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I woke up, the deafening sound of my alarm drilling into my head. I got up from my bed tripping over a sharp metal object. My knife. I must've forgotten to put it away last night. I walked to the mirror and noticed for the first time how skinny I had gotten. My clothes look three sizes too big.

I got changed and re-dressed my wounds from last night. I thought I promised myself I'd stop. What Great self-control I have...I walked into the kitchen. No one was up yet. I grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

The sounds of the busy road beside me made me feel dizzy. What a horrible person I've become. Suddenly, a car came speeding round a corner straight into a dirty puddle. The splash soaked me to my bones. "FUCK YOU" I yelled.

I stood there shivering. I carefully looked over at the busy road beside me.

'Well Universe, if there is even one reason for me to live then tell me now.'

"Hey Todoroki!" A sweet and calm voice echoed into my ears. I turned to see a cute freckled boy. "Oh" was all I could manage. "Hey!" He gently elbowed me in the ribs."You could at least pretend to be happy to see me!" He smiled jokingly. "Sorry. I'm just frustrated..."

...Touché Universe...

We began to walk together. He was telling me all about his crazy theories he had thought up over the break. I had tuned him out and stared straight ahead with my monotone expression plastered on. I kept thinking about the dream I had a few days ago...

"Thank you, Midoriya..."

"TODOROKI!" 'Huh?' A large white van zoomed passed inches away. A warm sensation went up my spine as I felt Midoriya's hands around my waist, pulling me away from the road. He let go and for a split second I wish he hadn't. "Don't do that again!" He scolded me but it was hard to take it seriously as he looked like an angry puppy.

Midoriya pulled me into a quick hug and we continue our journey to school. 'SHIT I FORGOT I HAD SCHOOL...Ahem Ahem I mean the second worst place in the planet.'

Sorry for the short chapter I have test ms coming up... 😭

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