part 2

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It was already night but her ever so workaholic husband is no where to be seen. Clock was striking 10'O clock but he is still not home. She was worried for him. So decided to call but after two or three rings he disconnected her call and she heard the horn of his car. She quickly rushed towards the door to greet him with a smile but her smile vanished when she saw lavanya coming with him..she as usual was clinging to him and he was smiling..arghhh she so wanted to kill her. But she welcomed him like a good girl. Arnav was heading towards his room but her voice caught his attention"arnav dinner is ready..come fast till then i will reheat the food.."with this she was about to leave with food but his next words made her furious..

Arnav"i had dinner with lavanya..sorry i forgot to tell u..and u can go to sleep. Me and lavanya i will be having an important discussion in my study.."he left without looking back at her..

She was waiting for him to come so that they both can have their dinner but he already had his dinner and that too with this lavanya.He didn't informed at home..her appetite died the same moment. She kept the food in fridge. 

She was in her room. She was all ready to hit the bed but she was thirsty. She looked at the jug which was empty. She moved out from their room to get some water..she was passing by study room and she heard his laughter..she turned around to see what's going on so she opened the door just a little and the sight made her furious. Lavanya was massaging his shoulders..she was saying something and he was laughing. It pinched her to see happy with her. She deliberately entered in his study room making him jump from his chair as when she entered the side table fell making him glare her. She murmured a soft story and bent down to place the table back on its original place. After doing so she sat on the sofa with her legs on the table..arnav shook his head as its one of her habit which irks him. 

Khushi"so dear hubby what's going on..u both were laughing over something right?? Tell me even i m willing to laugh like u both.."

Arnav's jaw tightened"khushi u were listening our conversation..u know its.."he was interrupted by khushi as she completed his sentence..

"Its bad manners god khushi u should learn some manners and ethics..but arnav is it a good manner to be with someone else husband..and massaging his shoulder..why don't u tell ur so called friend to have some manners.."she said looking directly at lavanya

Arnav turned furious..he was about to say something but his ringing cell made him shut. He picked his cell and left his study room for a minute or so..and that's when khushi saw the base of her was about to get torn. She got up and took fevi quick..she applied it on the base and pressed the upper portion. She was about to close it but it slipped from her hands hearing the roar of her husband"u r still here..move out arohi.."he ordered. 

She didn't noticed fevi quick which got spread on his seat..she gave him an angry look and left from there. Arnav apologised and sat back on his chair..soon their discussion was over. Arnav tried to get up but he couldn't..he looked at lavnaya who was waiting for him to drop her till her car but he was unable to move so he again apologised and she left. This time arnav tried harder and he got up but he heard a tearing sound of the cloth and then he looked at the seat..yes his pant got torn..he fumed and marched out of his study room. He quickly changed his pant and then shook khushi to wake her up. She woke up and saw angry look on his face..she made a face and then looked up at him. He roughly pulled her out of his bed and barked"what the hell is so wrong with u khushi..u made me feel insulted infront of lavanya what is ur problem. And then u knowingly spread fevi quick on my seat and see what u have done.."he said showing his pant..

Khushi looked at it and then at him..she held her stomach and laughed her heart out..arnav rolled his eyes and held her forearms"whats so funny..ek toh galti karti ho uper se hasti ho.."

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