Chapter 2

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Skylar (pov)

It's been almost a whole day. I'm loosing my mind. All I can do is look out the window. "How much longer" I complain. Yes I know I'm acting childish. But you would be doing thr same thing. All I hear is my brother and Ness make out and talk here and there. I put my headphones on and played my music.

Posted a picture on my social media. With the caption... 'can you tell I'm bored.'

A couple more hours pass

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A couple more hours pass. "We're here" Christian said. I was waiting to hear those words for almost 2 days. It was late when we arrived. Close to 3 a.m. the next day. We drive stright from our pack. Christian left our second in command to run things while we're here.

I open the door to a very huge and beautiful packhouse. "Seriously we need to upgrade our packhouse Christian!" He gave me a scrowl. Causing me to laugh. "Welcome to The black beast Territory." Someone very built said. I kinda back up towards my brother. This guy was huge. About 6'5 and all muscle.

We walked in and the guy turned and look at me and Ness. "You must be Skylar and Nessa, he said looking from me to my brother mate. I nodded not trusting my words. He smiled, "my mate spoke alot about you Skylar." He says. "You can call me Sky," then it click. "Are you alpha Carter? Amina mate?" He nodded. "Wow, it's nice to finally put a face on that name. No wonder everyone is so scared of you, your huge! " I said smirking. "Well it's late we can talk tomorrow. I'll have someone show you to your rooms." Alpha Carter said yawning.

I was escorted to a guest bedroom on the third floor. It was huge. Beautiful bed with a equally beautiful bathroom. I showered and unpack a few things. One of then being my pjs. I laid down, and drifted off to dreamland.

'You can run but you can't hide." A familar voice said. 'What? Who's there?' I question. I was walking alone in the woods. I had no clue where i was going except opposite from the voice I heard. 'Just then a silver wolf with red eyes came into view. He circle me. 'We'll find you' it said walking a little close to me. 'Wait how are you talking to me in your wolf form?' I asked. Mentally face palming myself. This isn't' the time to ask stupid question Sky, I told myself. 'And when we do we'll kill you' he said lunging towards my face.

I jolted up from bed, and look around in panic. 'What the hell is that Ames?' I ask my wolf. 'I don't know but you've been having these nightmare frequently. We should just be extra careful.' She reply. I nodded looking at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 6:04 a.m. great. Now I won't be able to go back to sleep.

I got up and showered. Brushed my teeth and comb out my hair. 6:50 a.m., well at least I can have breakfast on time.

I walked downstairs. "Good morning, is there anything I can help with?" I asked the girls in the kitchen. "You can set the plates," a girl cooking pancakes said. I nodded. "The name is Skylar. But you can call me Sky." I said grabbing the plates from her. "Hello Sky, my name is Ruth. I'm in charge of cooking and cleaning."she smiled warmly.

After I set the plates for almost half an hour. It was 7:20 a.m., I started seeing werewolf coming in. They grabbed a seat and got what they wanted. I grab a couple of bacon and pancakes. Walk back to my room and ate. The food of course was great. I was full and decided I'll take a nap I must've been still tired. Cause I was asleep once my head hit the pillow.

I woke up refreshed. I turn to look at the alarm clock. It read 11:25 a.m., I then proceed to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth once again, and headed out to look for Christian. I knocked on his room door and was greeted by Ness. "Hey, is Christian here?" I ask. She shook her head. "You just missed him 10 minutes ago. He having a meeting with Alpha Carter." She said. "Wanna go look around?" I ask her. She shook her head. "Maybe later, I gotta unpack." She stated. I nod.

I walk down to the I'm guessing game room, where a couple of guys were playing COD. I was about to walk out till I was stop by someone. "Are you a new pack member? I've never seen you here." He asked. I shook my head, "no I'm here with my brother chris-, I mean alpha Hawthorn." I Reply. They all smiled. "Yea, we would've known if you were a pack member, that pretty face isn't hard to forget." One of the guy stated. I blushed a little from the compliment I got.

"Ignore him, I'm Cody," he said while sticking his hand out. "The name Skylar. But call me Sky." I replied shaking his hand. He grin. "You up for a game of COD?" He asked. I nodded taking a seat on thr long couch.

"In yo face!" I screamed getting up doing the happy dance. "It's just a game Sky." Said Luke. One of the guys there. I laughed "a game that I just won!" They rolled their eyes. I just laughed. "Sky?" I turned around to be greeted by a couple of guys Christian and alpha Carter. I waved "heeey" i cheerfully said.

"Sky you've been here this whole time?" Christian ask. I nodded. He scrowl. Alpha Carter laugh. "Sky my mate has been frantically looking for you." Alpha Carter said. I look at him for a second. "Sorry, I guess time flies when your having fun." I smiled turning to Cody, Luke, and Gabe. "Well whenever your done, we'll be in the kitchen." My brother stated. I nodded.

"Your brother is alpha Hawthorn?" Luke ask. I nodded. "I told you that when I introduce myself." Saying in disbelief. Boys. They seriously don't listen. "Well then let's not mention me hitting on you."Luke said nervously causing me to laugh. "Oh that's what you were doing? Well step it up Luke." I said waving goodbye to them.

Cody ran up to me. I raised an eyebrow? "What's up?" I question. "Let's exchange number. Me and a couple of the pack is going into town on Friday. Maybe you'll like to go?" He ask. I nodded. I mean I haven't done anything fun since I turned 18. "But we can't let the alpha's know." He continued. I nodded again loving his plan. "Just text me details." I whispered. He smiled "will do. See you around Sky."

I walked into the kitchen. Where there was Alot of people talking and drinking wine. I spotted Amina. "Amina!" She stop what she was doing and walk to me. "Sky!" She said while hugging me. I smiled "it's been awhile. How are you?" I ask. "Oh you know just being a mother and a Luna nothing hard." She sarcastically said. "She's done a great job at it too." Alpha Carter said wrapping his arms around Amina.

"Aww you guys are cute but stop, I get enough of that from him and Nessa." I pointed my index finger at my brother Christian. "Come let me introduce you. This is my best friend Cassandra, and her mate, whos the beta, Noah." I smiled "hi!" I said waiving at them. "Nice to finally meet the infamous Sky." Cassandra said. "Just call me Cass, it's shorter." She wink at me. I nodded. "This here is also like a bestfriend to me. Jessica or Jess for short, and her mate who's third in command, Ethan." Amina said. I smiled "nice to meet you."

We all sat and talked for a couple hours. Luckily dinner was served. Cause I'm starving.

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