part 5

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Whole night has been passed but still there is no sign of khushi..he wanted to say sorry. He wanted her to lash out on him..hit him..say harsh words but she is not ready for it..arnav sat on the bed and felt guilty for behaving like a sex craved man..he don't know what over powers him whenever he see her near himself. For the first time he is actually second time. He just want to say sorry he cant lose this opportunity to tell her that yes he is sorry..u cant repeat the same mistake twice can you?? His nightmare came in his mind and it is still giving him goosebumps..khushi going away from him..she is just leaving him forever..his inner self questioned him.

"U dont even love her but still.a single thought of her leaving ur life makes u restless.."he ran helpless hand in his hairs. He need to stay away from her..Arnav again looked at the door but still no sign of her. He fell on the bed and drifted off to sleep while waiting for her. She came out and saw him sleeping peacefully..huhhh how can he sleep like nothing happened..she just wanted to strangle him but right now she dont want to see his face. She wraps a shawl around her shoulders and stepped out..

Arnav was wide awake..he got up and knocks the door..he called her name but no response. Some negative thoughts made their way to his mind and he opened the door without thinking twice but no one was there..he went out but she is no where to be seen. Gosh where she is..damn arnav i wish i could kick my own butt. He went in and called her but to his surprise her phobe was there in the cottage. He cursed himself even more. He was worried for her. She is unknown to this area what if someone will kidnap her..he called the manager and asked him about her but manager hadn't seen her. He was about to go to the police station but then he saw her entering the cottage. 

He stepped forward and held her arms"tum pagal ho..kaha chali gyi thi bina btaye. Pta h mein kitma dar gya tha. Kuch ho jata to. Kuch nhi sochti ho sa bhi idea h mein kitna pareshaan tha..aur wese 247 phone se chipki rhogi but bahar jaate huye yhi bhul gyi. Aur"he stopped when he saw her looking at him keenly..that too with a smile..A SMILE?? after all this how she can smile..but that hurt was still visible

"Why were u worried i mean u said naa u were dreaming about lavanaya..and when i came out u were sleeping so i thought i will disturb ur sleep n ur dreams.."she said sarcastically. 

"Ar..khushi i m sorry i didn't mean to hurt u."He said while looking down

"and u think sorry for this is enough?? No arnav its not. Agar mein yahi same baat kehti to. And stop showing ur fake concern. I know u don't care about me. U were worried because i m ur responsibility. U have to answer both the sets of parents if anything happens to me" with this khushi turned around and didn't bothered to listen him further. 

Its not true..he was genuinely worried for her. My concern was not fake..he thought with disappointment. 

They both were sitting on the bed. Khushi had ordered her food in the room. She doesn't want to go out. Arnav tried to say sorry but she is not in mood to listen and she is right

 How can anyone bear his or her partner saying je was dreaming of someone else while kissing them. 

Arnav received a call from one of his clients and he went out. Khushi decided to have some fun..she opened a box and took her bikini with her. 

Aranv came back to see the empty place..he looked around but she is not where is she. He stepped out and looked around..strange every guy is lookimg towards the sea whats so interesting in it today..he looked and his mouth hung open..his wife was bearing a red bikini..and everyone is staring at her..his blood rushed to his dare they. He looked at her..she was coming out from the water and her body is so perfect for bikini..but its only his right to see her then why the hell others are watching..he saw her tieing shirt on her upper body. She went towards the juice corner to get something to drink and a guy approached her. Arnav wanted to strangle the guy but he jealoua?? Naaahh arnav u r doing this because..because do hell with this because..arnav was trying hard to make his heart understand that he is not jealous..but couldn't give a logical reasoning for his anger. 

Khushi was sipping her juice and a guy approached her. He smiled to which she smiled back and then the guy left but he couldn't help himself from praising the beautiful creation of god..he was taken aback with her grace and innocence. He forgot his purse on the counter and when khushi saw it she ran towards him and handed it back to him. She was about to go but suddenly someone pushed her a little and she fell in his arms..she held his shirt and he is admiring her beauty..

As soon as khushi fell in his arms he marched towards them. And pulled her away from him..he dragged her with him in their cottage. He left her hand and she was about to leave bit couldn't do so as he pulled her in his arms"what the hell are u wearing u know how those boys were looking at u.."

"C'mon arnav stop being partial hubby..u can dream about lavanya but i can't even wear a bikini. And its good naa boys should look at me u know i m.about to get divorced..after that i m free to do whatever i want..u know parties..hanging out with boys.."just the mention of it and she could see anger in his eyes..

"Dont u dare to say have some manners..atleast i m not dreaming about someone else while making love to my husband"she taunted. 

"Its about my reputation khushi..u..u are ruining it by wearing such clothes..i dont care if u flirt or hang out with anyone.."he said with great difficulty..

"Ohhh so u care about ur reputation only..u dont care if ur legally wedded wife says she will flirt or hang out with guys.."she asked

"no i dont.."his reply was short.

Khushi looked at his face and yes he is lying..okay Mr.raizada if u so keen on playing this game then bring it on..let me see how long u can deny ur feelings..she smirked and left from there.

They were having their breakfast and the usual chatter box is quiet.."get a grip man..u cant hear her bak bak and now u cant see her quiet"arnav scolded himself. For the very first time he started a conversation with his wife who is ignoring him like people ignore the first bread from its packet..

"ahem..umm i have a meeting with Mr.Sinha. U can come along if u want."he said

"fine i will come with u"she replied withoit even sparing a glance at him..he felt miserable..

Is this how she feels whenever i ignore her..but i said i m sorry yet she is not ready to forgive me. Alright i know its a blunder but tongue slipped..

They both got ready and left to meet Mr.sinha. He is one of their important client and he is a family friend too..So arnav have to be careful.with his words and actions. 

They entered and arnav went straight to meet Mr.sinha. 

"Hello uncle..hope i didn't made u wait for long..shall we??"he asked

"No arnav its okay. Wait i want to introduce u to my son and sorry beta i couldn't make it to ur wedding but i m dying to meet ur wife..i have heard many things about her.."he looked around and called a man who was as tall as arnav..he turned around and arnav s smile slipped from his face..his hanfs turned into fist. He just want to punch him hard. 

"come son..arnav meet my son Raj. He is going to work with me. And this pretty lady must be ur wife.."he pointed at khushi.

" my wife khushi singh raizada.."he introduced and didn't missed the disappointment in his eyes when he heard she is his wife..he is the same guy whom she had met on the beach. Khushi said namaste to Mr.Sinha and said hello to raj with a smile..arjun narrows his eyes..Wait a minute with a smile and for the first time he didn't liked her smile. Raj was taken aback with her sweet voice..he was in a dazed state..arnav was getting angry why the hell they are smiling..

"Shall.we??" He asked looking at them..

Raj turned around"dad i wont attend this meeting. I have something more important to do right now.."

Mr.Sinha nodded and arnav fumed. Arnav and khushi will be having a business lunch with Raj and now he regret asking her to join him. 

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