part 11

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Jungle was turning scary..the more he steps in the more it turns dense. His heart was beating wildly..his heart..his body each and every limb was praying for her safety. Arnav's body was giving away but he was determined to get her back even if it takes one month..he know she is alive..if his heart is still beating then she is fine..his fears of past has come true..he knew it god will be cruel to him again and see how right he was. His own tears were making his path blur. He was moving ahead but his mind was busy in remembering the time when he fell for her..when he met her..

Flashback starts..

Arnav and his family were sitting in gupta mansion. All of them were waiting for the girl to arrive..and finally she arrived. She was wearing a saree with heels. She was not confortable in wearing it..her walk was making it clear to them. They all looked at arnav who was busy in checking his emails. Anjali nudged him to look up but he made her quirt with his world famous glare. After 2 minutes he was done with checking his emails. He looked up from his phone and his heart skipped a beat when he saw her laughing over something anjali said..everything else was a blur to him but her magical laugh made his heart to beat wildly. Everyone asked them to go and talk. They went and khushi was showing him her home sweet home. She was quiet and arnav was busy in stealing glances at her. She was walking in a clumsy manner..she looked and arnav and with a grin sje said "i hate waering saree and heels.." 

Arnav heart did a flip flop when he heard her magical voice but he controlled himself and nodded. After a minute or so he broke the silence "i  would like to clear one thing..i won't ever love u and i know no girl would stay in a loveless marriage. But if u can then another thing i hate is mannerless people..i hate.." he was about to say something but her next words stopped him "i must say u should be the principal of some school. I mean mannerless really. So u are trying to say u want a perfectionist but i m sorry to disappoint u i m not even the p of perfectionist so its better i should leave.." and arnav stood there admiring the guts of the one has ever answered him back and she did it..

After reaching home arnav decided to say a big no as deep down he know she deserve all the love and care which he can't give. But his dadi blackmailed him and as a result they got married within a month. After their wedding arnav did ask her why she this to herself to which she replied my mom blackmailed me. 

After one week of their wedding arnav's business partner arrived to meet him. Arnav was quite okay with lanya but khushi was not. She used to glare her and she even insulted her which made them fought. Arnav shouted like a never before khushi declared she won't have anything. Arnav glared and left. But one whole day passed but she didn't had a single bite of food. Arnav decided to surrender but it was too late she fell ill. Arnav noticed she is too childish. He decided to make her bit responsible. He opened his browser and typed how to make a girl was written on a site to compare her with a woman she dislikes the most. This will make her angry but she will become better. Arnav decided to stick to it. He started comparing her with lavanya. Although he know lavanya is no where near his wife. His wife is innocent and she is clever fox. He compared khushi with lavanya but it turned worse as khushi started disliking her even more. 

After one month..

Everything was going good. Arnav came back from his office earlier than usual and the most beautiful sight he witnessed that day. Khushi was laughing and dancing with the servants. A smile appeared on his lips when a realisation struck him..she is the life of his home. He quickly composed himself when he saw her looking at him. She noticed him and stopped dancing. Arnav left from there..

Next day he was sitting in the garden. He was working on his laptop when his eyes fell on his innocent yet bubbly wife who was standing with a cute puppy in her one arm and other hand was busy in applying ointment on his wounds. She was blowing on his wounds..his heart skipped a beat when she looked at him straight in his eyes. He looked away and remind his heart "u can't love her..u can't.."

Arshi :Love to hateWhere stories live. Discover now