part 12

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Everything was blur to him..their voices were ringing in his mind. Anjali held him in her arms..her elder brother was crying like a baby. He can hide his feelings but his tears were not lying..she cupped his cheeks and shook him. He looked up with hollow eyes..she sat beside him "whom do u love now??" She asked in a whisper. He wiped his tears away "of course khushi anjali..its ONLY khushi.." he got up and went in doctor's cabin. 

"Mr.raizada..ur wife is not responding. We are helpless.." doctor sighed. He looked at arnav who got up and left after saying "i want to be with her. She will be fine. I need to be with her.." 

Arnav entered in her room. Many wires were connected to her body. She was breathing but not responding. Her heart is not ready to respond. He sat beside her and caressed her face. A tear fell on her hand but she didn't moved an inch. He held her hand "Shikha..i didn't know it was ur heart that was beating within her..i didn't know that somewhere u were alive in her..but i didn't loved her for this reason. I loved her as she was..i loved her as khushi. But when ur heart turned so cold..u can't snatch away the only person for whom i m living. U have to give my khushi back to me. I love khushi..i beg u shikha please dont do this to me.." arnav choked. He held her hand and cried like a baby who needs his mother's warm embrace to assure him that everything will be alright. He remembered her parent's words..


Arnav ran to match the pace of her parents. He came in front of them and they looked up at him. Arnav greeted them..he noticed shikha's mother was crying. He thought it must be some financial problem. He promised shikha he will take care of her parents..he took an oath in her funeral. But to his utter dismay they disappeared. 

"Aunty..uncle everything alright??" He asked and her father burst into tears. He pulled them in a hug and then kuber's next words made him froze on his spot "beta we were looking for the girl who has our daughter's heart. We were trying since 4 months and now we know the name but how will we find that girl. We only know her contact address..they are not giving us any further details.." her mother sobbed. Arnav pulled away and wiped their tears "dont worry..i will help u. Just give me the name i will find her." Her mother neena sobbed and whispered "KHUSHI GUPTA.." arnav was shocked that was understatement. He turned pale..he looked at them and then at khushi's parents. Garimat was crying as doctor declared "her heart isn't responding.." 

"I..our daughter had a heart transplant few years back. We can call the surgeon who did her surgery.." shashi called the surgeon. And garima told the truth "khushi had a hole in her heart. We tried but never got any suitable heart for her. Just then a girl arrived. Her body was totally burnt. No chances of survival. Her heart was suitable for her and with her consent. We got the heart for our daughter.." arnav's head was spinning. He was about to fell but anjali didn't let him fall. She was the only one who knew about shikha and his relationship. He looked up at anjalii with tears. He hugged her and sobbed like a baby "i want my khushi back..shikha can't do this to me..she cant snatch khushi away from me.." 

Flashback ends..

His tears were flowing freely. Now arnav was scared..not only because he is losing her but because if she will get to know about this heart transplant. She will think he still loves shikha and its not true..shikha was his past and khushi is his future and present. He kissed her hand "khushi u wont misunderstand me right?? U wont think i still love shikha haina..u wont leave me right?? Say something khushi..u look aweful like this.." he wiped his tears "u look more beautiful when u laugh..when u do something stupid..when u..when u try to irritate me. U are my chatterbox and i want my chatterbox back..i want to hear ur bak bak. I swear i wont complain ever. I wont compare u with anyone. I m so sorry khushi..please come back.." another tear fell and she winced. He looked up..her eyes were opening. Her heart beat was turning normal..he shouted for a doctor. Doctor came in her room. He asked him to stay out. After half an hour doctpr came out and said "she is fine now. I dont know how this miracle happened but she is normal. U can meet her now.." arnav hugged doctor and thanked him. Everyone hugged each other. They went in her room but arnav was afraid..anjali looked back and saw him looking down and crying like a baby who is being scold for stealing chocolates. She pulled him in. Khushi was talking to everyone..her eyes were glued on him. Her ever so strong husband is looking so broken...everyone left one by it was only he and khushi. She was not moving her gaze from him and he was not looking up. He turned to go but her voice stopped him "naraz ho?? Baat nhi karni??" And arnav turned. He rushed and crushed her in a rib breaking hug. He sobbed..cried as hard as he could. Khushi rubbed his back..she was trying to calm him down. He was sobbing. She pulled away and cupped his cheeks "see i m fine..kuch bhi nhi hua.." she tried to smile but his tears were not allowing her to smile. 

"Kh..khushi i m sorry for being so stupid. I m really really sorry for not trusting u. For hurting u..for comparing u with that witch but..but i will sue that website who wrote comparing will help. Khushi trust me there was not a single moment when i didn't loved u. Only i know how difficult it was for me to push u away. Khushi i m afraid to love..i m afraid to live. Please teach me how to love and live freely.." he whispered. She smiled through her tears. She wiped his tears "i just want to hear what u said in the jungle.." she looked at him. He held her hands and confessed "i love u utna u cant imagine jitna.." khushi closed her eyes. She opened her eyes when she heard him saying "khushi..u will stay away from cars

 U are not allowed to drive. See what u did. Promise me u are not going to drive any car. Mera kya hota agar kuch..hoo..i dont know anything i want a promise now.." he held his palm forward. She smiled and made a promise. He made her lie on the bed. Arnav didn't left her side even for a minute. After feeling relieved he called cops and told them about lavanaya and her deeds. She got arrested and arnav ruined her business..reputation..relations with other businessmen..asr just ruined lavnaya. He taught her a lesson not to mess with him and not to hurt his khushi...not even in dreams..arnav was satisfied now. He made a promise to cherish this life with his life..his khushi..

After one week khushi was discharged. They drived back to mumbai. Arnav was having lots of meetings to handle but he simply refused as he wants to take care of her. Khushi was feeling blessed..content..finally she is getting his love and attention. 

She was sitting on the bed with closed eyes. A smile playing on her lips..suddenly she felt his lips on her cheek. She opened her eyes and saw him with a smile..this smiling arnav is making her heart beat to rise. 

"Soup for u.." he broke the silence..

"Arnav i dont want to have soup now. I just had fruits 30 minutes back.." she pouted.

"I know but as per as doctor's instructions u need to have this now. So without any tantrum have this.." he said and got up but then he turned "umm..m i allowed to fed u??" She grinned and nodded her head. She opened her mouth but he was blowing in cool it down. She couldn't help but admire him..

After a week..

Khushi was fine so arvind asked arnav to be in office as he is unable to handle meetings and his work. Arnav was upset with the fact that now he will come late and wont be able to spend much time with her. He was wearing his watch when an idea struck in his mind. He went downstairs where they all were seated. 

"Good morning everyone.." he said with a smile..

"Wow bhai..u n smiling?? Not bad" anjali teased and instead of glaring her he smiled and sat beside khushi. He looked at her "good morning beautiful.." he whispered. She blushed and uttered "good morning.." he looked at everyone and then at his father. 

"Dad i want khushi to join office with us.." he said and khushi choked on her tea. 

"Arnav..i.." she started off but got interrupted by arvind

"Not a bad idea. She can join office from tomorrow.." he munched his toast.

"Tomorrow?? Umm why not not today?? I mean..i..we will..umm.." arnav wants to give a logical reason so that she can jpin from today itself. But he was not coming up with a good reason. He wanted to say it aloud "because i want to see her all the time. I want her to be around me. I want her to be in my sight.." but he cant say it aloud in front of everyone. Anjali chuckled "dad..the reason is this bhai wants khushi to be with him all the time.." arnav blushed and khushi turned red. 

"In that case khushi u will join from today. Arnav will tell u ur work. All the best beta.." arvind got and left..khushi rushed in her room to get ready. 

She was wearing a blue kurti with chudidar. She was looking beautiful with no make up. She picked her purse and turned to bump. She was about to fall but he didn't let her fall. He held her waist and looked at her face. She was looking beautiful with that blush on her face. 

"If u r going to dress like this then how will i work.." he tucked a loose strand and whispered in her ears. She shivered and looked in his eyes which were black with sheer desire..passion within them. She pulled away "we are getting late.." he smiled and they headed towards their office.

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