Bitter rain and sweet kisses

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My eyes flickered open. I gently lifted up my spinning head. Small shards of glass tumbled down my pale face.

I walked to the bathroom and switched on the tap on. I splashed the cold water on my face and cleaned up the crimson liquid.

I didn't bother to put plasters on the cuts and just changed. The glass on the floor pierced the bottom of my feet as I walked over it to get out.

I slipped on my slightly bloody shoes and ignored the umbrella as I walked into the heavy rain.

I walked along the edge of the pavement. One slip and I'd land in the busy road. Each car that passed splashed dirty water in my eyes and on my already drenched clothes. I forced myself to keep walking. I was almost at the gate.

Suddenly, a warm hand grabbed mine and dragged me into the school. The rain stopped hitting my head meaning they had an umbrella.

I was pushed into a nearby classroom and wrapped in a warm embrace. "Really raining outside isn't it?" Of course it was Midoriya. I felt a warm feeling in my chest knowing I was with him.

"Give me your jacket it's could catch a cold." Midoriya sighed as he tugged of the drenched jacket.

"TODOROKI!?!?" The shirt was slightly see-through due to it being wet, meaning Midoriya could see all the burns, cuts and bruises. He stood there frozen. His mouth hung open. Midoriya shook his head and quickly sprinted to the door and locked it.

"Sho?" Tears swelled up in his eyes as he gently touched my burnt arm.

I pulled him close to myself and hugged him. I've been craving affection for years.

"I'm here to listen." He said with a soft, understanding voice.

The look in his eyes told me I could trust him...

So I broke down right in front of him. Every second he was there to tell me it was okay. Every second he was there to hug me. He was always there.

                           For me


Me and Midoriya skipped the school day and just sat together in the empty classroom, wrapped in each others warm embrace.

He promised to help me and we decided to go back to my place to 'talk'.

The bell rang pretty much bursting my eardrums. Izuku softly held my hand as he walked me to the gate.



"Todoroki....I'm sorry...for not being there for you."

"You are now though..." I mustered a small smile. We walked in an awkward silence which gave me time to process everything.


"Are you okay Todoroki?" I looked into his eyes. The rain hadn't stopped and my cheeks began flooding with either tears or rain.
"You don't have to do this out of pity you know..." I choked on my words.

You waste everyone's time. You force them to be your friend and make their life horrible.

He stared straight into my eyes. "I don't want my friends to have to go through things like this. I'll look after you no matter what!" He squeezed my hand gently, reassuring me.


I stood outside my house with Izuku.
My breath was shaky but Midoriya's soft grip on my hand gave me confidence.

I pushed open the door and dashed straight to my room, Izuku behind me.

I locked the door and prepared to hear Endeavour's shouting but it never came.

"He must be out..." I let out a sigh of relief until I released I was standing in the glass from last night.

Izuku had managed to stand out the way of it. "Drinking problem?" He asked sadly. I nodded my spinning head slowly.

"Okay...just sit down for a bit" Midoriya ran his fingers through my wet hair. The plan was for him to search my room for any 'problems'.

He started with cleaning up the glass by the bed, working quickly as I sat there trying to stop having a panic attack.

He eventually cleared out my room. He placed all the 'problems' in a small cardboard box. I watched him find two knives drenched in old blood. I felt the fear building inside me, anxious for his reaction.

Izuku just placed them in the box. "That's everything. Now I'm going to have to keep these from you..."

"Understandable." I half smiled. I watched him leave the room, probably to retrieve the extra beer bottles in the fridge.

A rush of adrenaline darted through my veins. This is usually what I felt when cutting. I glanced at the box in front of me.


I grabbed one of the two knives and hid it in my closet. My head spun as I quickly sat back down.

Midoriya soon returned with the bottles and a tall glass of water. "Here."
He handed me the glass and I slowly sipped it, relaxing as it melted away my head ache.

He turned to his bag and pulled out a first aid kit. I shot him a strange look.

"Incase I hurt myself again..." He mumbled and started treating my cuts and burns. He did it with patience and lots of skill.

"I assume you hurt yourself a lot?" I asked.

"Lamppost are my worst enemies..." He grumbled.

He eventually moved on to the cuts dotted on my face. A pleasant silence lay in the air. His face was inches from mine. I looked at him. We instantly locked eyes, blue and grey met green.

[If you're Susie/Matilda PLEASE DON'T READ THE REST OF THE CHAPTER! (It's embarrassing.)]

His soft lips brushed against mine. "I'll give you a reason to stop hurting yourself..."

                      "I love you"

I instantly pulled him into a sweet kiss.

You're always there Midoriya, thank you.

                "I love you too"

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