part 4

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Khushi was in deep slumber..she moved a bit and felt her body warming on its own. She frowned in her sleep but nevertheless she snuggled closer to the source of warmth. She felt sweet breath on her temple..and it made her shiver. She heard a soft sound. She opened her eyes to be welcomed by the site she want to see every day every night..her arrogant husband was sleeping and he was snoring. She chuckled as Mr.Perfect is snoring. This must be a breaking news. His hairs were falling on his forehead. She caressed his face and removed them. And then she noticed their condition. He was sleeping with his right arm around her waist and his face was in the crook of her neck. She was looking at him with the love she have for him. Cant he see my love?? Is he too blind to see it in my each fibre belongs to this man but he..he is not hers..he will never be hers. And tears threatened to fall from her beautiful eyes..she only have 13 days and 13 nights with him. And she will use this time wisely. There is still some hope..a hope he will love her back..a hope he will see her love. She was about to get up but dropped the idea as she want to spend these moments with her husband..even if they will get separated atleast she will have some of their memories. So keeping all the thoughts aside she hugged him and pecked his cheek lightly. And her this action caused her to feel his hand moving up..he was touching her she have to move away or else this will lead somewhere else. She placed his right arm on the bed carefully and turned to slip out from the bed. But her heart skipped a beat as he pulled her back against himself..his hand moved up from her waist to her globes..he kissed her neck and pulled her more closer..khushi was too numb to react. She closed her eyes as his hands did wicked things to her globes..she was in some other world but came back to reality when she felt him..hard and ready to take her but she dont want him to get into physical intimacy because of his anger..frustration..she want him to love her. So she held his hand causing him to open his eyes and he growled at the disturbance. He opened his eyes to see his wife breathing heavily..the strap of her nighty had been slipped..he came back to reality and got up abruptly..

"What the hell are u playing at khushi.."he asked out of frustration. 

This made her anger to build up..he was the one who started all this and now he is asking her what she is playing at how dare he"ohh stop was not me who started all this. It was u and for ur kind information it was u who came to my side of the bed so better ask this question to ur inner self.."with this khushi left the room and entered in the washroom.

Khushi came out from the washroom. She was smelling heavenly..she ignored arnav and sat in front of the dressing table. She quickly got ready by applying a little gloss on her lips..using kohl on her eyes..she combed her hairs and left the cottage to have some breakfast without sparing a single glance to her husband. Arnav sighed and left to get fresh. He was back within ten minutes and soon left to join her to have breakfast. As he reached he saw his wife eating everything ravenously. He looked at her and sat in front of her"is there anything left or not??"he asked sarcastically only to make her choke her laughter. She saw mirth in his eyes too but akdu is too arrogant to laugh. She signalled at the other plate and arnav started eating. They were eating with pin drop silence but khushi broke it"so where is our site?? And when we will be leaving to meet the clients??"

"You are not coming with me. Stay back and do whatever u want to"he replied.

"u can't do this. what will i do arnav and don't forget i can trouble u again if u will leave me here..if u want to get spared better take me with u.."her dhamki was enough to make him groan..

"Fine..u have 5 minutes go and get ready and dont u dare to create any scene there.."he warned.

Arnav was patiently tapping on the steering. He looked at his wrist watch and then at the door of their cottage..gosh i hope she will come before my clients leave the site. He again looked at the door and he was dumbstruck with the sight..his wife who used to wear all colourful clothes was standing in front of him in a saree..short waist peeping through it and then her hairs were open..magical. He looked at her from top to bottom and gave an appreciative look to her. But didn't bother to say it..huhhh akdu. Soon she sat in the car and they reached the site. Khushi was instructed by him not to even disturb him for once and she obliged. The meeting was going on smoothly..khushi sat on the chair and looked at his handsome face..he was saying something and using lots of hand gestures to explain it. He is looking hot..that frown on his forehead when he dont get anything..she placed a hand under her chin and looked at him throughout the meeting arnav was distracted..this tiny woman is driving him crazy..her each and every step is affecting him he thought much to his own dismay..soon the meeting got over and the clients were impressed.

They were heading back to the cottage bit khushi was keen on doing shopping. Of course want to waste his money by buying all the useless stuff. He didn't argue and let her do it. But he too joined her as he cant leave this troublesome woman alone. He thought she must be buying something for herself but to his surprise she was purchasing each and every item for his family members..he was tongue tied when she gave him a shirt..a last gift from her..

"Apne liye bhi kuch le lo warna bta do kya chahiye mein de dunga"he said looking in her eyes..

"Jo maanungi de paaoge?"he nodded"to thik h arnav..apne dil mei thodi si jagah de do..mujhe thoda sa time aur thoda sa hi pyaar de do..uss pyaar ke sahare mein apni puri zindagi jeene to tyar hu. Tumhare taunts sun ne ko tyar hu..tumhare according rhne ko tyar hu..bss pyaar de do.."she said with teary eyes. Arnav looked away as he cant bear her piercising gaze..those innocent words did touched a chord of his heart..he stepped forward and kissed her forehead gently..he dont know why he did it but he just followed his heart. She looked up but their moment broke because of his ringing was lavanya. Arnav left her and picked her call..this made her furious..she quietly sat back in the car. They left from there and entered in the was already 8 pm. They quickly changed their clothes and left to have something.

Arnav and khushi were sleeping on the same bed and soon fhey drifted off to sleep..khushi was deep in her sleep but a sound made her awake. She looked at arnav whose head was thrashing in the pillow..he must be having a nightmare. She switched the lights on and patted his face and called his name softly"arnav.arnav get up everything is alright..arnav its just a dream."as soon as he opened his eyes he hugged her tightly pulling her closer. Khushi stiffened but pacified him. Arnav was still hugging her..khushi parted but her breath hitched as his thumb caresses her lower lip..she moved away a little and his next words made her head to snap in his direction"you say u love me yet u move away the moment i come near..why khushi??"she seriously want someone to pinch her..her husband is uttering those words. She started bitting her lower lip..his heated gaze zoomed on her lips and he groaned after pushing her on the bed and coming on her like a predator. He kissed her neck making her gasp..he lowered his head and kissed her bosoms. He slipped the thin strap away from her shoulders and started kissing her collar bone. He was going down..he kissed her waist and she whimpered..he is creating a havoc in her..she clutched the sheets tightly but when she felt his hand removing her nighty. She pleaded"arnav please..stop"he didn't understand why she want him to stop but soon it hit him. He laid beside her and sat on the bed holding his head in his palms. He looked at her who was trying to cover herself. 

"It was a mistake..i..i had a dream and thought u are lavanya and then it happened"soon his own words made sense to him but it was too late as his wife's anger was quite visible. 

She held his collar and pulled him towards her"it was me not lavanya..u were kissing me not lavanya.and be a man enough to admit it that u r attracted towards me.."she got up and left to spend another night im washroom..she left only after saying"i will make u realise ur love for me..if something is there.."

Arnav held his head in his palms..its not a mistake. Its a blunder..

Damn he just punched his hand on the mirror..breaking it and hurting himself

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