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Hiya! It's meh! Finished my tests yay! Enjoy a new chapter!


I reluctantly parted with Midoriya and headed to my locker. My ears were filled with sharp verbal attacks from other students.

"He Had To Go To The Hospitable Just Because He Fell Down The Stairs? How Weak Can You Get?"

"Heard His Daddy Issues Are Getting Worse! Bet He deserves Being Abused!"

"What An Attention Seeker!"

The words filled my head polluting my thoughts. I pressed my head against my locker. The cold metal soothed my raging head ache. The bell rang, signalling the start of class. I knew I was going to be late. I had barely enough energy to stand let alone run.

I eventually arrived made my way to 1-A classroom. My late arrival caused a all ripple of murmurs to spread through the class.

"Just because he's the son of #2 hero he thinks he can do what he wants..."

"He looks so fucked up!"

"How pathetic..."

Midoriya shot me a concerned glance but I looked passed him to see Bakugou mouthing 'Go die' looking straight at me. A small nudge from kirashima made him stop.

Even with his vile attitude he can still find love so easily...he can be accepted so easily....

I sat at my desk and stared out of the window. Suddenly, my stomach growled. My paper-white cheeks flushed strawberry-red in embarrassment as the class erupted into laughter.

"Shut up you Little shi- I mean delights to teach..." Aizawa said in a 'I'm done with life tone'

The lesson started but it just flew over my head. Before I knew it, it was lunch.
'How long had I been dreaming for?"

The classroom slowly emptied, leaving me alone. I rested my head on my desk and closed my eyes. I fell into a rare deep sleep only to be woken to the sound of a chair scraping. I tilted my head up to see a fuzzy green haired boy.


He was sat on the opposite side of the desk to me. "Why aren't you in the canteen?"

"Why are you drooling all over your desk?" He challenged, flashing his pearly-white smile. He placed his bento on the desk and began eating. "Are you gonna eat or what?" He asked spraying rice everywhere. "I forgot my lunch..." I lied.

Without a warning, Midoriya placed his chopsticks against my lips. I looked up at his emerald eyes. "You don't like rice? Wow! You MUST be crazy!" He giggled.

You have no idea...

"Want anything else?" He asked gesturing to his lunch. "No thanks..."I Sighed.

"Shame I was looking forward to sharing lunch with you." His eyes suddenly widened. "Did I just say that out loud?" He began rambling on constantly apologising.

"If you don't mind I'm happy to share lunch with you..."

Come on Shoto...For Izu

The boy smiled. We began sharing his lunch. I swallowed each bite reluctantly. Immediately I wanted to throw up. The food felt like I was digesting a lump of coal. It was like acid against my throat. I forced myself to finish it. My insides were burning but Midoriya was smiling so it was okay...

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back in a second."

It hurts

I calmly walked out the room. As soon as I was sure Midoriya couldn't see me, I bolted through the busy halls. I started retching and stomach acid burnt my throat raw.

Suddenly, someone stuck their leg out and I crashed into the floor. The impact was all I needed...I threw up on the floor yet the uncomfortable feeling of food still lay in my stomach.

"Ew how disgusting!"

"Does he still think he can be a hero?"

"Why is he even still alive?"

Why am I alive...?

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