Chapter 16

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(Pic of Chrissy)

Skylar (pov)

"What happen!" Kieran yelled out. Everyone hung there head down low. "I think we should start with Sky, Kieran. After all we did walk in on her kicking Simon." Chrissy said. This Chrissy girl was really rubbing me off the wrong way.

"Look if no one wants to talk then I will." I said ready to tell him. But i glance at Rose, she shook her head. "Nothing happened. We were playing a game and loser gets punch." I said. Causing Simon, Jen and Chrissy jaw to drop. "Is this true?" Kieran ask Simon. "Yea. I lost and that's what you saw." Simon respond.

"Why don't I believe you guys?" Kieran said leaning against the table, while folding his arm across his chest, causing the veins on his arms to pop, and muscle to flex, I involuntarily smiled at that. Looking from his arm to his face. He smirks at me, which snap me out of my trance. I turn away and saw Chrissy staring at me from behind Kieran. I rolled my eyes at her and turn towards Rose.

"What?" I said to her. "Alpha ask us a question." Rose whispered. I look at my mate. "What did you say? I wasn't paying attention." I ask my mate. "Of course not, you were to concentrate on something else." He said smirking. Making me wanna slap the smirk off his face. "Okay you know the truth. Can we go now?" I ask annoyed.  "Sure. Everyone can leave." Kieran said as I started walking out. "Except for Sky. You still use violence so there will be punishment." He says.

I stop. "See you later? I'll be in my room." Rose said. I nodded. Turned around to see my mate still in the same position, and Chrissy standing behind him. "I believe he said everyone out." I stated towards Chrissy. "Kieran won't mind if I'm in here right Kieran?"she said walking towards my mate, placing her hands on his shoulder. He smiles at her. Wow she's good. "Well I don't want you in here." I said. Kirean scowled at me.

I raised my eyebrow at him while crossing my arms over my chest. "Fine then. I guess there's no punishment." I says staring at Chrissy hands still on my mate shoulder. I turn around to walk out. "See you at home." I said turning back around giving my mate a wink.

I walk out and shut the door. I didn't even look at his reaction. 'Oh my goddess what the hell did I just do.' I yelled in my mind.  'You did good Sky. If you would've let me take over, I'd probably rip her head off.' Ames said. 'That's exactly why I didn't let you take over.' I said mentally laughing. 'I don't like her. I can see right through her innocent act.' I said to my wolf.  'I don't either Sky. Something about her just doesn't feel right' Ames said.  I mentally nodded in agreement.

It was lunch time I was heading upstairs to grab Rose, but saw her with some of the guys from the gameroom. Minus Simon and Jen of course. She was laughing and joking with them. I walk up behind them. "Hey guy's what's so funny." I ask. They turn around. "Sky!" Rose yell hugging me. Which caught me by surprise. I hug her back. "Let's get some lunch." One of the guy said. We both nodded.  "What was that for? " i whispered. "For standing up for me!" Rose respond. "No need to thank me. What are friends for!" I said smiling.

I sat down and my phone ring. Unknown caller. I ignored it. My phone rings again. "Hello?" I said answering it. "It's Kieran. Where are you?" He ask. "About to have lunch with Rose." I said looking at Rose. "Oh I was wondering if you wanted to have... nevermind. Meet me at my office at 8 PM so we can go home together." He said. "Okay" was all I can say. "Okay." he click before I could say goodbye.

We finally played some games after lunch. Might i say I whooped some butts. "How was that for a girl." I said wiggling my eyebrows up and down. "We let you win Sky." James said. "Wanna go another round?" I ask smirking. "We gotta go Sky, we're gonna be late for training if we stay for another game." Dylan said. "Okay." I said slouching down.

"Rose I'm bored." Rose gives me a look. "What am I supposed to do? Im bored too," she said with a huffed. "Let's facetime my old friends," i said dialing Cody number.

"Hey Sky Whats up?" Cody ask. I rolled my eyes. "Can't a girl call her friend and say hi, sheesh." He laughs. "Okay okay, hey Sky, how's life as a Luna?" He ask. "Cody I've been here for not even a day yet." I replied. "Oh let me introduce you to my new friend here!" I said while motioning Rose here. Rose came next to me. "Hi."she said awkwardly smiling. Cody and I both laugh. "What?" She said glaring at me. "Nothing your just so adorable. Cody isn't gonna bite you Rose." I said. "Hi, my name is Roselli, but everyone calls me Rose."she stated. "Hi Rose. I'm Cody, everyone calls me... well Cody."he said,  causing Rose and I to laugh.

"Alright. I'm gonna let you go. Rose and I have some exploring to do." I said saying bye to Cody. "Let's go outside." I said to Rose. "Where would we go?" Rose ask. "Your brother house. Anywhere. Let's just get out of here. I feel shi caged." I said kinda desperate. Rose roll her eyes. "Fine let's go to Sean house." She said.

I skipped for a few minute. "Were here." She said pointing to a cute 2 story house. She opens the door and walk in. I stood in front of the door feeling like an intruder. "Sean. Melissa. Jack. I'm here." She shouted. "What are you doing? Come in." Rose said staring at me. I shook my head. She look at me confused. "What the hell are you doing here, your suppose to be with our Lun-" Sean said walking towards thr front.

"Oh hi, Lun-, I mean Sky" Sean said scratching the back of his head. Then a little 4 or 5 year old boy runs up and jump in Rose arms.  "Auntie Rusty." He said hugging her. He pointed at me "who is that lady?" Dang did that made me feel old. I'm usually referred as the teenager, or child, by my brother of course. "Come in Sky." Sean said.

"Hey buddy that's our Luna." Sean said. "What's this I hear about Luna?" A beautiful woman said. She looks at me. "You must be the Luna." I smiled awkwardly. "Just call me Sky."

"Well Sky dinner will be ready in an hour, and I won't take no for an answer." She said. "Thank you." I played with Jack till dinner was ready.  We ate and chatted a long time. "Why does Jack call you  aunt rusty?" I ask Roselli. "Well when he was younger he would try and say Roselli. But some how it came out as rusty, and he's been calling me that ever since." She said sighing. "Well that's cute. Rusty" i teased. She threw a pillow at me.

We ate dinner and coversate. "We should get going packhouse doors close at 9 o'clock." Rose said. My eyes widened. "9? What time is it?" I ask getting up. "15 til 9" Rose said.  "Is something wrong Sky?" Sean ask concern. "No. Thank you for the lovely dinner Melissa." I said dragging Rose.

"Why are you so anxious to get back. We're only like 7 minutes away." Rose shouted. "Because I'm suppose to meet your alpha at 8!" I said. Rose eyes widened. "Well why the heck didn't you say that sooner!"she said running. I ran after her. We got there in 5 minutes. There pacing back and forth was my mate.

"I'm in trouble aren't I?" Rose ask  nervously.  "No. I am" i groaned. I walk up to my mate.  He stops and stares at me. Then he stares at Rose. "Alpha. Goodbye"Rose said running in tge packhouse. Thanks alot Rose leave me here  defenseless.

My mate didn't say anything but walk. I walk silently behind him.

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