part 3

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Khushi was sitting on the sand..the cool breeze was playing with her hairs. She inhaled the smell with her closed eyes and it was mesmerising. They are here since 2 hours. Their cottage gives the view of the sea. As soon as khushi saw sea she jumped out from the car and ran towards it with a child like enthusiasm. She saw some children playing. she smiled but soon her smile vanished as she remember the happening in the car.

They were driving with a pin drop silence. Niether khushi was saying anything and u cant expect Mr.Arrogant to even utter the word. She was looking at him with her love filled gaze now and then and to her surprise it is affecting him. He glared at her"stop doing that right away..u r distracting me.."

Khushi didn't looked at him after that. She was looking outside through the window but hus ringing cell made her look at him.and then at the caller. Arnav put his phone on the speaker and it was his lawyer who was calling him. 

"Sir i have called u to inform u about ur divorce case with ur wife. Sir papers are ready. All i want is ur signature on them. And u told me she will create problem and wont divorce u at any cost. I have an idea. We will prove this in the court that she is having an affair. She had cheated on u.."

It pierced her heart. So he is planning to get rid off her by accussing her. She looked away but that tremble in her lips didn't go unnoticed by him. He looked at the side mirror and he was right..she is crying. He didn't know what over powered him but he did the unexpected. 

"U can't accuse her for something she has not done. And it was all past now she is ready to divorce me. I will sign the paper as soon as i will be back."with this he ended the call. After some awkward minutes"how much alimony do u want. Just let me know."

Khushi snapped"keep it with u Mr.raizadia. I dont want anything from u."

After that none of them spoke. 

Khushi was lost in her thoughts but a soft tug on her skirt made her look down. A 5 years old girl was standing in front of her. She sat in front of her and looked at her from top to bottom. She was wearing torn clothes. Face messed with dirt. 

"Please get me something to eat. I have not had anything since 2 days. Please didi.."she begged. Khushi felt her eyes welled up a little as she was looking way too innocent. She instantly took her hand in hers and they headed towards the food stall. Khushi bought many edibles for her. The girl was more than happy. She thanked her and left from there. Khushi smiled unaware of his gaze on her..she is caring. This thought made its way in his mind. 

Khushi saw a group of kids playing volley ball near the sea shore. Some competition was going on as she saw some girls and boys playing together. Boys were doing goals whereas as girls were sulking. She stepped in and saw a girl sitting with a cute pout on her lips. Khushi sat beside her. The girl looked at her and then at her friends who were losing this game. Khushi noticed her sad eyes so she enquired"hey..what's wrong. U r looking sad.."

"We are losing this game. These boys came and challenged us to play with them. They said boys are better but its not true. They all are stupid. We accepted their challenge and now we are losing it. We wish i could play but i cant because i m injured"she pointed towards her bandaged leg. After few thoughts khushi uttered"okay.U and ur friends will win and i will play on ur behalf. What say?"

A huge smile came on her lips as the girl clapped in glee. She quickly told her friends about this new development. Boys were arguing as its not fair. She is a grown up woman and they wont be able to beat her. 

"Huhh its not fair. She cant play with us. She..she is too old to play with us and more importantly we wont be able to beat her."they complained but a voice from behind caught their attention forcing them to look at the intruder"would u mind if i will play in ur team??"

Arnav folds his sleeve up and looked at his wife with a challenging look on his face. Khushi rolled her eyes and the game began. Khushi was playing with all her attention focused on the ball. Of course arnav was amazed as she was playing it really well. Khushi did 5 goals and boys were unable to get even a single point. Arnav n looked at them with sorry expressions but again they started the game and now it was arnav who did 3 goals in a row. After playing for sometime both the teams were on equal scores. Khushi signalled the girl to hit the ball towards arnav and in mean while she winked at him making him lose his focus and as a result girl won this challenge. 

"Ar..khushi this is cheating..u..u its not fair"arnav complained. To which khushi replied with sugar dripping from her words"what i did arnav..i mean u should tell us openly."she smirked as for the first time asr a was tongue tied. All the kids ran away. Girls kissed her cheek and thanked her before leaving. Arnav stepped forward to tell her and manners and all but all of a sudden there was a lightening in the sky. They looked up and it started pouring heavily. Arnav ran to prevent himself from getting wet. He turned around to get frozen. His wife was still standing in the pouring rain. Eyes closed..arms open..a smile on her lips..he was awestruck with the sight and soon her dress turned transparent..her white top was clinging to her curves and her black inner was visible to him. Water slided from her lips to her throat and then it went down..his throat turned dry. He felt his blood rushing in his manhood..suddenly he felt his jeans too tight for his comfort. Khushi twirled around like a kid. She smiled and looked up at the sky. She collected water in her palms and splashed it on her face and that's when she saw him looking at her..his look made her shiver. His eyes were roaming on her body. Instantly she felt too exposed in her decent dress. She looked away from his face and suddenly felt something tickling in her nose and she sneezed. As soon as she sneezed arnav was on alert. He marched towards her and they entered in their cottage..khushi again sneezed.

"pagal ho tum?? Jab pta hai ki itni sensitive ho to kyu bheegi baarish mei ab ho gyi naa beemar..khushi i.."khushi interrupted him"not now arnav..i m feeling all cold..not now please.."

Arnav left the cottage after changing his wet clothes. He asked her to change her clothes. He will be back after making an important call. Khushi changed her clothes and slipped in her dry clothes. She was feeling her throat is burning. She sat on the bed and didn't know when she driftef off to sleep.

Arnav entered in the cottage. And a clattering sound welcomed him. He switched on the light and looked at the bed..and there she is. She was literally shivering like a leaf. Arnav quickly touched her forehead and yes she is having fever. Damn why dad had to send this trouble cum his wife with him. He dialled the number of the manager and asked him to send a doctor as soon as possible.

"ghabrane ki baat nhi h. Bheegi thi to thoda fever hai bss. Ye medicines de dena thik ho jaaengi.."doctor said with a smile. Arnav nodded. Soon the doctor left from there. Arnav ordered food and it was served in his cottage. Arnav had his dinner and didn't bothered to wake her up to have something. He was about to wake her up but he got a call from the doctor. He stated she must have something before taking the medicines. Arnav patted her face gently. 

She opened her eyes with great difficulty. She looked at him and blinked her eyes. He was blabbering something but what he is saying..she looked at him keenly as she is unable to get what he is saying. Arnav ran his hand in front of her face.

"Ohh hello..i m talking to u. Wake up and have something"as soon as he uttered this she sat on the bed and looked at the table as if food will come on its own. Arnav shook his head and took the plate. He handed his plate to her but her hands were shivering. He thought wow what an acting but a single look on her face and he know it she is not acting. He took the plate away and sat on the bed. He made her have daal and chawal. Arnav held a spoon full of soup in front of her. She puckered her perfect lips in a bow near the her lips will taste..sweet or sour..this thought rushed in his mind and it disgust him as he dont want to think about this girl in that way. As soon as she was done he pushed the plates aside and was about to leave the bed but she held his hand which forced him to turn around"please yahi so jaao..see this bed is big enough for both of us..please arnav.."she pleaded with an innocent face. Arnav couldn't deny it. He sighed and lie beside her. She held his hand and drifted off to sleep whereas arnav prays for god to do some mercy on him as he couldn't defy this fact he is attracted towards his wife..may be just physcially but yes he is attracted towards this tiny woman. Soon he too drifted off to sleep

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