his whole world revolves around his work..he hates to socialise with people..he dont have much girlfriends as no one can handle his strict nature. On the other hand anjali is just opposite to him..she is chirpy..she is a social bird..loves to tweet about herself..loves to make friends. Devyanii is the head of the family..she is sweet and caring..she loves her family the most..

They were done with their they got up and asked servant to serve them their breakfast..they were seated on their chairs but got up when they heard his roar..they both rushed to his room..

Arnav was banging door furiously"khushi for god sake just come fast..i m getting late can't u understand it. Khushi come out or else i will break this damn door.."he warned..

Khushi replied"ahhh go ahead hubby i wont stop u but i m not coming..and if ur meeting is this much urgent then why didn't u woke up earlier than usual..remember its my time to use bathroom and according to your rule book u can't disturb me.."

Arnav ran helpless hand in his hairs..yes arnav singh raizada the most handsome bachelor got married to a girl who is a trouble herself..her face is innocent but she is not..she and arnav got married 3 months back and since then he is just shouting on her or warning her..they never shared anything like other couples..they dont even talk to each other properly..its an arrange marriage proposed by her father..her family is good so without thinking they accepted the proposal. Arnav saw her clumsiness..her never ending talks and this irked him..because he is perfect and he wanted a perfect soulmate but she is not even the P of perfect..he tried to adjust but they are not compatible..she is a tantrum queen..a girl who just love herself but this is just his opinion..his family loves her and he don't know the reason yet..

He turned around and saw his mother and grandmother..they were staring at him with disappointment as again he is shouting on their darling daughter in law..just this month and he will throw her out of his life..he thought with a relief. As soon as he heard the sound of the knob. He turned around and saw her coming out..he marched towards her"u..u..u r damn irritating just one more month and then i will be free from this marriage from u.."he spatted on her face..

She smiled and replied"hubby i will take it as a compliment but if u r done with ur lecture then remember u r getting late??"she enquired 

Arnav pushed her a little and entered in bathroom..he shut the door with a loud thud..she chuckled and looked at the door..she went towards dadi and hugged her..she know these two are concerned about her and arnav but she can't do anything..she faked a smile..they patted her cheek and left from there..

Khushi sat in front of the dressing table..she was lost in her own world..where she and her arnav live happily..a only place where he doesn't shout on her..a only place where he loves her..she didn't knew it he is this much perfect that he want her to as perfect as him..but this is impossible for her..she is not perfect..she do mistakes..she tried to mend their relationship..she tried to let him know SHE LOVES HIM but for him love is just a crap..she remembers that day when she confessed his feelings with a hope he will atleast try to take a step towards her but he heard her confession and reacted like nothing happened..when she repeated that she loves him so he was like what to do then..he always used to compare her with lavanya..the daughter of his business partner..she is this..she is that..she can't bear it and do hell with her whose wife will bear her husband praising other woman infront of her..they have lots and lots of differences..if she even say a thing it irritates him..he had made a rule book for her. He wants her to behave..he wants her to dress like a wife of a business tycoon..he feels embarrassed to even introduce her to his gine chune friends..she can't wear heavy clothes..heavy sarees just because she is his wife..and she just can't do front of him..his family she reacts like his behaviour doesn't affect her but it do affect her..she want him to accept her as she is if she is asking too much..just because they are not compatible he is seeking for divorce..he just can't stand her..his lawyer is out of town and whenever he will be back. He will file for broke her heart into million of pieces but still she thought she still have a month..she will use this month wisely..

Her chain of thoughts broke when he came out..he quickly wore his suit and left from there..without even saying bye to her. She went downstairs and was welcomed by dadi and her mom..she smiled and sat with them. His family loves her because she is a girl with a golden heart..she loves everyone around her..her chirpy nature is what makes there hitler home feels lively..she has made a place in their heart with her nature and caring heart but arnav is too much busy in pointing at her mistake that he overlooked her qualities..they have seen her trying her level best to make this marriage work but efforts should be made from the both sides..khushi has done her part now its his time to step forward and make some sincere efforts..he can't get better than her..she is just perfect for him..but he is too stubborn to see this..he is always like dont do this..dont do that..he wants her to be a perfect wife but he himself is not a perfect husband..they remember when they went in a party. Arnav and khushi couldn't even dance together..their differences were evident..and then when khushi was talking he just shoved her out of his car on the middle of road just because she is irritating him..and this lavnaya is taking advantage of the situation..she always pretends to be perfect for him..and somewhere she is the reason of their increasing differences..

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