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My body was shaking. I slowly picked myself up.


'PHEW' Saved by the bell.

Slowly the groups of students returned to class. I forced myself up and walked to the cupboard of cleaning supplies. I grabbed a mop and filled a bucket of water. I cleaned up the mess on the floor.

Next I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I stood looking into the mirror with my emotionless mask on.

I'm a mess....A FUCKING MESS!

Silent tears rolled down my face. Sadness turned to sudden rage. I lifted my fist in the air. I quickly brought it back down with all my force. It collided with the mirror. Glass flew everywhere. I let out a small yelp as a few penetrated my pale skin. 

Crimson red blood trickled down my arm, staining my shirt. I carefully picked out the shards and put them in the sink.

                      Don't do it

I gently picked up the sharpest piece I could find.

           You really are pathetic

I began slicing up my arm. With each came stinging pain. It muffled the shouting in my head until I couldn't think straight. I decided to go up to the roof for air.

I opened the heavy metal door to the roof. Fresh, cold air brushed my face and filled my aching lungs. I had a small roll of bandages in my hands. I knew being up here would calm me down so it would be safer to fix my wounds here.

The gentle breeze played with my peppermint hair, mixing up the colours.

Silent tears stained my face again as I looked down at my bandaged arms.

                       Just breathe


The end of the day finally rolled round. I had skipped most of the day. I stood outside the gates, debating wether I should go home and face my 'father' or walk around town and probably get run over.

"Did you forget about me?" Asked a sad voice. "You could've told me you were skipping class."

"Sorry Midoriya..." How could I forget him?! You really are an idiot Shoto. Midoriya turned and began walking down the road.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked, his cute smile pointed directly at me.


We began walking. I looked over to see Midoriya having what looked like a panic attack. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Wha- u-um y-yeah!" He said a little too loudly. He kept his head down and fiddled with his fingers. He looks utterly petrified.

We finally arrived at his house. Midoriya seemed to not notice and walked straight into the door. "Owww..."

I tried to stop myself laughing but it was so funny. He eventually got it together and opened the door. "Bye." I turned to leave.

"W-wait there!" He stuttered.

I leant against a nearby lamppost and listened to the shuffle and clatter coming from the house.

He soon returned. He was tightly holding a small metal tin. He fiddled with the lid, eventually getting it off and accidentally throwing it into the nearby bush.

Inside the tin were cute home-made cupcakes. "Did you make these?" I asked. He stood there looking extremely nervous. He slowly nodded. The cupcakes were almost as pink as Midoriya's and had multi coloured sprinkles dotted around the icing.

"Thank you..." I mumbled trying to smile. He'd gone through all this trouble and I wouldn't even eat it.

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. "See you tomorrow then..."

"Bye Izuku..." I turned away and began walking. I could hear Midoriya having a meltdown behind me. Does he not like being called Izuku?


I stood facing the door. Just breathe Shoto. My heart was beating as fast as lightning as I fumbled with the lock.

Come on Shoto...let's go face the storm.

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