part 8

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Her car was taking turns..she was shouting his name. She was enjoying her harsh driving. A truck appeared and in order to save herself she turned the steering in wrong direction. Her car landed in the dangerous valley and he heard a sound..with a batted heart he looked down and saw her burning car..Arnav got up with sweat on his forehead. A shiver passed his spine..he looked around to get a glimpse of her. But she was not here. He tried to get up but failed as his whole body was trembling badly. After 5 minutes or so he gathered some courage and got up..he need to see her. Arnav looked everywhere but no sign of her. His heart thudded against his chest..he wore his shirt and was about to move out but just then he heard her voice..he turned and saw her standing in the balcony. Without wasting a second he turned her around and hugged her tightly..khushi was confused but his hug was so soothing that she couldn't move away. Khushi hugged him back and then she felt something wet on her he crying?? Her arms loosened but his grip tightened. 

"I..khushi. I m scared. Please don't leave me.." he whispered. 

Khushi just pulled him closer and patted his back. She made him sit on the bed and turned to get some water for him but he pulled her back. 

"Wo..i will be back with water.." khushi said. He pulled her closer and whispered "i only want u.." with this he rested his head on her shoulder..khushi was shocked with his vulnerable condition. For the very first time she was witnessing a strong..rude..arrogant arnav so fragile..he looked at her face. She looked back at him and saw some fear in his eyes..a fear of losing something precious. She assured him with her words "i m here arnav. I won't leave u ever" Arnav just kept his hand on her mouth "don't make this promise khushi.." 

In sudden movement he pulled her closer and dipped his head in her chest. He hugged her tightly and drifted off to sleep. All khushi could do is just look at his face..she kissed his forehead and slept. 

He was feeling cold..his hands stretched out to find some peace but to hus utter disappointment she was not there..a sudden fear..the same fear came back to haunt him. He opened his eyes and saw his empty bed. He got up within a second and picked his cell to call her. He called but her phone was ringing on the bed..

"Damn khushi..why are u so careless.." he gulped the sudden lump in his throat. He picked his cell and turned to move out but just then the knob turned and she appeared. Without thinking twice he pulled her in his harsh grip.

"What the hell do u think of urself khushi?? Who the hell asked u to go out leaving me all alone here. Do u know how much scared i was..where were u and can't u take ur phone with u??" He shouted..and she smiled. She gently pulled her arm out of his grip and looked at if reading his eyes. Aranv just looked away. He couldn't bear her gaze..

"U were worried for me arnav??" She asked making arnav bite his tongue. Of course he was worried for her but he will not accept it. He looked at her and smirked "no..i was not worried for u khushi. I have far better work to do and i was worried for myself. If u will get hurt or injured then i will answerable to my parents.." 

Khushi shook her head and chuckled when last night's events passed in her mind "arnab tumne jo kal kiya wo yaad hai??" She asked and arnav turned all the shades of red when he remembered it. He looked away "wo..mein..huhhh why u came to save my. Go and dance with that..that bandar..awww u both were looking perfect..bandar ki bandariya." Khushi's mouth hung open..she ran to hit arnav who ran even faster. Arnav laughed when she started jumping like a real monkey..khushi grabbed his arms and started hitting him like crazy "u are monkey..u r donkey..u are..u are drama queen..and" she couldn't complete her words as he pulled her closer and tickled her lightly. Khushi shuddered and arnav tickled harder. Khushi fell on the bed and he was on top of her..he smiled on his victory when she pleaded "arnav .please stop..okay i m sorry please stop." Arnav stopped tickling her but she was still laughing. He looked at her face and admired the way she laugh..he rubbed his thumb on her cheek. She gasped and looked up..her laugh died a long back..he dipped his face closer. His eyes were not leaving her..not even for a second. His gaze turned towards her parted urge to feel them made him restless..and without wasting a second he claimed her lips softly. Khushi closed her eyes as all the forbidden desires rushed in her veins. His lips were not moving. Its just a peck but this small sweet peck means a lot to her. He pecked her lips again..she clutched his shirt and pulled him closer..arnav know that he can't go further. He doesn't have any right to destroy her life by giving her false hope. So he moved away and was about to say something but the door bell didn't allow him to say anything. Khushi composed herself and opened the door. Raj was standing there with a rose in his hand..a red rose. Arnav flinched  and khushi smirked. She welcomed him and asked him to be comfortable. Arnav saw a rose in his hand..and he just want to punch him right on the face. He want to pull his eyes out of their socket..he just took his clothes and left but her sudden question made him turn and his mouth hung open.."ye ful mere liye??" Raj nodded and handed her that flower. Arnav gritted his teeth "fool ke liye ful wo bhi fool ke haatho." Khushi rolled her tonuge to stop herself from laughing. He glared at both of them and then just left to take a shower. 

Arnav came back and khushi went to take bath. Arnav and raj moved out as they were supposed to check a site for their project. Arnav didn't want her to stay alone so he asked her to join. Arnav was sure that raj will go in his own car but to his surprise he asked for a lift. Arnav stomped his foot and filled the back seat with all the un-necessary stuff. He smirked and turned to let raj know that know he can't come but as soon as he turned he froze on his spot. Khushi was coming towards them wearing a floral saree with a bikini blouse..same colour..same design but the face is different. His heart bleeded..he closed his eyes and looked away. Khushi looked at arnav with confused face. She looked at raj who winked at her and said "u r looking beautiful.." khushi was waiting for him to say something but he didn't even looked up. She was visibly upset. Raj could sense it so just to cheer her up he said "khushi today we have to sit together. We will sit on the front seat." Arnav growled and barked "u will drive and me and my WIFE will sit together." Khushi and raj were shaken with his pitch of his voice. Without any further delay khushi and raj took their seats. Armav and khushi were sitting together. The seat was small but they had to adjust. 

They reached and arnav stepped out without looking back. Khushi stepped out and looked at him. His actions were confusing her. She made a note to talk to him. Raj and arnav were checking the site. Khushi was getting bore but just then her eyes fell on the kitten who was hiding behind a stone. She got up and took hold of the kitten and was in awe of it. She patted its back and went out to get some milk. Arnav was busy but he want to know what his wife is doing so he looked up and gasped...khushi was making a kitten drink some milk. She kissed that kitten..

"Ajju..just see how cute this kitten u can go to ur boring meeting. I will play with this kitten..huhh and yes he will get lots of kisses too." Arnav shuddered and looked away..

Their work was done and now they decided to go back. When they came near their car khushhi screamed "pani puri pani puri.." arnav looked up and shook his head "u will fall ill.." 

blinked her eyes and said "tum ho naa mera dhyan rkhne ke liye.." making him stop in his tracks. Her sweet pout and cute "please" made him agree. The trio were having the pani puri just then khushi held one pani puri in front of him. He denied but when she insisted he said "only one." Khushi was holding her plate in front of him. Arnav took hold of the pani puri and was about to eat it but it broke because of the pressure arnav used. Khushi and raj chuckled..they handed him another but same thing happened. So this time khushlhi made him eat it by her hand. Arnav opened his mouth. He smiled not because he like it..but he smiled because of her smile. After having pani puri they headed back to their home only after dropping raj. Arnav parked his car and looked at her who was trying to manage her saree. He moved ahead but stopped when he heard her saying "arnav..can i drive ur car?? I love rough..or u can say harsh driving.." her this sentence and he forgot to breathe..

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