part 10

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Arnav was sitting on a bench with bare feets. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath..and just then he heard her magical voice. He opened his eyes and looked at her..there she was standing with kids and there were making a sand castle. Khushi was guiding them..she was even helping them. Her hands were messed with sand and just then her loose hairs decided to irritate her to the fullest. They came on her face. She was blowing them away. Making cute faces. He smiled and looked at their castle and he shook his head as their efforts were going in vain. He got up from his place and headed towards them. 

"May i??" Khushi looked up and saw arnav..and her mouth hung open when arnav bend down and started helping them. He looked at her and closed her mouth with his hand. And then they started making was forming well..arnav shaped it and khushi admired him. She was helping him and their hands touched unknowingly and they felt a spark..their eyes met..arnav view was blocking because of her hairs. He tucked them behind her ears and she shivered. The kids started doing ohhooo and giggled when they looked away..khushi's face turned red. Arnav shushed kids and they were done with the castle. Kids clapped and thanked them for their help. 

Arnav and khushi were walking near sea..they were stealing glances at each other..their hearts were talking but their lips were silent..

"I..i don't want divorce khushi.." he fumbled with words. Khushi's head snapped in his direction

"Pinch me..please please pinch me. U mean to say u really don't want divorce but what happened and arnav if u are not ready to be mine or u wont love me ever then its better to let go of this relationship.." khushi said and looked away. He held her hand and pulled her towards himself "khushi..look i m not someone who will voice out my feelings.." 

Khushi looked in his eyes keenly and what she saw was fear..fear of letting his feelings out "arnav if that's the case then i m sorry and divorce is very much on.." with this she walked away. Arnav sighed..

Khushi was sitting near the sea shore. She was looking at the sea. Just then she felt his presence beside her. She looked to her left and saw him sitting there. She turned her attention back to the sea..and suddenly they heard two voices. Their head snapped in the direction of voices and they were in awe of the sight. An elderly couple was fighting over some ice cream flavours. 

"I m telling u..its going to be chocolate flavour and that's final.." old woman declared..

"I have 50 Rs only so don't be stupid. We will have kulfi.." her husband declared. Arnav and khushi got up and went near them. Khushi smiled when that lady's husband surrendered. They kissed and headed to get the chocolate flavour. 

"Love means forever isn't it.." khushi smiled looking at them..

"Nothing is forever khushi.." arnav whispered and went away. 

"U need to change ur self arnav. Why are u so negative. Okay..just for today..u will live freely please.." she pleaded. Arnav frowned and looked at her "i will try.."

Khushi smiled and pointed towards the kulfi stall. They headed towards the kulfi stall and to their utter disappointment only one kulfi was left. Arnav paid for it and handed it to her. She denied "no..i..i don't like kulfi..u can have it.."

"Arghh stop doing that..we can share it cant we??" Arnav said. Khushi nodded "umm let me break it into two.." 

Arnav pulled her by grabbing her waist "i mean to say we can have it it. Now let me have a bite or else it will melt.." with this arnav took a small bite and held it in front of her mouth. Khushi bent forward to take a bite and just then arnav bent and took another bite..he looked into her eyes. She moved away a bit but arnav didn't allow her. They had another bites like this together..and this made khushi blush. Last bite was left they bent forward and just then arnav removed the stick and their lips met. Arnav took full advantage of it and sucked her lips. Khushi pulled away as they were in public. A blush crept on her face. Arnav entwined their hands "this kulfi was better than what we were having.." khushi couldn't help but blush..

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