Chapter 10

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Skylar (pov)

I woke up the next day feeling refresh and recharge. I freshen up. "Morning" I said with a smile. I grab my plate and sat down. Kieran came in with alpha Hems. I started eating. Kieran sat next to me. I turn and look at him with a mouth full of pancakes. He scrunch his nose. I shrug, and saw Cody walk in. "Cody!" I waved at him with my fork.

He made his way next to me.  "Morning Sky" he said. I smiled, I can see Kieran stiffen from the corner of my eyes. Cody and I talk, and laugh.  we cleaned our dishes and continue our conversation.  "Sky we're leaving tomorrow morning.  So pack up today." Christian said. I turned to look at Kieran. "The hell you are! Your not taking her with you. She's coming back with me!" Kieran roared. Christian charged at Kieran. Thank the goddess everyone was out the room.

"Shouldn't we stop them? And why does alpha Jones want you to go with him?" Cody ask. "Don't worry about them. They can kill each other for all I care. Oh and Kieran, alpha Jones is my mate." I say nonchalantly . His eye bugged out. "He's your what?!" He yelled. causing my brother and Kieran to look at us.

"He's.... my.... mate." I said slowly. "I understand the first time,  but why are you so calm about it?" He ask quietly. "I've been dealing with them since yesterday." I said. We both stood there watching thrm. "Should I go make some popcorn?" He said laughing. "Only if you bring some jalapeno" i said laughing back.  He nodded. Minutes later Cody walks in with the popcorn in one hand and a jar of jalapeno. We sat there watching the scene unfold.

"You seriously think I'm letting my mate leave with you? You better think again." Kieran yelled out. "I've been taking care of her since she was 8. You are funny for  thinking you have any rights just because your her mate to do what you wanna do!" Christian spat. "She's 18 and she can do whatever she pleases now." Kieran shot back. Now there face to face. "She may be 18 but she's clearly isn't mature enough to make decisions on her own. Look at the other night for instant." Christian fired back.

I'm not gonna lie they both made a valid point. But Christian my brother should have a little more faith in me. That night was partly my fault. But again I didn't ask to get attack. I was just trying to have a good time. I admit it did get out of hand. But what's done is done. No need to keep bringing it up.

"Well im her mate. I can keep her in line." Kieran said. Christian started laughing.  "Oh please you meet her for what 3 days and you act like you can just tell her what to do and she'll do it? If you think that, you got another thing coming your way." Christian said laughing.

I didn't understand why he was laughing. He makes it seem like I'm still an 8 year old child. I was now getting irritated. Now their just insulting me. "Well she's my Luna, and as alpha to alpha you should know how it feels not to have your mate close to you." Kieran said kinda lowly. Christian didn't say anything for a long minute or so. "I do understand. I hate not having Ness around." Wait what's happening here? Are they agreeing? Oh hell no.

I stuff a handful of popcorn in my mouth. "Sk-" my brother turn towards me. My mate also looks at me.  I chew the popcorn in my mouth slowly. I turned around Cody was no where in sight.  I'm gonna kill him i thought to myself. "Whasst" i said with a mouth full of popcorn.  "Sky it's your call." Christian said. Thank the goddess for the popcorn in my mouth. Cause my jaws drop. Although I'm probably looking pretty disgusting. I chewed faster and took a sip of water.

"Your letting me choose?" I ask wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I saw Kieran made a face. "Yes. Kieran right you are 18." He stated calmly. I stood there still. I scrunch my nose. "So how about if I don't want to go?" I ask. "What do you mean? I can't have my mate far from me." Kieran yelled out. Making me jump.

"Calm down. So your letting me go?" Christian smiled "yes" he stated. "I just met the guy 3 days ago. He can be a psychopath for all we know, and your just gonna me to him? Just like that?" I said throwing my hands in the air from the frustration. "He's your mate, he won't hurt you." Christian said. "Psychopath standing right here." Kieran stated. "See he even admits it." I said with both hands out towards him. Christian laughs. "Well this must be the first time I ever seen you calmed and joking." My brother said ignoring me.

"Christian! What about my things?" I ask crossing my arms. "Well buy you new things." Kieran said. "Some things are irreplaceable." I yelled in frustration. "Relax Sky. I'll have everything sent out to Kieran pack." Christian said. I turn and look at the both of them. "So you guys made up your mind. That's it, You didn't even ask me what I wanted. You didn't even consider my feelings. You guys don't even care." I said walking out the room.

I ran to a lake and sat there. I took my shoes off and dip my feet in. I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw my reflection in the water. "Hey." I heard from behind me. I wipe my eyes.  "Thought you could use some company." I look up at Cassie. "Sure, do what you want." I said sounding defeated. She dip her feet in the water. "You know this lake right here was the lake Amina and I got caught at passing through here." She said. I look at her. She was beautiful.

"Sky I know it's hard to just drop your whole life and move. But it's hard on Kieran too. Just 2 years ago we lost our parents due to a selfish power hungry manic. Then Kieran was lied to by this crazy person who was his bestfriend, Derrick. Who was more like brother to him. He was working for the one person he trusted his life with. That person became a fraud.

He then had to kill his bestfriend/ brother with his own hands. Now he's alpha of the Same pack that killed our old pack and parents.  you see changes aren't the best in life. But they aren't the worst. Its how you choose to make it. Look at Kieran now, he's made a name for himself. He's well respected, one of the strongest not just alpha but werewolf I know. And I'm not saying that cause he's my brother.

I'm saying it because Kieran had gone through so much, and overcame so much.  Just give him a chance. He deserves it." She said with tears in her eyes. I hug her. "Please if anyone deserve to be happy it's him. The moon goddess wouldn't pair you guys up for nothing." She said releasing me from the hug. "Plus I'll beat his ass if he hurts you." She said causing me to laugh.

"Thanks for sharing that with me Cassie." I said smiling. "Your welcome, well I should get going leaving Amina alone with 2 pups is probably stressing her out." She said standing up, causing me to stand up, she hugged me again, and waved goodbye. I sat back down, and one part of what she told me stuck out.

'Please if anyone deserve to be happy it's him. The moon goddess wouldn't pair you guys up for nothing.'

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