part 14(last)

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6 months later..

Arnav was cuddled with his wife. He was holding her close to himself. He dipped his face in the crook of her neck. She looked at him and smiled. She kissed his cheek and he smiled in his sleep. Khushi admired the man who was sleeping in her arms. She couldn't help but smile..the way their life took 360 degree turn. She know he hates lavanya but she is thankful to her..he confessed his love because of what lavanya did. In his sleepy state he tugged at the sheet which was wrapped around her naked body. She blushed and pulled it back. While she was pulling it up she noticed some love bites near her globes and waist. She pouted "now how will i wear a saree.." its karwa chauth tomorrow and day after tomorrow is their first wedding anniversary. She is planning to make this day memorable for him but he is keen on taking her to his farm house. She tried to remind him about the day but he was like "kuch hai kya uss din.." it made her furious. She denied and agreed to come. Khushi kissed his forehead and smiled when their yesterday night date flashed in her mind..

Arnav asked khushi to be ready. He was planning to take her out. They were suppose to meet his friends and their wives. Khushi wore a dark colour shirt and a long skirt..without any inners..she was planning to tease him. They went and reached at the venue. They entered hand in hand. Many guys checked her out he pulled her closer and glared at all of them..she blushed on his possessive nature. They headed towards his friends. They exchanged hugs and sat on their respective chairs. Boys were remembering their college days whereas girls were busy in discussing latest trends. Suddenly arnav's phone beeped indicating he had received a message. He frowned and picked his phone. He opened his whatsapp and saw her message..

"U r looking smoking hot in ur black shirt.." there was wink in the end. 

He looked at her with a raised brow. He typed a message and kept his phone back. Khushi opened her whatsapp. His message was there "huhh why u didn't said this when i came to pick u up. If u would have said it then we would have been in our bed..but u still have time. If u want i can make some excuse and we can go back.." 

Khushi blushed and shook her head. She typed another message. 

"U are so besharm. U always think about it don't u??" 

Arnav chuckled and typed back "no i m besharm with and for my wife only. And i never think about it but whenever u are around all i can think is how to take off ur to be alone with techincally u made me besharm.." he ended with a wink..

Khushi blushed again. She typed "so i affect u to this extent??" 

Arnav shook his head in a no "not at all Mrs.raizada. :p" 

Khushi narrowed her eyes and smirked..his heart skipped a beat when he read her recent message "really?? If so then u should have said it before. Atleast i would have not come without any inners.." his eyes shot up. He looked at her from top to bottom. His eyes scanned her and her skin broke in goosebumps..her slightly visible nipple made it clear to him that she is not lying. He gulped chilled water and typed with shivering hands "we are going from here NOW. Why didn't u told me this??" Khushi smirked and switched her place with one of his friends. She sat closer and whispered "as u said i dont affect u at all then lets be here.." she looked away as she could feel him practically cursing himself for saying this. She acted as if she is taking her drink..she brushed her inner less globes around his chest making him groan. She sat back and blinked her eyes and he couldn't take that torture anymore..her eyes were seducing him. She was bitting her lips to provoke him further. He picked his cell up and opened his ringtone settings. He intentionally played his ringtone and turned his phone silent. He acted as if he is talking to someone "ohhoo..yaa yaa i can understand. me and khushi are coming right away." He looked at khushi's face..her eyes were widened..and his bold wife turned nervous with the thought of what's coming ahead. He got and pulled khushi in his arms "i m sorry guys but we have to leave. On of our important client is leaving tomorrow so he preponed the meeting.." he made a genuine excuse and they left. 

Arshi :Love to hateWhere stories live. Discover now